Chapter Twenty Seven

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Josh slid out of the bed, it was 10 in the morning and Tyler was still sleeping. He stepped out of his room and down to the main office and went to go call Clyde. "Hey Clyde, you remember that thing we talked about before Tyler's disappearance. Yeah I want to put that into work, like right now. How much time do you need for set-up." Sir we can get everything done within' an hour. "Clyde, don't rush it, I want it all to be perfect and I have no problem in giving you guys all the time you need. An hour and half would be better, for final touches.

"Perfect, thank you Clyde. Be here to pick us up around 12." Yes sir. Josh hung up and went to the kitchen starting to make pancakes, eggs and bacon. He set the food onto a silver tray and a glass of orange juice, and a can of red bull for himself. He carefully walked up the stairs and opened the door to Tyler stretching yet still covered by the sheet. The smaller looked up and got a look at the red haired man bringing in food.

"Hmm, nothing is better than the man you love bring you food while he is nude." Tyler said as his eyes skimmed Josh's body. "You can look, but don't touch, not til later." Josh bit back. "Oh, so there is a later?" Tyler laughed and Josh joined. They laid in the bed until Tyler was finished eating. "Joshie, aren't you gonna eat?" Tyler asked as he stuffed the last piece of pancake in his mouth.

"Oh no, babyboy, I am fine. I ate an apple and had a couple pieces of bacon." Josh said, when really it was a lie. Actually today was gonna be full of them, for his nerves were through the roof. And if he ate anything, he would throw it back up instantly. He really didn't want to lie, but his nerves were stacking by the second. "Joshie, are you okay? You're as red as a tomato." Tyler pointed out.

Josh laughed, but it was one of those forced ones and it scared Tyler. He was scared for his Josh. He drank his glass of Orange Juice and got out of the bed, his body now exposed. He grabbed Josh's hand, pulling him to the bathroom. He started the shower and Tyler looked into Josh's eyes with worry until it was warm. They stepped and Tyler washed Josh's body and his own. Josh seemed really stressed and it scared him.

"Joshie, could you please calm down? You're scaring me." He asked the redhead. He watched as his shoulders slumped and his chest started to move in actual breathing tempo. "You know what, I'm gonna help you." Josh raised his eyebrows and watched as Tyler dropped to his knees in front of him and grab at his cock.


Josh pulled on his blazer and watched from across the room as Tyler fixed his black skirt with a yellow top. It wasn't a crop top, more like a sweater. Josh wanted yellow today but he also wanted Tyler to be warm because they were going to be out all day. Tyler was beyond excited because they were going out all day, but there was something different about today. Josh went over to him, his bright yellow shirt vibrant when clashed with his black blazer.

He wrapped his arms around Tyler and pulled him close, his nerves were still shot but he put it to the side so that he won't worry Tyler anymore or give away the secret. He looked at the clock and it read 11:58. "Come on, baby. Clyde should be here." He said in his ear, then kissed it, sending the small man into a shuddering mess. He then opened his eyes and smiled up at him as he grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the house.

"Mr. Dun, Mr. Joseph. Nice to see you both." They both nodded and Josh kissed Tyler's knuckles and let him get in the car. "So, is everything set up?" Josh asked the blonde haired man. "Yes sir, everything is up and ready to go." Josh nodded. "I'm really proud of you, sir." Josh smiled, "Thank you , Clyde." And moved himself into the car. When he met up with Tyler, he saw the small man beam at the sight of him.

"Joshie, where are we going?" Tyler asked. Josh turned his head to him, and gave him a small chaste kiss, "Let's just say we are not staying in our house tonight." He told him. Tyler's eyes opened wide, "Joshie I didn't pack any clothes." Tyler whined. Josh nodded, "Yes you did. Last night, when you were about to run, after our shower. I chose to use that suitcase, you left in my office as your clothes. I mean it was practically ready. And just needed to be put to use."

"So you used my runaway suitcase. Alright, well looks like tomorrow is gonna be black." Tyler said. "Oh that's perfect, I'm wearing black also, so even without telling, our minds do think alike." Josh pointed out. The ride then turned silent. Both their fingers laced together as they entered the city. Tyler looked at all the tall buildings and mini shops, he was fascinated. It has been a while since he has come out into the city, where it had nothing to deal with business.

They stopped in front of B. Urie Co. and Josh stepped out of the car holding a hand out for Tyler to grab. Tyler's chunky heeled boots cladded onto the cement floor and most people looked at him. Some were of disgust and others were gawking at how amazing he looked. They walked to the entrance of the door way and to the front desk. The woman on the other side had midnight black hair and a toothy grin.

She looked them both up and down and bent over the counter, "You guys, look amazing. To me personally." she said. Tyler giggled and Josh smiled at her in a thank you matter. "Thank you-" he stopped waiting for her name for she didn't have a tag on, "Stacie, my name is Stacie." She filled in. "Thank you, Stacie. Uhm, could you please tell Bren- I mean, Mr. Urie that Dun and Joseph are here."

She nodded and turned to the phone dialing it in. Josh turned to Tyler wrapping his arms around his waist and they swayed to silent music causing Tyler to smile. I hope I get to see that smile for the rest of my life, Josh thought. He really did and hoped that Tyler doesn't think otherwise. "Mr. Dun," Stacie said to get the attention of the two men who were dancing. "Mr. Urie said to take elevator four and press the top floor, which is 60."

"Thank you, again." Josh said as he held onto Tyler's hand and pulled him towards the elevator. The ride up was long, but eventually the elevator dinged and Josh pulled Tyler out to a floor that had walls of glass and was filled with only a simple desk and two chairs. He pulled Tyler then to the fire escape exit, where there were stairs going up and down. They went up and busted through the doors to be met with Brendon, Dallon and Jenna all on the roof.

Tyler ran over to them giving them all a hug. It was super windy and he was glad that he wore this sweater. First it was Brendon, and Dallon and lastly Jenna, the blonde girl whispering in his ear, "I am so happy, you're here." Tyler grew confused at this because why wouldn't he be. Oh yeah, that's right. He turned around at the touch of Josh behind him. "No no, turn back around baby."

Tyler turned back to look at his friends. Brendon's chest was literally in front of his face. "Bren, back away, I can't see." Brendon shrugged and moved the side to be met with a large table with foods and wine and cups and a table cloth. All of it. They were going to have lunch on the roof. It was different for sure, but Tyler wasn't going to turn down food. He turned back to Josh with a smile.

"Oh also," Josh said. "Happy Five year anniversary." Tyler gave Josh a hug and a sweet kiss on his cheek. "Thought you forgot Joshie," He said. "Haven't said it all morning and I grew scared that you forgot." He had a small frown upon his face and kissed at his glabella. "Baby, I would be one shitty boyfriend if forgot our anniversary after 5 years."

Tyler laughed and they settled down to the table, enjoying the company.


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