Chapter Thirteen

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T/W: Smut
Ends at </>

Also I'm sorry

The house was not quiet at all. Between Tyler and Josh then Dallon and Brendon, everyone was busy. While Dallon and Brendon were upstairs pulling a now visible love out and showing it to each other, Josh and Tyler were downstairs the room filled with moaning kinkery.

Tyler slowly moving his hips on Josh's leg, pleasure running up his spine. He moved slow, he didn't want to come, he knew not to come. Josh was holding onto his waist pulling him closer and closer to his own erecting member. Once Tyler's ass hit Josh's aching hardness, the small man came. The feeling of Josh was always poisoning and always made Tyler melt as if he were a horny teenager.

"Oh no, Baby." Josh cooed, "That looks like two punishments for you tonight." He smiled as Tyler was shaking from over sensitivity for Josh was still moving his hips, the tip of Josh's member rubbing against his ass through his panties. Tears pricked at the small man's eyes, and Josh then let go of his hips, letting the man regain himself. He then turned to straddle Josh's whole body, his arms wrapping around his neck.

He kissed the man hard and grinded his hips on Josh's still growing member. Tyler fisted at his hair, "I won't come again. I'm gonna take care of you." Tyler whispered into the man's ear. His hand rubbed down Josh's body and towards the hem of his sweatpants. The boys' tiny hand slipped in and Josh felt Tyler's fingers wrap around him. He moaned loudly as Tyler stroked his member.

Tyler's lips connected with Josh's neck, sucking and biting at his sweet spot and gnawing at the section between his shoulder and neck. Between the hair pulling, the harsh sucking, Tyler hands around his member, and his hands on his plump ass, Josh was near about close to the edge.

"F-fuck. T-tyler." Josh moaned out, he felt as his sweatpants became wet and sticky, Tyler didn't stop what he was doing. He kept going until Josh came down from the high his orgasm had given him.

He smiled at the man in this state, loved how his eyelashes fluttered over his porcelain cheeks and his mouth was opened in pure ecstasy, his skin glowing with such love. He pulled his hands away from the man and licked Josh's liquids from his hand as the man watched.

He moved from his body and eyed the man's tired state. "Alright, I won't make your punishments that bad." Josh offered.


Tyler listened for the two men upstairs only to be met with a, "That was hot." Tyler looked over at the top of the staircase and seen the two men smiling and nodding. "Fuck" he muttered. Josh shook his head, "Brendon I will get you all your, er, details." He said with the wave of his hand.

He nodded and both him and Dallon walked out the house, hand-in-hand. "We had an audience." Tyler said. Josh raised his eyebrows, "I guess we did, now about your punishments. Upstairs, stripped, now."


It's been a good three days, and Tyler and Josh were on their way to the warehouse. Their hands were laced and the both looked out the window. This time, they had guest, Dallon and Brendon were across from them, their hands laced and looking out the window. It was awkward, they all knew what was happening. What was to come, but they weren't ready.

Brendon said he wanted to join because he felt as if he needed to get his own point across, and Dallon came because he wanted to be by Brendon. He had nothing against Ryan at the moment, he couldn't be fully upset over a psychopath who was to die soon.

Brendon had already paid Josh and Tyler and as promised, Triple the usual amount. Once the car had stopped, they all took their hands off of their chins. Tyler fixed his black leather poofy skirt with a corset top, and his usual clunky boots. The 3 other men, fixed their blazer tops and ventured out the car.

Once they entered the warehouse, Ryan came into sight and they stood in the dark. The only light was over Ryan. They gasped when they seen that he was awake and smiling. "Well hello you fuckers, I'm sorry to tell you that this rendezvous, will be short." they all raised an eyebrow. "You see, I work for my own little company, and I have finally given them what they wanted."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Josh yelled. He hates when people are talking, especially when so close to death. Ryan only smiled and he looked at the four, "They want the twink." He smiled vigorously at Tyler and it clicked. Tyler pulled at Josh's suit, "Josh I can't be here." Josh nodded and he grabbed Tyler and pulled him to the car. He made sure he was in and safe and went back inside, ignoring the cries of Tyler to come back.

"Who the hell are you working for, and why do they want what's mine." josh yelled. Ryan smiled, "Oh but he is not yours, he belongs to someone else, they say that he needs to be brought home and his ways need to be revisited. That he needs to be who he was before and be where he belongs." Josh's veins in his head were becoming prominent. He went over to the table and grabbed his baby's knife. He set it on the man's bare skin. "Tell me who the fuck it is." He demanded.

When Ryan kept his mouth closed, Josh started to drag the silver blade across Ryan's chest in all different ways. Ryan screeched after every scratch and every ounce of his blood dripped onto his lap and down the ground where it pooled.

It lapped and was thick on Josh's hands, but after doing this for long, the blood didn't matter to him. He watched it as it spilled out of the split open skin.

After Josh was done, the word SPEAK was across his chest and Dallon and Brendon sat in the corner watching with blank faces. Josh had forgotten they were there.

"You shouldn't have done that." was all Ryan said then his head had lolled to the side after suffering from so much blood loss.

"What did you do you ass!" Josh yelled as he grabbed at his brown hair. Blood now spreading along it mixing with the sweat. Ryan was dying slowly from all the blood loss, but he was still able to give Josh a small smirk. Josh blistered with rage. He wanted to go home.

Je quickly ran out of the warehouse to the car, Brendon and Dallon behind him. He went to the back door and opened it to find it empty. "What the fuck!" he yelled. He looked around as tears began to spill and he screamed in agony. His fist hit against the ground as he screamed for his baby's name.


🌻1185 Words🌻
I'm sick,
In the head.
And i dont
Know how to feel.

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