Chapter Seventeen

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Josh sat his desk, head in his hands, on the brink of crying. Dallon and Brendon were here Jenna never left, other than to get clothes. She was helping Josh throughout this whole thing and she even helped think of ideas for the people who must've took him. Kept asking Josh about his past, yet he always answered with "tyler never liked talking about his past." It always made Jenna huff loudly and him feel even more degraded of himself.

Josh stood quickly as if he thought of an idea, "I'm hungry," was all that he muttered causing the trio to slouch their shoulders. He walked down the staircase, his body covered with slippers, sweatpants and a stained-shirt. His usually tamed hair now engrossed in all directions. He was acting like a real child, not caring for his outlook, only wants what he wants and cries out of nowhere. He grabbed a bowl and poured his milk then his cereal.

Once he started eating he saw the three people come down the stairs and sit on the stools at the island. They looked at him worriedly, and Josh was confused. "Josh," Dallon said quietly, "You look like shit, could you take a shower?" He finished and Josh instantly furrowed his eyebrows. He looked at Jenna and Brendon. "Now Josh," Jenna said, "I know you're grieving but we are gonna get him back. I promise, he isn't gone."

Josh set the bowl down and looked at the three, tham all receiving the same look. Utter Blankness. After he swallowed his food, he said, "Not until I know he is okay. I just want some type of sign, I want to know, okay? He has just been gone so long, I see him everywhere, I tried distracting myself with Muso, I tried everything. But I keep getting scared, crying out of nowhere, because I know I will wake up the next day without my baby. I'm failing him with each passing hour." He said as calmly as possible.

"Josh it's fine. We understand. We just want you to keep out for you hygeine." Brendon butted in, he moved around the island and grabbed Josh's hand and lead him upstairs. When he pushed the door to the master bedroom open, they stopped and was alerted by the ringing in the office. Josh turned and tears started to rise. He quickly ran to the office, it was the company phone and he knew he had to regain himself. He had to be stern. After a few seconds he picked up the phone, "Mr. Dun."

And just fell to his knees when he heard the sweet angelic voice that belonged to Tyler, "Joshie." Josh started to cry into the phone. He was overjoyed and yet sad that he wasn't with him. "Baby." He heard Tyler giggle through the phone and it was the first smile cracked on his face since he was taken. It was the first for Tyler to, he was so close. "Joshie, I need you to listen me okay. It was my dad, my parents. A couple of men took me while I was in the car and then I woke up at my childhood house. I didn't get near a phone till' today. I'm gonna tell you where I am and everything you need to know okay."

"Okay, Baby, speak." Josh said as he grabbed a pen and paper. He listened as Tyler told him the address and what the car is supposed to look like if that could help. The back exterior is a tall picket fence and that the front and piled with rosebushes. "Joshie, I'm sorry, but this will be the only time I can call you. I love you okay." Josh nodded then realized Tyler can't see him. "It's fine baby, I love you too. I will see you real soon."

"Okay bye josh-." Who the fuck are you talking to? "Shit, Joshie. I'm sorry. P-please hurry." Get over here you ungrateful son of a bitch. "N-No dad. Don't fucking touch me. I love you Josh." Then the line went dead and josh sat with wide eyes. Stunned. He quickly dialed another number. "Clyde I need you to get your ass here quick!" Yes sir, Mr. Dun. Josh hung up and called another number, "Charlie, hi. I need you to get the jet set and ready as quick as possible." No problem sir, she will be ready within the half of an hour. "Thank you Charlie." Last call was in the Iowa location, "Berret, could you have a car waiting for me at my landing pad in 2 hours time." yes sir. Josh hung up the phone for the last time.

Josh went to his room took a quick shower and put on a usual suit with a grey button up. He grabbed a bag a packed inside a skirt, some knee highs and a grey crop top, and lastly a couple of shoes for Tyler to chose between. He skittered down the stairs and seen the three wide-eyed at his outlook. "Follow" was all he said and they did. Clyde was outside, door was open and they all got in.

15 minutes later they were met with a jet, "We're getting on that?" Jenna said. "Shut the fuck up and get in." Josh said and continued walking with the duffel bag in hand. He sat in the seat and put the duffel in the seat next to him. "Do you know where he is," Dallon tried. Josh took a heavy breath and looked up at them. "His parents took him. When he called, he wasn't supposed to. I'm scared. There was some yelling near the end. I swear if that fucker touches him, he is my next victim."

Brendon, Dallon and Jenna flinched when he slammed his hand on the armrest of the Jet. it was their cue of to keep quiet when it came to more questions. They all sat in silence for an hour and a half, until they landed in Iowa. Josh shook his blazer leaving the duffel bag on the plane. He had seen Berret standing at the car, the door opened. He and the three entered and went on the drive to tyler's home place. They lived about a good hour away from the airport, and this was when Josh was bombarded with questions.

"Josh what are we going to do?", "Did you even think of a plan?","Did you even think of a way to get in? What did you expect, us to just walk in and say hello we come to take your son back?" "josh!" "Josh!" "JOSH!"

"Leave me the fuck alone. I am going in by my fucking self and bringing back my baby got dammit. Whether it's through the window or just breaking into the damned house. I'm getting him back." Josh yelled. They all quieted and looked at him strangely. "Jenna pull out the first aid kit and be ready. Dallon I want you to help her. And brendon when you see me coming out the house come out and get Tyler." Josh said.

The car stopped, the sun was setting and Josh was almost scared half to death. Almost. He stepped out the car and walked over to the walkway that lead up to the entrance and he just stood there and looked at the house. On the outside it was warm and it disgusted him with the secrets that was held inside. The he heard something from inside break and a blood curling scream. Without thinking Josh ran up to the door and ripped it off its hinges and screamed, "Tyler!"  


🌻1280 Words🌻
I don't know what I was thinking when I created this at the beginning of the year.
But anyways, I have a book, that is coming out soon.
Also, every Christmas eve, my family and I open up one gift and we did today and got a laptop.
And my oh my I can't be more happier.
I won't have cramps in my fingers while writing anymore.
I'm like actually excited.

Also, last note, but I have a new book coming out. Next year.
I don't have a date for when it will come out but it is inspired by a fall out boy song.

I wrote the first chapter a while back and I found it again sometime last week and I wondered what I could do with it

Now after a week of writing it has 20 chapters and it's super good. I like reading it.

But there will be a date for the new book once it is 2018.

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