Chapter Twenty Six

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T/W: Smutsy

Tyler's tongue licked up Josh's chest as the man laid on the bed in his Blue Calvin Klein's. Once his tongue reached his neck, he brought his lips to gently kiss at his neck. Josh groaned at the gentle kisses and satisfactory running through his body. Tyler wrapped his legs around Josh's body, straddling him and felt the man's hand run up his thighs.

Tyler continued kissing at the man's neck, watching as Josh's head swayed in such bliss. "Baby, this feels so good." Josh moaned out as Tyler found his sweet spot and started nipping at it. Josh's hips bucked up and found the friction he desperately looked for and heard as the younger whimpered out. "Joshie, sit still." The man groaned and listened to his baby, and attempted in keeping his hips still.

Tyler started to trail his kisses down Josh's body and when he passed the sternum he stuck his tongue out and trailed it down to the end of Josh's underwear. He looped his fingers around the hem and removed the boxers all the way and flung them somewhere on the floor. Tyler grabbed at the base and Josh let out a breath of relief in such a sensitive area. He felt as Tyler's tongue licked up the underside of his cock and watched as Josh shuddered under his touch.

He swirled his tongue at the tip of it and then brought his pretty lips around the tip and slowly sunk down to Josh's pelvis watching him the whole time. He kept his lips there, the back of his throat tightening and loosening until he chose to come back up. "Oh f-fuck, Baby." Josh moaned and watched as Tyler released him to remove his lace. "Daddy, can you do something for me?" Tyler asked through hooded lust filled eyes.

"Anything." Josh asked. Tyler said nothing, but instead grabbed Josh's hand and set it on his cock, "Touch yourself, Daddy." Josh raised his eyebrows at him. Tyler let go of Josh's hands and stuck two fingers into his mouth and wrapped his arm to his entrance and stuck them up. Josh gawked as he watched as Tyler pumped himself and his head rolling back at the filling sensation. His cock twitched at Tyler's action and he found himself wrapping his fingers around his own and pumping himself.

Tyler stuck another finger up into his entrance to stretch himself even more and found himself smiling as Josh studied on his lower half. He leaned back over taking Josh into his mouth and his fingers pumped him. He moaned around Josh and the older laced his fingers through Tyler's chocolate locks. He pulled his fingers out and hovered over Josh to take him all in. He lowered himself down and Josh rose into a sitting position.

Tyler wrapped his arms around Josh's neck as Josh wrapped around his waist. He started to slowly move his hips in circles and moaned loudly when he felt Josh glide against his prostate. "Fuck, Daddy." Josh then started moving in and out of Tyler and the smaller leaned his head against his shoulder, biting into it. He felt as Josh sharply thrusted into him and moaned at the pain emitted from his teeth.

"Baby do that again." Josh pleaded and felt as Tyler's teeth had bit into his neck and his hips thrusted sharply once again. Tyler loved the sharp smack of Josh thrusting into him, he wanted more. He started clawing at Josh's back and felt as Josh not only went sharper but faster. He kept his nails digging into his skin, then his teeth biting into his neck. And he then felt that pain strike at his right ass and came at the sensation. He covered his and Josh's stomachs in his own come.

Josh thrusted a couple more times and felt the itchy stingy feeling on his neck and back and came inside the boy. After riding out their highs, they fell limp onto the bed. Heavy breathing and a naked sweaty mess. Tyler gained enough energy to flip Josh over and inspect the red scars, a couple of them were bleeding. He looked at his neck and smiled at the circle ring that laid there.

"Josh, you're bleeding." Tyler said still panting. "We'll deal with it later." Josh threw the comforter onto the floor and grabbed the sub-sheet to cover him and Tyler. It was thin and the sweat glistening on their bodies showed that they were already and in no need of a blanket. After a while, the couple realized they weren't going to sleep for a while, "Baby, you still awake." Josh asked.

"Yeah." the small man said. Josh nodded, "Why'd you come to the warehouse?" he asked. "I mean, if it were anybody else, you probably wouldn't of cared." tyler looked up at Josh, "Truthfully?" he asked. He didn't want to tell Josh the truth, but he didn't want to continue the relationship in lies. "Yes baby, I want to know the truth of course."

Tyler took a heavy breath, he sat up and Josh followed. They sat criss-crossed across from one another. Tyler grabbed at Josh's hands, "Promise not to get mad?" Josh raised an eyebrow, "Why would I get mad?" Tyler wanted to shrug but kept his shoulders locked, "Josh, just promise me. It will calm me down." He begged. "Alright, I promise, please tell me." he pleaded. Tyler's head fell slack and when he looked back Josh with tears in his eyes.

"I was going to leave. I don't know what made me think it would be the best reason. I mean all that kept ramming into my mind was that I am broken and that no one could fix me. Those 3 weeks really screwed me up, Joshie. And I was going to do what I did before and run. I was going to run without having anywhere in particular. I had a suitcase ready and I was in your office about to type you an email. I knew you would find it, and then I saw a new folder under our business.

I went to go type on it, but there was an invalid name, there was no one in the subject bar, no one who requested my father. When I saw Chris Joseph, I really didn't know how to feel. I went to the garage and grabbed the back up car and went to the warehouse. When I got there, and I saw him, all I had seen was red. I wanted to murder that bastard. Afterwards, I realized that I wanted you, I didn't want to run anymore." tyler finished.

"Baby, you were gonna run?" Josh said with sadness. Tyler shyly nodded, "You kinda made me feel like shit before you left. Or maybe it's just me not being able to take no well." Tyler shrugged. Josh extended his arms out and waited for Tyler to climb in. Once he sat down, Josh wrapped his arms around him. "Baby, i am so sorry. I just, I'm sorry I used your injury as an excuse. I didn't know how you would feel if it were your father. I mean, you wouldn't be able to do your usual."

Tyler giggled and nodded, "Yeah, I don't think I should go to my father and grind on him or get off on him. I mean that would be awkward." Tyler laughed once again. "I really am sorry, Baby. Promise to not leave me." Tyler turned and gave the older man a kiss. "It's fine Joshie, I love you. I won't leave you, I promise." Josh smiled, "I love you too. You up for round two."

Tyler smiled, "Anyday, i am." Josh laid Tyler on the bed, "Good, this time, I'm gonna lead." And he attached his lips against the smallers neck and he let out a giggled squeal.


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