Chapter Twelve

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Yay! Update!

Tyler was sitting in the couch, a blue sweater covering down to his knees. He was waiting for Josh, for when they first got home, the work phone had rung and Josh rushed to go and pick it up. As he did that Tyler chose to get more comfortable.

Dallon was in the guest room crying or just asking unanswered questions. He just felt like a fool, he felt like he was going to used and then thrown away for some other person. Tyler tried to help him, but his comforting words would always be interrupted by a heavy scream.

The sound of heavy foot steps made Tyler turn his head and smile at the older man. He was wearing black sweatpants and they hung low on his hips. Josh smiled back at the younger and sat beside him in the couch. The TV now forgotten as the two stared in each other's eyes.

Josh looked into his chocolate honey eyes flickering with passion for him. Sometimes he wonders of what he would be if he never had Tyler. But that is one of his fears, wondering what life would be like without Tyler. He grabbed his boyfriend's hand and softly kissed each knuckle while still holding eye contact.

Tyler smiled at the older, he basked under the sweet love Josh is giving. Love. He never thought he would use that word. Not this early. In high school, he never thought he would be in an active, love filled relationship of 4 years and counting.

"Tyler, I love you so much." Josh whispered and Tyler wanted to cry. So he did, the silent tears fell and Tyler tried to keep in soft cries. Josh grabbed him and pulled him into his lap, "Baby what's wrong?" Josh was worried, he squeezed his small body to his larger one.

"Josh, you really don't get how thankful I am to have you. I love you so much." Josh cooed and gave Tyler a kiss on his forehead. After he had calmed. He raised his lips to gently touch the olders.

The kiss was slow and loving, they haven't had one like this in a long time. And Tyler was practically melting in Josh's lap the longer they went. He pulled away and smiled largely. "I'm sorry to say, but out all the times I have kissed those perfect lips, that was the best one." Josh said.

"I agree with you." Tyler smiled. The doorbell ring and Tyler raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Oh baby, I forgot to tell you, Brendon is coming over." Tyler scowled. "Don't you mean Brendon is here." Josh smiled at his scowl and ventured to the door.

Tyler could hear from afar. "Brendon, come on in. Are you sure you still want to see him?" Josh asked. "Yes, the least I could do is apologize to him." Tyler instantly stood and went to the two older gentlemen. "Brendon, he is still crying, can you at least let me calm him down." Brendon's eyes dropped and he slowly nodded.

Tyler turned on his heels and went up to the guest room. He knocked lightly on the door three times, Dallon answered with a loud "go away" that was heard throughout the house. Downstairs, Brendon set his head in hands.

"Dallon, its me. Tyler." there was no answer so Tyler slowly opened the door, he walked in and went to his side. Dallon was harshly squeezing a pillow to his body as he cried into the cotton. Tyler rolled his eyes and set his hands on his hip. He wasn't really good at comforting so he just out right said it, "You need to stop crying like damned baby because Brendon is here to apologize." Dallon froze. "I dont want to talk to him."

"Well if you aren't down soon, I'm sending him up here." Tyler said and watched the tall man jump off the bed and to the bathroom to calm his swollen face.

Tyler shrugged and went out the door, "That was easier than I thought," he muttrered. He walked down the steps and joined Josh and Brendon by sitting on Josh's lap. "Give him a good 15 minutes and he will be ready," the brunette said to brendon. He nodded and went back to heavily sighing into his head.

"I know it is none of my business Mr. urie, but can I ask you a question?" Tyler asked. He picked his head up at the brunette and cocked his head. Josh grabbed on the brunette's hip and squeezed it, a signal for him to quiet. But Tyler ignored, "Your past ordeal with Ryan, why did it happen and why did it end?" Brendon squinted at him and Tyler could feel Josh's eyes burn in the back of his head.

"Ryan, when he first started was shy. He always did everything carefully, and one day he cried because he accidently spilled coffee on me. I was beyond pissed but I couldn't just yell at him, he was already upset at himself. He offered to help dry me up and he did something and every since then he became more of a tease I didn't break til after a couple of months.

Afterward, he got a boyfriend and that was a sign saying for me to stay away. And I did, Ryan was upset, one time he said he missed me. I realized how much of a crazy person he was, he attacked me and told me I should love him not the guy he was with. But it wasn't my fault. And I couldn't just say to break up with him. That's his choice, I can't go between a relationship.

After a couple months of him attacking me, I hired Dallon. I hired him because of what he was able to accomplish, how he could help my business. He had all these fascinating ideas, I hired him when I read over his file, we haven't even had the interview yet, so i hadn't seen his face. I didn't even know my feelings towards dallon til the first time he called me by my first name. He said it so naturally and I got so caught up that I made an exception for him, just so I could here it roll off his tongue."

Brendon finished and Tyler sat there and smiled. The raven-haired man was confused by his smirk, but Tyler nodded his head and he turned to see Dallon standing there with a smile on his face. "You wanted to see me, Brendon?"

The raven-haired man nodded and started to smile, he stood and fell into dallon's arms hugging him at the waist. You could hear Brendon lightly sob into Dallon's shirt and Dallon sat there and softly comforted the man. Tyler and Josh were confused, Brendon doesn't really cry and this whole thing is just a big misunderstanding. Evidently there is something more to this whole situation that the young couple did not know.

Tyler felt Josh creep behind his ear, "Ignoring my command?" Tyler lightly nodded his head, "Expect punishment later, Babyboy. I don't want them hearing you scream while they are here." Tyler closed his eyes and set his legs on either side of Josh's leg, his lace touching the man's sweatpants. Dallon and Brendon had moved upstairs and the two were left alone. "Go ahead, Baby. You can move, but you can't come."


🌻1242 Words🌻

YEE, this is like a filler so you guys can a small look about ryan, I think, right?
I hate writers block😫

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