Chapter Five

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"Mr. Dun, Mr. Joseph, I believe it is great seeing you again." Patrick replied after a while of silence. Tyler snorted and chose to be the one to offer beverages. "Would anyone life a drink?" he asked. Josh and Patrick nodded his head and Pete shook his. Tyler patted down his navy blue skirt and reached over to his side of the car and started picking out drinks.

"Patrick what would you like?" the brunette asked. Patrick cleared his throat and muttered out, "Water, please." Tyler pulled out a cold Dasani and gave it to the short man. "Daddy, how about you?" He turned to look at the man and watched as he moved his pink lips, "The usual, please, and take your time. We are in a moving car after all."

Tyler nodded but also solemned over the lack of attention he will be getting. Take your time also meant I need you to not speak for the duration of this ride. Tyler learned his lesson a couple years ago, but he still grew sad over the lack he will be getting for the next few minutes. But Tyler followed the rules, making his Daddy's drink known as Bronx. A mixture of Gin and Orange Juice. In Daddy's eyes, a Perfect Martini.

"Boys!" Josh bellowed. "I have brought you here because we ran into a little problem." He watched as Pete looked oddly confused and Patrick shift uncomfortably in his seat while taking a sip of his water. "Peter, what did you last night?"

He watched as Pete blushed heavily then turned to look at Patrick. Josh turned to look at Patrick and seen the boy was also blushing heavily. Josh turned to Tyler and Tyler to Josh and they started laughing loudly.

They eventually quieted down and Josh turned back to the two men. "Now fellas, it is fine if you fucked last night. I really don't fucking care. If it happened, it happened." Josh shrugged and the two men just continued blushing.

"W-well then, y-yeah that i-is w-what happened." Pete answered. Josh smiled, "And nothing happened afterward?" Josh raised an eyebrow. He looked at both men, Pete shook his head. "No we both went to sleep." Josh ignore Pete's answer and turned to Patrick, "you sure you did nothing else." patrick looked up at Josh and then quickly maneuvered his eyes back out the window almost instantly.

"Patrick." Josh said through gritted teeth. Patrick turned a shade of purple from holding in his breath. he could feel Josh's eyes bore into the side of his head. A heavy ghast fell from his lips and he jumbled a line of apologies. "Josh, I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I promise I won't tell anyone. I didn't even know where I was going, I was just going for a walk."

"Oh and so you just happened to stumble upon our warehouse." Josh retorted. Patrick was at the brink of tears for he knew what Tyler and Josh did, he just didn't want to be next. "Josh, I really am sorry." Josh looked at Derek and nodded his head, signaling they are coming to the end of their ride. Derek lifted his cuff to his lips to speak with Clyde. Josh turned back to the two men.

"Patrick, we aren't going to anything rash. But you mutter any word to anyone, either of you." He bellowed squinting his eyes at both men. They both quickly nodded their heads in understandment. "I swear you will watch each other get tortured at the same time. I swear I won't back down got dammit. This is serious, what we do does not need to get out. So keep your got damn mouths shut, you hear?"

"Yes sir," Pete said quickly. The car stopped and Patrick was still sobbing, Josh relaxed into the car seat more and gently grabbed at the drink in Tyler's hands and gave him a smile and quick kiss. Derek and Phillip stepped out of the car, and Pete and Patrick were quickly yanked out of the vehicle. The doors closed and Josh and Tyler were alone.

"Baby, was I too harsh?" Josh asked. He knew that Tyler always listened and always got advice so that he could get better every time. Tyler was Josh's motivational speaker and advice giver when it came to business. "Truthfully?" Tyler asked. It was never bad being truthful, but Josh is known for not taking the truth so well. But anything for his Babyboy, right?

The car started moving, Josh let out a huff and Tyler instinctively grabbed at the cuffs of his sweater crop top. Deep down he wasn't nervous at all, but he had to look like it so Josh wouldn't predict what would happen next. "Yes baby, I want you to be truthful." Tyler looked into Josh's eyes and smiled. He then rose up and straddled Josh, and smiled even wider. "You did Amazing. As Always."

Josh then smiled largely with the boy and hugged him around his waist and burying his face into the smallers neck. He then bit at the area and Tyler yelped and giggled at the tickly feeling rush up his body. "Daddy Stop!" he said through a fit of laughter as Josh continued to run his finger up and down the boy's sides sending him into a fit of laughter.

Josh laid the boy on the seats and hovered over his body, and he smiled down at the boy. It was something about seeing him always smiling. It puts all the bad thoughts and problems away and only he matters. His entrancing glossy eyes and plump lips popped out at Josh in a plea for a wanted kiss.

Josh leaned down and gently kissed the boy on his lips. Tyler smiled against the kiss, living at the fact that all the attention is back on him. The kiss got heated the longer it went on and Josh slid his hand up Tyler's shirt. He used his pointer and middle finger to twist at one of Tyler's nipples. Tyler moved from the kiss and moaned out and then lightly giggled and brought Josh back in for a kiss.

Josh then brought his other hand in, both of them riding Tyler's shirt up his body. Tyler could feel Josh's soft sweet lips kiss at his smooth skin. He squirmed at the rush riding through his veins. "Daddy." he said nothing else, but it was a plea, but Josh could not fulfill it now for they were interrupted by the ringing blaring from his phone.

Josh grunted and backed away from Tyler to answer the phone. He put the cell to his ear and quickly returned to his stern mode. "Dun."

"Good Afternoon, Mr. Dun. How are you today?" the voice on the other line asked, as if sparking up a conversation. "No one ever calls me to see how I am doing, they only call when they want something. So tell me now what you want, or I am hanging up." He bellowed through the phone. This wasn't his business side any longer, right now he was utterly pissed off.

"Sorry, Mr. Dun. My name is Ryan Ross and I was told of your ways of skills. And I was wondering if I can give you your next victim." he said too over-happily. Josh was happy that he and Tyler could get another victim. "Mr. Ross, in order for this to continue, I am going to need your e-mail. I will contact you for all the details you may need and payment dealing with how you want everything done. Sound good?"

"Why of course, Mr. Dun. Take all the time you need. Should I tell you my e-mail now?" Josh sighed through the phone, "Yes, Mr. Ross." He then turned to Tyler and sign language to him pen and paper. "Ryan, please hold."

"Yeah no problem." he called through. Josh pressed the button that mutes his side of the conversation so he could talk to Tyler. "Baby we might have to visit the warehouse again." Tyler nodded, "e-mail address?" Josh repeated Ryan's e-mail. "Baby, when we get home I am gonna need you do a background check on Ryan, fo-."

"For safety reasons, I know." Tyler interrupted. Josh wasn't the only one who was sexually frustrated right now. He looked at Tyler, knowing that he was going to get the silent treatment, it must've not been a good day for Tyler. Josh set his lips in a fine line and then went back to the call with Ryan. "Expect us to contact you at 7 p.m tonight, got it?"

"Yes sir." Ryan was the first to hang up. Josh set the phone down and looked over at Tyler. He had his arms crossed and was looking out the window. Josh went to unravel Tyler's hands and lace them together but before he could, Tyler pulled his hands away from him. Josh was very upset about Tyler's action, but practically this has happened all day. Him wanting so bad and it get taken away from him with their so-called Job.

"I'm sorry, Tyler." Josh said and then moved so he was looking out the window. But he left his hand open for Tyler. He knew Tyler was never upset with him. Just upset with what's happening. A few minutes before they arrived at home, Tyler took Josh's hand and laced them. And Josh was quick to give his knuckles a kiss. 


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