Chapter Twenty Four

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Tyler got out the shower and covered himself in his pink silk robe and walked to the bedroom and not see Josh. He then went to the office downstairs and found him there typing away on the laptop. He had his usual suit on, today's color a white button up and his blazer and pants were navy blue. Tyler shuffled over to the desk, "What are you doing?" he asked and he lifted his leg and sat up on the desk. He hissed at the pain of his wound.

Josh looked up quickly with worry, "Shit, baby. Are you okay?" Josh stood and walked around to stand in front of Tyler. He went for his robe to inspect the area until Tyler raised a hand to stop him. "Joshie, I'm fine, I just cleaned it and took my medication. It's a little sensitive right now, but I am fine." Josh opened his mouth but watched as Tyler furrowed his eyebrows in a manner of 'don't test me'. He rose his hands up in surrender.

"So, what are you doing?" He asked once again. Josh went back over to the laptop, "I am finalising everything for the next person." He said sternly. He knew what was about to happen, he was just waiting. "Okay, what time do we leave?" Tyler asked. And there it was. Josh didn't want to say no, but everytime he thinks about bringing Tyler out to the warehouse, cold shivers run up his spine in not a good way, afraid of losing his baby again.

"Tyler. I don't think you should come." Josh said quietly. Tyler looked at Josh blankly. "Alright, if I don't go, I go to the mall." he said. Josh raised an eyebrow at him, why was he taking this so well. "Alright, I will have Derek take you and Philip and Clyde can come with me." He said. "Nope. I'm going alone. Driving myself, walking around myself, doing things on my own you know." Tyler said.

He knew what he was doing. He wanted to go with Josh, but fighting about it would cause him to be under punishment so it'd be better to negotiate. He watched as the older man furrowed his eyebrows at the request. He hoped that Josh would lets him go. They weren't a successful finish without one another, so he hoped that Josh could see that it won't be fully successful without the other half.

"No Tyler, you will not come with me, and you will not go to the mall. I don't anything to happen to you." Josh said sternly. Tyler wrapped around the desk and to Josh, he stood in front of him and crossed his arms. "Too bad." Josh raised an eyebrow at his behavior and wanted to punish him at the moment, but he really had no time for he thinks the victim will be arriving at the warehouse soon.

"Tyler move out of my way. I have to go." Josh said standing and wrapping around the small boy to get to the door. "You know what, Fuck it. Fine, I don't care." Josh just continued walking out the door, he doesn't mean to hurt his baby but he rather him be safe in the house. He walked down the stair and walk out the house, "Mr. Dun. I was just told that the victim is in the warehouse now, still unconscious." Clyde said. Josh nodded and got in the back seat.

It was quite lonely. He made his own Bronx, the perfect martini and sipped at it. It tasted different, not like how Tyler made it. Josh rolled his window and threw the whole glass out the window, not even caring what consequences it may lead to. They were on a dirt road and it was 5 minutes long til they actually got to a warehouse. The rusty gates opened and the building came into sight.

Everything, this whole ride, the drink, the sight of the warehouse, it was all different. There was no bouncing sunshine, and Josh set his hand in his hands. At least he is safe is all he kept ramming into his head. Josh is scared and this is his way of dealing. He protects or keeps under restraints of things that he does not want to get lost.

The car door opens, and Josh steps out fixing his navy blue blazer. He walks to the warehouse and opens the door to find the man in the chair, already conscious. He waits in the dark for a while until he actually shows his face. Thinking of ways to scare the man, but then again he already looks scared just by sitting in the chair in his underwear. Josh walked closer and grabbed the man by the chin.

"Well aren't you a long way from home. Fucking asshole. Gonna ask you a few questions do you mind?" Josh asked, letting go of his chin and walking away to get a chair and sat on it backwards in front of the man. He had a bleeding grin on his face and the older man shook under his stare.

Josh lifted a hand to his face and ripped the tape of his mouth. "Rip it off, just like a band-aid." Josh said with a chuckle. The man was letting out a screech for it had also taken some small strands of beard when he ripped it leaving multiple bald spots across his face. "You fucking bastard. Let me the fuck go, you fucking fag, let me go, got dammit!" the man yelled. Josh's face scrunched up and a harsh slap landed on the old man who sat in the chairs face.

"You will not! Talk to me like that. You got it!" Josh yelled. "First question, Why are you here?" Josh asked, his smile long gone, now replaced with a sinister scowl on his face. "Fuck hell if I know. I went into my house and then I wake up here. You fucking did this to me. Who the hell do you think you are?" Josh landed another slap to the man's face. "I'm the one asking questions here."

"You are here because you have broken something that belongs to me. That makes you a horrible person in this world, and that's how you end up in 'the chair'. I swear you wouldn't be here out of my own fun. Heavens no, but since you've done something unforgiving, I'm gonna have to make you pay." Josh said as he walked around the man in the chair. "You really are full of shit." The man said through gritted teeth. He spat and it almost landed on Josh's clad shoes, and he backed away in time for it to not land on them.

Josh sat and looked at the glob of saliva on the ground and huff out. He scurried into the darkness to the table picking up a blade. He rubbed his finger against it and turned over to the man, walking slowly. Once he stood in front of him the blade was on his neck, ready to slice, but then the door opened and Josh dropped the knife.


🌻1199 Words🌻
Oooh, who is the man.
Who is at the door.

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