Chapter Four

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A/N:Im at a Broadway right now. And I swear I could never be happier. I'm in love with musicals and shows and it's like the only upside of my day. I've been pretty bummed recently and my theatre director at my school realized it. She invited me to go and she is just an amazing person and I can't help but thanking her for inviting me. I just wish a couple others didn't go. Like I realize she is probably going to be the reason I go to college. Like i want to succeed in life for her more than my own parents.

Tyler walked in on Josh dialing the number that he was looking at in the black address book. Everyone they communicated with, they had every detail.

Their house and cell phone numbers, where they lived, where they worked, the number of their work, address of their work.

Just know, if Josh and Tyler do a favor for you, you have practically given your soul away to them. You're never safe and somehow they are always watching you. After moments of waiting, someone eventually answered the phone.

"Clyde, yes. I'm gonna need you, Derek and Phillip to pick Tyler and I up. We have to settle some business." Josh's voice was stern and Tyler watched him with lust filled eyes. Literally anything Josh does turns Tyler on. "Alright we will be ready in an hour."

Josh hangs up the landline and walks over to Tyler. He places his hands on the younger shoulder. And looks deep into his chocolate eyes. "Babyboy, I'm gonna need you to go and take a shower and get ready. We aren't doing anything menacing, but we do have to settle business."

Josh raised his eyebrows at the young man, he was waiting, expecting Tyler to answer. "Alright, I'll be ready in the shower." Josh smiled and whispered in his ear, "That's my boy." Tyler quickly gave Josh a hug and ran off to take a shower.

Once he was gone, Josh turned to the computer and logged into his emails, he scrolled until he came across the name B. Urie, he tapped on the icon and their conversation showed up, talking about Frank Iero.

J. Dun: Mr.Urie, I am here to tell you that victim, Frank Iero, will not be your problem any longer. Payment will be expected to be paid within 3 days. If not made, there will be consequences. Payment is $100,000. It was nice doing business with you, Mr. Urie.

Josh closed his laptop and walked towards his and Tyler's room to take a shower with the man. Once he got to their room, he could hear the brown haired man singing. Josh smiled and bobbed his head at the sweet melody leaving Tyler's lips. Tyler was surely gifted with such a voice and Josh knew that. He was just upset that the boy would never purposely sing around the older man when asked to. He was always "nervous".

Josh slid down his sweat pants and stepped into the shower, scaring the small boy, his singing replaced with a high pitched squeal. Tyler turned to look up at Josh and he smiled, seeing Josh in the shower with him.

"I was wondering what was taking you so long." Tyler sassily said. No matter how hard Josh tried, he could never get rid of Tyler's sassy side. But now he finds it actually quite addicting. Like he can't live without this sassiness.

"Had to send an e-mail, baby. Can I wash you?" the red haired man asked with raised eyebrows. Tyler giggled and handed Josh the blue and white loofah and turned around so Josh can wash his body.

The smell of vanilla bean floated the large bathroom. Eventually the loofah was replaced with Josh's hands. Tyler backed his body against Josh's, using his as a way of being able to stand on both his feet. Josh smiled down at the boy, he knew he had to stop, because they had to hurry and get on the road, they really didn't have a lot of time.

Josh lifted both his hands off of Tyler's body and he whimpered at the loss of Josh's hands. "Baby c'mon, we have to leave, we still have to get dressed. Josh then turned off the shower, grabbed two towels. Giving one to Tyler, he bent over a pecked at his forehead. He walked out the bathroom towel wrapped around his waist

He went to his closet and chose a navy blue button up, black tie and his usual blazer and black pants. No matter what, Josh would always wear his suits when taking care of business.

When Josh turned to look at the boy, he was sliding his knee high socks up his right leg. He grabbed the other sock and repeated the motion with his other leg. Josh's eyes wandered up the boy's body as he sat on the bed until he met his eyes.

Josh smiled and so did Tyler, "Daddy you're staring." Josh chuckled and shook his head, "Your beautiful baby. How can I not?"

Once they were both finished dressing, Josh and Tyler stumbled down the stair and out the house. Tyler instantly grabbed at Josh's hand and Josh smiled down at the boy.

Once they met up at the car, Tyler was first to get in after Josh quickly kissed his hand. Josh then turned to Clyde to explain all the details of what is going to happen on this unplanned business meet-up. Clyde nodded his head and got in the driver's seat.

Josh then climbed in the back and was met with Tyler's happy cheerful smile. Josh can't help the adorableness that Tyler possesses. Josh grabbed at Tyler's left hand, lacing their fingers. Clyde, Phillip and Derek were in the front. Josh and Tyler were separated by a tinted window, only kept tranced in each others eyes.

"Daddy, I love you." Tyler said and Josh chuckled at the small man. He smiled down at him, "I love you too, Baby." Josh pulled in for a quick kiss. When they pulled away Josh quickly smiled and looked to the side at the beverages. "Babe, we are going to be meeting up with a couple of people. Would you like your beverage now or later?"

"Later, if you don't mind," he says as he looks at the older man's facial features. It was no doubt in one another's mind that they were always checking out the other, though it will be almost 4 years together. Josh turned and smiled down at the beady eyes, "No baby, I don't mind."

The car then came to a stop and one of the men pressed the signal from up front, wanting to roll down the window between the front and back. Josh was in charge of the window and he started to roll it down. "Mr. Dun, we are here. Plans?"

"Good. I have told Clyde the plan. It is quite simple. Both men are in there, I want them to both come out and place them back here with us. I would like Derek and Philip to be back here on either side of both men. Clyde, you continue driving. Neither near us, just across the seat. You know the usual."

"Yes sir, Mr. Dun."

The three men exited the vehicle and went inside. Josh turned to Tyler and quickly set his lips to the brunette's neck and sucked gently. The brunette gasped and softly moaned at Josh's actions. Tyler felt Josh's tongue swirl and lick at the sensitive area and his teeth bite at it. After pulling away, Josh looked up at him and seen that he was slightly breathless from holding in his breath. He smiled and Tyler smiled back and bit at his lips.

"What was that for, Daddy?" Tyler asked as his fingers lingered over the swelling bruise and a smile featured on his face. Josh only shrugged as he looked into his favorite chocolate eyes.

Muffled yelling was heard outside their car and Josh turned away from Tyler with a stern look meaning business. The door then opened on both sides, first the men were pushed in both yelling at the men in suits. Then Derek and Phillip stepped in at the doors.

Both men looked forward and both instantly shut up at the sight of Josh and Tyler. "Peter, Patrick. It is so good to see you both again."


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