Chapter Sixteen

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8 o'clock, wake up

9 o'clock, eat breakfast.

10 o'clock, do chores that are listed.

12 o'clock, lunch, if given.

3 o'clock, start dinner

6 o'clock, eat with the family

9 o'clock, dressed and ready for bed

Tyler looked down at the slip, evidently his parents must've thought he was stupid because he remembered this whole list.

Remembered the times and what was needed to be done and when it had to be done by in order to do the next thing listed. Yet, this was his advantage of getting a look at the house, at almost every room he is going to need to get out of here. He will do this for a few weeks to find out everything he will need. He wants to get out of here as soon as possible, but he needs time so that he can get out of here without them knowing.

He laid the slip with the times on his desk, he was awake, yet it was only 7:30. It's giving him a jump start on everything. After staying here a week, the only abuse having on his first day he was ready to get out of the damned room. The same four sickening blue walls screaming and tantalizing at him. He was ready to leave the room.

He went to his conjoined bathroom, taking a shower and slowly getting out. He dressed appropriately, as they would say, with black skinny and any color button up. Today was an orange one, and his usual black vans. It was the same thing every day, but it was better than what his dad was wearing. The whole blazer and tie and actual black slacks. Tyler doesn't like them on anyone or himself, except Josh.

Once Tyler was finished, it was 8:45 and his mother was knocking on the door. "You may enter," he said calmly, he was sat on the edge of his bed, hands on his knees and his back straight waiting for his mother's words. "Thank you, sweetheart. I came up to tell you that you may come down for breakfast." Tyler stood and leaned down towards his mother's cheek for he was taller than her and kissed her cheek, "Thank you, mother."

She bowed her head and turned for the door, Tyler following. Once traveled down the stairs, he pulled a seat out for his mother and help her seat, and traveled to his own chair. It was just the three of them at a table able to seat six. His father was on one end as his mother was on the other. Tyler sat in the chair closest to his mother, and waited to be told he could eat. It was 8:58 now and they still waited.

His father looked at him with a blank expression as Tyler just looked down at his covered platter, wondering what was in stored for the day. "You may eat." his father said. Tyler grabbed at the top of his cover and removed it and placed it above the plate of food. He stared down at the typical breakfast foods of french toast, eggs, and bacon. A glass of orange juice accompanying. He jabbed his fork into the food and started to eat.

"You look well, son." his father said. And Tyler couldn't help but shiver at the sound of his father. It was an instinct of being scared of him, some type of insult coming out of his mouth. Yet this was a compliment and Tyler did not know how to take it. "U-Uhm, thank you, dad." Tyler's father nodded his head and continued, "I bet you would like it more if you were to wear one of these." He said flapping the edging of his blazer.

Tyler nervously chuckled and thought about his words. If there is anything he knows his father wants to hear is for him to bring himself down. "Oh no, dad. I don't think I would look to well in them. I don't even believe I have earned the right of dressing like a man, when I am not perfect myself." Tyler knew these words were lies at this time. But if he continues to bring himself down for his father, he will eventually start to believe them.

Tyler watched as his father quickly smiled and then returned to his own stern look. "Don't worry son, a little bit more work to that brain of yours and you'll be as great of a man as ever," his father baffled. Tyler scoffed and instantly went wide eyed when he hears his father set his fork forcefully to the table. "Excuse me?"

"I said nothing, dad." Tyler said still looking down at his food. Tyler's father rose and in the blink of an eye, he was standing beside Tyler. He set a hand on his right shoulder and lifted him out the chair, turning his body to look at him. Tyler looked into those hateful eyes carefully, dodging the demons that hide within them. He felt as his father grabbed at his collar and lift him so he was not on his tippy-toes. "You better show more respect than what you're laying off, boy. It won't just be collar pulling any longer. After you eat, you can start your chores. You have 20 minutes to eat." he dropped him down back into the seat and turned.

Tyler quickly ate and walked over to the kitchen island to grab the list of chores. There were about three different things for him to do. First it was the kitchen, cleaning up all used dishes and throwing away scraps of food. He turned around after setting the dishes in the dishwasher and on the wall was a landline phone. He cocked an eyebrow, for it had never been there before and he thought Josh was the only one to use it. For company uses.

He chose not to touch the landline, nor trust it, not knowing what it could possibly do. But he was looking. All the windows, locked, and every door always lead to the front. Tyler continued on with taking out the garbage to get a look at the outside of the house. Once he stepped out, he seen that a pure white fence lined the whole outside and they were all tall. Very Tall. And Tyler felt that this was crossed out. "Shit." he muttered.

After he thrown the trash away then stepped back into the house, he went to the living room, continuing to clean and aid when needed. His father would ask for alcohol, his mother a lemonade. These weren't chores, he was their maid. And that caused him to become angry. After returning with the whiskey and lemonade, he spoke with his father before he became a senseless drunk, "Dad, I have finished all my chores. May I go to my room?" Gosh, he felt as if he were sixteen again, and he kind of wanted to cry. The age sixteen was not the best for Tyler. He mindlessly scratched at his arm.

"Eh." he muttered with the wave of his hand. He quickly stole a scrap of bread and then ventured up the stairs to eat and lay on his bed. Once his foot hit the top step, in the corner of his eye, he saw natural light come from a window. He opened the door to an office. And gladly, a phone, a landline like Josh's sat on the desk that was set near the wall. This landline felt more reliable, because the one downstairs seemed to have a few things missing, but this one looked brand spanking new.

He creeped closer to the landline, picked it up and dialed in the number. He sat waiting for an answer, it took a while. Why did it so long? Tyler started to tear up when it felt it was coming to end, but then the most beautiful voice he had ever heard answered and Tyler wanted to cry. "Mr. Dun."



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I have a new book coming out soon
And I'm sooo excited about it

Im literally screaming oh my gawd

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