Chapter Nine

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It's been a while. But here's a little filler chapter!

Tyler was awaken, thing was it was still dark out. He reached for the lamp at the bedside, but his hand was smacked away from it and a hand was placed over his mouth. The dark figure in the room came closer and shushed the young. Tyler looked around wide-eyed, he tried to focus his sleepy sight, but he was in so much panic that it felt almost impossible.

The bedside was then turned on and he was greeted by blue-eyed Dallon. He was shaking and looked scared out of his mind. "W-where a-am I-I?" he asked. Tyler looked at him as if he were stupid. But then remembered that sniffing chloroform as many times as they drugged dallon, could cause some memory loss. He took it a couple times when they arrived at the house so Tyler and Josh could do their business.

"Okay," Tyler spoke silently and slowly. "Dallon, can you tell me the last thing you remember?" The blue eyed nodded his head, yet almost seemed as if having small seizure from his near panic attack. Tyler found his robe and pulled it over his nude body. He grabbed Dallon's hand and lead him out the room and down to the living room. He set him on the couch and went to get water. When he came back he set the water on the table and grabbed Dallon's head.

He pulled him to his chest and rocked him back and forth calming him with worthy words. Dallon's breathing had regulated and he slowly grabbed at the water and took a small sip. "Dallon, sweetheart. You gotta tell me the last thing you remember." dallon nodded his head again. The man was just scared. He was set in some random person's arms with only sweatpants on that are clearly not his, and in an abnormal house.

"I-I was a work. B Co. and Mr. Urie my boss said that he n-needed me to get s-some papers for him. A-and I had no problem in d-doing that. I am his assistant a-after all and it was only the b-beginning of m-my second week a-at the job. So I c-couldn't lack a-and be lazy, ya know." Tyler nodded and Dallon took a heavy breath to settle himself. "While I was in the printer room, his secretary, Richard or Randy? Ross! His last name is Ross. That's what Brendon always said, he came in there and started yelling at me. Saying I was taking what is his. He came at me and tried to hit me. But I ran away before he could, it scared the hell out of me. I wanted to quit right there."

"Ryan Ross. Is that the name hun?" Tyler questioned. Dallon nodded, "Dallon do you mind if I ask you a few questions?" He shook his head. "Do you get special treatment at your workplace?" Dallon thought for a second. "What do you mean. I mean everyone there gets called by their last name, but I get called by my first. I thought that was only because I am like his right hand man." Tyler nodded, "That could be understandable. How about this, does he let you call him by his first name?" Dallon nodded.

Tyler nodded and smiled, "Alright Dallon we are gonna need your help. Don't worry, you've been drugged many times and brought here under critical condition. Eventually all your memories will come flooding back. Don't push yourself, but know you are safe. Also, you see this house?" Dallon looked around and nodded his head. "Yeah. I do." Tyler raised his hand and slapped Dallon across the face. "I'm going to ask you again, do you see this house?" This time Dallon shook his head and Tyler smiled.

"Alright," tyler chirped. "Go on ahead to bed, I'll see you when you wake in the morning," he waved at Dallon. Dallon stood with his hand at his cheek, stunned by Tyler's innocent outside and how he could turn dark. Tyler reached for the glass and finished it off, and set it in the kitchen. He then started making his way upstairs and removed his robe. He slid into the covers and wrapped his arms around Josh's waist.

"Baby, where did you go?" josh asked in his sleep. Tyler kissed the man on the lips and reassured, "I ran into a problem, but I will explain in the morning. I have an idea." Josh nodded and went back to sleep after placing a sloppy kiss on Tyler's forehead


Josh woke up to to Tyler planting small kisses across his face and down his neck. His eyes slowly opened to a tan skinned beauty, the sun brightened around his frame, his silk pink robe hung at his sides. He straddled the man his white laces visible.

Josh sleepily smiled and grabbed Tyler's face to bring him into a proper kiss. Tyler smiled against his lips and rubbed at his thighs. "Good morning, Baby. How are you?" Tyler moved from on top of Josh.

"I'm good Daddy, and I'm gonna need you to get up, okay?" Tyler patted at the man's chest and got out of bed. He ventured down to the kitchen and started up on breakfast. After a few minutes of getting the materials and starting to cook, he heard the latter of heavy feet.

"Well that's the fastest you've ever gotten out of bed, Daddy." Tyler said, the heavy footsteps stopped and Dallon instead spoke, "Daddy? Oh my gosh, what has happened since I been sleep? This all feels to weird. I don't remember meeting you and now you're calling me Daddy."

Tyler quickly turned around and seen Dallon sitting there with the look of terror, "Oh shit, Dallon, I'm sorry. I didn't know it was you coming down the stairs. I thought you were Josh." he told him. Dallon nodded and sat at the island chair. "Kind of scared me." Dallon chuckled nervously. Tyler then turned back around to finish breakfast, the blue-eyed man's eyes wandered a little too much around the silk covered body.

No one heard the heavy footsteps that entered the kitchen, and Josh had seen how Dallon was staring at something Josh did not want him to. There was something about having company in Josh's eyes and this was exactly the reason. Josh 'playfully' slapped Dallon's back a little too hard for a casual greeting. "Dallon! How d'ya sleep?"

Tyler perked up at the sound of Josh, "Daddy!" He quickly turned around, food forgotten and wrapped his arms around his neck and practically hung like a monkey. Josh moved his hand from Dallon's back to wrap his arms around his waist. "Hey Baby!" Josh smiled and so did Tyler. Dallon shifted in his chair uncomfortably. It was weird how excited Tyler was this morning, he sees Josh almost literally 24/7, yet every morning they treated as if they had fallen in love with each other all over again after having an amazing night with one another.

"Oh, so Daddy. I have something to tell you about Dallon." Tyler said after letting him go. Josh looked at him with a raised eyebrow and he saw at the corner of his eye Dallon tilt his head in confusion. He grabbed at Josh's arm and pulled them further away from Dallon. "Dallon, darling. You can start grabbing something to eat." He watched as dallon got up and made himself a plate and coffee.

"So, Dallon woke up in the middle of the night last night. And um, Josh he doesn't remember anything that has happened." Tyler told Josh. Josh was still confused but managed to stay with what he was saying. "What do you mean, babe?" Tyler grabbed at Josh's hand, "I'm worried is all, what if we messed up his brain or something with all that chloroform we used on him."

Josh leaned down and kissed his forehead, "Baby stop worrying, once it is all out of his system, I believe that he will be perfectly fine, everything will come back. And it is okay to be worried for Dallon, but right now we have to help him out. Also, I meant to tell you, I got the payment from Mr. Urie earlier. I checked before I came down here. But I'm going to have to go back up and talk with him again for another 'meeting'. Okay babe?"

"Yeah, Okay." He said and kissed Josh on his soft round lips. "Alright Baby, I'm gonna need you to get Dallon dressed and ready, he is coming with us." Tyler nodded and turned to the blue eyed man.


🌻1455 Words🌻
Yeah sorry for that. It seems so boring 😝

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