Chapter Twenty

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T/W: Smut

"Daddy. Wake up." Tyler whispered. He first poked the man's cheek, then his arm. He was bored, and in need of attention. It has only been a half an hour, so they still had an hour left of a plane. "Daddy, Wake Up!" he said more forcefully. Josh didn't budge and Tyler smiled wickedly at the idea that popped into his mind.

His hand that was set on the older's chest was traveling down. His fingertips rolling down over the dips and bumps of abs and stopping at the waistband on his Calvin's. He played with the hem first, that only caused Josh to stir just a little. Tyler frown and continued, his fingers slipping under the underwear and his hand now inside. He slowly skimmed his finger across the man's member. Josh only sleepily bucked his hips.

Tyler then pulled the underwear down to his mid thigh so his member was out and he grabbed at the base of it. He did one slow stroke, and heard the man let out a muffled gruff. He did another at the same speed. He gradually got faster and nothing worked. But really, Josh thinks that this is all a dream and he just doesn't want to wake up. After not getting the attention, Tyler disappeared under the covers.

His hand still held at the base but now his tongue was swirling at the tip. "Fuck." he heard the man grunt from above the covers. But he still wasn't awake. He then wrapped his lips around his dick and took him all in and held it until he felt as if he could do no more. But continued to push his boundaries by staying so that the tightness and looseness around Josh would wake him up. He likes the feeling, so he stayed.

He went back up to the tip and down again and this time, Josh shot up and Tyler could feel the warm stickiness shoot the back of his throat. He attempted in smiling when he could see the man's body arch under the covers. After he swallowed everything, he seen how Josh raised the covers over to reveal Tyler.

"Babyboy, what are you doing down there?" he says, his face filled with worry.

"I was lonely and I am still trying to stick everything to the back of my mind. You know current events. And I hate being alone right now. I tried to sleep, but I couldn't so I tried waking you up but you didn't. And I just, I just didn't want to be alone." Tyler said, he felt as if he were near crying. It was as if meeting Josh for the first time again. Except for the blow job.

"Baby, I'm sorry. But that's not the way you should've done that. Push me off the bed next time, okay?" they both laughed and Josh looked down at Tyler. "Come here." Tyler carefully sat in Josh's lap after pulling his underwear back up. He winced when he landed the wrong way, "take your time baby, I'm not going anywhere." he said into the younger's ear.

Tyler smiled and quickly kissed the man on his perfect lips. Josh brought him in close, "Tyler, i think we should wait on being intimate for a while." Josh said and it caused Tyler to go wide-eyed. "Josh you know we can't do that. We really don't have the ability to not touch each other, intimately." Tyler sassed back. Though he was right, in Josh's eyes, Tyler's health mattered more.

"Tyler, I know. It's gonna be hard for us. But your health is very important to me. So I believe to stay away from your stitches reopening and me helping you out with your mental state should be the first thing we tackle before we continue on with intimacy." Josh stated. "But what if, intimacy is the answer to my mental state" tyler asked. "Tyler no. Sex is not the answer. It is never the answer. I just learned something about your past that you swore you would never tell me. And now I feel shitty for not being worried about it before. I want to help you. I feel as if it shouldn't be mainly about sex, but about helping you. I love you, babe."

"Joshie, I love you too. But you shouldn't feel obligated to help me. I'm a mess and I should clean myself up." Tyler said sadly, not looking into Josh's eyes. Josh lifted Tyler's face with his fingers and kissed him gently on the lips. "I am undeniably in love with you, and I would love to help you pick up the pieces that you have been cleaning up for years. Babe, will you let me help you pick up the mess?" Tyler smiled and brought Josh into a hug never wanting to let go. "Okay Joshie, I'll let you. I'm sorry, I never told you earlier."

"Baby, don't worry about that. I am here, I will always be here, and I won't leave you. You mean too much to me." Josh could feel Tyler's tears trickle down his back. "Your tears are ticklish on my back, baby." Tyler laughed and so did Josh. "Do you feel better?" he asked. Tyler nodded and gave Josh one more kiss. They laid back down on the bed and Josh felt his eyes shut again and so did Tyler.

"Sleep baby, we got another 45 minutes til we get home." Josh said. "Okay, Joshie. Joshie, can we bake when we get home." Josh's eyes shot open, "You're not gonna make a mess again right." Tyler giggled, "I promise." he said with his fingers crossed behind his back. "Okay baby. I love you." Tyler smiled and mentally fist pumped. "I love you too." And he was out like a light.


🌻975 Words🌻
Hey happy New Year's to you.
I want to tell you guys to stay safe, and really think about yourselves. Some say it's bad to only think about yourself and not others.
By don't lose sight of yourself,
Because when you want to go back it may be too late.

So really stay safe, and try something new in the year of 2018. You may be surprised of what you kind of are into.

So yeah

P.S. I might update again later.

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