Chapter Eleven

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"We have a little obsession problem, Mr. Urie." Tyler says with a faux pout. The two other men shift uncomfortably in their seat and Brendon looked at them with confusion. Josh looked down at Tyler and got his attention. He leaned down and whispered in his ear.

"Babyboy, I thought I told you about these meetings and how you are supposed to stay quiet." Tyler patted him on his shoulder in a manner to calm down, "Joshie, if you think about this, this is kind of like a 3 way love triangle, without the whole friendship part. I used to be in these all the time in highschool, I'm more experienced in this manner. Let me do this please."

Josh looked down at him and realized the boy is right. He closed his eyes and let out a huff of air, and nodded his head. Tyler clapped in excitement, he grabbed one of Josh's hands to lace them and sat at the edge of his seat so he could examine the two men. Dallon at the corner of his eye. "Mr. Urie, would you mind scooting over to the middle so I could set Dallon on your right side and get to look at all three of you guys." He nodded and complied as Dallon was bent in the car walking to the other side to sit, Brendon staring at his ass the whole time.

"Alright men, let's just get it out there. Do you guys want to speak or you me to say something?" They all stayed quiet, but then surprisingly Dallon opened his mouth, "Ryan. Why the hell did you attack me before I disappeared?" Brendon's eyebrows furrowed and all attention was on Ryan. "Mr. Ross," Brendon growled. "Did you attack Dallon?"

Ryan sat there, his eyes filled with fear. A spark of realization hit his head and he spatted, "Mr. Urie, why the hell does that fucker, Weekes, get all this special attention. Why?" Brendon scowled at the seemingly confident brunette. He turned to Dallon, "I'm asking for your permission first, but I'm about to put your financial state out. Do you mind?" He responded with a shake of his head, knowing Brendon had to get his point across.

"Ross, this man, Dallon, has financial problems that I am able to work around. I can't just give him money so he could fit the part. He has only been with us for a week and then he goes disappearing because you attacked him." He started to get louder word after word, becoming more and more defensive. "Brendon, I think that is enough." Dallon said as he sat a hand at the man's shoulder. Ryan let's out a huff of air, "He can use your first name! What the fuck?"

Brendon's hand clenched and his jaw tightened. Ryan had his arms crossed and was looking out the window. Dallon sat there fiddling with his fingers. The three men were upset and Tyler could see it. "Okay." Tyler started. "As a 23 year old, and probably the only person closer to remembering those high school years of love triangles, I can for sure tell you all this is certainly one." The three perked and Josh snorted from behind.

"Wait you're only 23." Dallon asked. Tyler nodded. "Mr. Dun, no mean to be rude but aren't you like in your thirties." Josh furrowed his eyebrows. He was nice to Dallon in the beginning but he has gotten a little too comfortable around the two. "I am 29 Mr. Weekes, but this has nothing to do with me, get back to your own problems." Josh waved and kept his sanity by relishing over Tyler's tiny hand.

"Alright so what I believe is we need to get the feelings out and get rid of some also. You guys can play that at your own game." Tyler finished and sat back to cuddle under Josh's arm. Finishing with a quick peck they sat back and watched as the three attempted in settling the ordeal.

Tyler shook his head, "This is pointless. I think they are just going to keep going around what the actual problem is. Oh! What if it's Brendon? What if he doesn't want to admit his feelings." Josh quietly chuckled, "Baby don't worry. They will come to an agreement eventually. Just give them time. And in the end, one of them is going missing, because he supposedly lied." Tyler popped up at the memory.

"Listen!" he quieted the three men and they all looked at the brunette. "Ryan, you called us about Dallon. Now before I continue, Mr. Urie knows of our business, so I want you to tell him of the phone call you made with us." Tyler eyed the man as his adam's apple bobbed in fear. "Uhm," he started and Tyler raised his eyebrows in expectation. "Come on Ross, spit it out!" Brendon urged.

Ryan took a deep breath, "I c-called M-Mr.Dun, t-to get rid o-of Dallon," Tyler nodded his head, "And could you tell Mr. Urie what he did to be called in." Ryan huffed out, "He was having an affair with my husband,"

"Who happens to be?" Ryan looked like he was about to cry out of embarrassment. "Mr. Urie." Dallon and Brendon's eyes went wide, Tyler smiled and waited for everything to carry on from there.

"Ryan!" Brendon bellowed. "What the fuck!" Ryan face turned to a scowl. "You know what. I don't fucking care, he's not dead right?" Ryan tried to remove attention from himself. "Only because babyboy let him talk while in the process." Josh butted in and earned a hit in the chest from Tyler. "Fuck all of you. Okay!" Ryan yelled. "I don't care, he is alive. You can have him and fuck him over your desk like you did to me when I first started working here!"

"Well shit." Tyler muttered. Everyone stopped. Nothing was being said. Dallon was at a loss, wondering if the only reason he got the job was because his boss wanted to fuck him and that be it. Brendon overall did not know how to respond one bit. "You are one cold son of a bitch, Mr. Urie." Ryan spatted. Brendon sat back in his seat and let out a gruff breath.

"Brendon, do you mind if I take a couple more days off? I'm kind of not ready to go back." Dallon asked quietly. Brendon looked at Dallon and smiled, "Of course." He set his hand on his knee in a reassuring manner then pulled it back to think to himself. After a while, the car stopped in front of Brendon's building. Ryan was the first to get out. Before Brendon got out he spoke quickly to the three men, Dallon first. "Dallon, i'm sorry to make you uncomfortable. I'll try my hardest to make you feel better anywhere. Send the sizes of that suit, I'm gonna get you more 'cause you look damn good in them." He then surprisingly leaned over and kissed Dallon's cheek.

"Mr. Joseph, Mr. Dun, are you taking Dallon?" Brendon asked. Tyler looked at Dallon and seen that the blue eyed man nodded his head, "Yes we are, Mr. Urie." Brendon nodded and contemplated for a moment. "Mr. Dun," Josh rose his head. "Expect a call from me later, I'll triple the amount for this one." And with those words he left. Josh and Tyler smiled, Dallon sat there looking as confused as ever.

"I told you Babyboy." Joshua muttered in his ear. Tyler rose to the older's ear, "Are you excited?" Josh quickly nodded. "Me too, Daddy." they lightly snickered to each other and the rest of the ride was quiet.


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I have a new book coming out soon. It just needs a plot 

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