Chapter Twenty Three

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Few Weeks Later

Josh woke up to the sound of Tyler constantly squirming in bed whimpering. "N-no, p-please." he pleaded through his sleep. "I'm s-sorry." Josh went to wake him up but the Tyler started flailing his arms all over the place, as if he were swatting someone away. Josh climbed on top of him grabbed at his wrists and pinned them to the bed, "Tyler wake up, baby. Come on, wake up." Tyler's eyes fluttered open and they were filled with tears.

He rocked his head to the side and started to cry and Josh got off of him so he could give bring him into his lap and cradle him as he cried. These weren't no silent tears, Tyler was crying and screaming into Josh's chest and it hurt his heart with every screech that left his lips. Josh had tears roll down his face he felt like he wasn't helping.

Eventually, Tyler's cries had quieted and they were both just a tangle of tear stained messes. "He was going t-to do so-something worse. I-I saw him c-come a-after me. And he started throwing me, on t-the walls, i-into dressers. Then onto the bed, and I pleaded. B-but he w-wouldn't stop. J-Joshie, I don't w-want to go back t-to sleep. I d-don't want to see his face. I'm scared and I just w-want to, I-I j-just feel worthless." Tyler said with a few hiccups.

"You had a dream where you were being sexually abused, Tyler." He felt Tyler nod. "Baby, I am so sorry. And we will figure out a way to get rid of it." Tyler sat up away from Josh's chest. "There is no way to get rid of it, Joshie. It's always there, replaying and fucking up everything. I fucking hate this, I hate it." Josh extended a hand towards the younger man and grabbed onto his.

"Alright, well, we need to find a way to find a chest put it in there and bury it some where in that mind of yours where it can be kept and hopefully never resurface."

"Okay, Joshie." Tyler said quietly. "I still don't want to go back to sleep." Josh nodded and pulled the younger out of the bed. Josh looked to see that it was about four in the morning, they walked down and sat in the living room. "We could play games to help keep you up for a while until you feel better." Josh suggested. "Mario Kart?" Tyler asked. "You sure do know how to make me happy. Get the controllers and I will set up."

Tyler bounced on his heels and went to the garage to find the controllers. After grabbing the blue and gray controllers he went back to the living room and plugged them into the system. Josh blew into the game and set it in turning on the 64. You could see the gold band on Nintendo spinning and hear Mario welcome the two.

They sat on the floor in front the tv, Tyler in Josh's lap. After picking their characters they played a whole prix. "Joshie you're not allowed to win!" Tyler yelled and giggled. Josh smiled and continued playing. He was first to cross the line in the second race after winning the first. "Dammit Josh." Tyler stood and went to the kitchen. "And where are you going?" Josh asked.

"To get some ice cream. What else?" Tyler said as he flapped his arms above his head as Josh followed him to the kitchen. "Tyler. You keep up this sassy act. I'm gonna have to put you over my knee." Tyler spun around with a scowl. "Oh but you won't even touch me because I'm not better." Tyler whined and turned back around. "Tyler Stop." Josh spatted. "No."

Josh went up behind Tyler and grabbed his arm, laying him down so that his belly was on the counter and his ass was up. He landed a hard smack to his left side and Tyler moaned at the sweet stinging feeling that he terribly missed. "Keep it up Daddy. I'm not finished yet." He felt Josh smack at the right side of his ass and moaned even louder and attempted in rubbing at the growth on his panties.

"Fuck, Daddy. Again." He felt as Josh slid down his panties and smacked dead at his entrance and sent Tyler in a fit of shakiness throughout his body. He felt the tingles run through in places where it needed and goosebumps rose. He felt in utter pleasure and wanted more. "Dammit, Tyler you keep this up, Daddy's just gonna take you right here." Josh voice with laced with lust.

"Fucking do it then." Tyler yelled over his shoulder to look at Josh who had  permanent frustration on his face. He hated how tempting Tyler was, and how he breaks his own rules because Tyler has that effect on him that nothing else matter. He hates it, but hes going to go on with it. He stuck two finger into his mouth and slick them up to put them both into Tyler's entrance.

"Oh, Fuck yes." Tyler moaned out. He felt as Josh started to pump his ass. "Daddy, I missed you so much. I need you, please fuck me." He pleaded through guttural moans. Josh stood and let his sweatpants drop to his ankles. He spat into his hand and slicked himself up.

He lined up with his hole and slowly entered into Tyler, their moans filling and echoing inside the kitchen. Josh grabbed onto his hips bringing him all the way back to bottom out. He felt as Tyler tightened around him and let out moaning chuckle. He didn't move though and Tyler sat beyond confused.

"Fuck it." He whispered. And move his whole lower half up and back toward Josh's body and already felt his knees growing weak at the feeling of Josh inside. He lifted one leg up on the counter giving more access. He moved his body left and right until he felt Josh hit the sweetest of spots. "Daddy, please move. Right there, please." Tyler screeched.

He felt Josh's hands tighten around his hips and started heavily thrusting into him. "Oh fuck, yes." Tyler yelled. He encouraged Joshua to keep going and to not stop. Josh felt himself coming close to his release. "Fuck Babyboy, I'm close." He panted.

Tyler look over his shoulder, "Fucking come inside me Josh." Josh looked wide eyed at the boy, he had never seen this side of Tyler. He then let go inside of Tyler and watched as Tyler shook at the filling feeling and his own orgasm as he painted the counter in his own mess.

Josh removed himself from and pulled Tyler's panties back up and moved them back to the living room. "I'm gonna go clean up," he whispered into his ear.

Tyler nodded and laid on the couch. His body felt more relaxed, no longer tense. He felt like a cloud swifting and he laughed at the thought. Through hooded eyes he looked at the television and how the game was now on pause them starting a new race.

He crawled off the couch and down to the floor grabbing the blue controller in his hands and waited for Josh. 5 minutes later, Josh came into the room, "Sit down Joshie. I want to finish the game." Josh lifted an eyebrow, "But babe, it's four in the morning and you look tired as hell." Tyler pointed his finger down, "Sit." Josh obeyed and grabbed the gray controller.

"Thank you, Joshie. I really needed that." He said leaning onto the older man's shoulder. Josh chuckled, "No problem, baby." They sat there and played the game, not even caring who won, Josh carried Tyler upstairs and they both fell asleep.


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