Chapter Three

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T/W: Smut </>
there's a start and end

Tyler was finished washing all the blood off his body. He switched off the water and grabbed a fluffy pink towel. He quickly dried off then put on his pink silk robe and fluffy slippers.

He walked out the bathroom and was met with Josh laying on the bed waiting for him. His right leg was bent and his head held up by his left hand. Right hand on his hip. "Am I sexy?" he asked.

Tyler giggled and looked at the older man and put his finger on his chin in faux thinking. "Well," he stated. "You could lose the sweat pants and shirt. Let's see how that would look."

Josh quickly sat up and removed the clothing requested and got back into previous position. "How 'bout now?" Tyler shook his head in playful disagreement. He walked closer to the bed and looped his finger in Josh's underwear.

"Gonna have to lose these too." he requested. Josh looked up at Tyler and grabbed one of Tyler's robe ties, "I will lose the underwear if you lose the robe."

Tyler giggled and brought his hands to his string, pulling it and letting it fall. Josh looked at Tyler in all his exposed beauty.


Josh woke up to the sun burning at his eyes. He wasn't able to really get out of bed, for Tyler had strong arms wrapped around his waist. Josh grabbed at one of his hands and attempted at removing himself. Eventually being successful.

Josh then got out of bed, putting on only sweatpants. He traveled out the room and walked to his office. He needed to look and make sure that everything was carefully cleaned up at the abandoned warehouse where Frank's death took place.

He sat in the chair looking at 6 small televisions. He put his pointer on a round knob and moved it counter-clockwise for it rewind all the way back to the time him and Tyler left.

4 television were on the outside of the warehouse, all put by motion sensors, one was inside the warehouse so that Josh and Tyler could make sure the house was securely cleaned and one was placed looking out at the long driveway. It was like an alarm camera.

Josh watched as Tyler exited the warehouse and wiped at his face smearing more blood. Josh shifted in his chair as he remembered the innocent look Tyler held, with blood covering his face.

There was no audio on the cameras but Josh watched himself come up to Tyler and bring him into a heated kiss. Josh smiled at how vulnerable he can make the boy in seconds. He watched as he lifted the boy and pinned him against the wall.

Josh smile had widen, he remembered those noises the boy had made, and how he had made the boy wait for until they got home that they would continue their session.


"I fucking love it when you do that to me." Josh heard the familiar voice and spun in his chair a smile still prominent on his face. Tyler was leaning against the frame of the door, also smiling at Josh from afar. "I love it when you easily pick me up and slam me into the wall, and you tease me, thinking your gonna fuck me right then and there."

Josh watched as the boy made his way over to him, seeing as the smaller swayed his hips back and forth. Tyler placed his hands on Josh's upper thighs and attempted in digging his nails at the older man's muscles, yet they were protected by the cotton sweats.

Josh still let out a low moan at Tyler's attempt, and smiled at the young ones action. "How you would make me feel so vulnerable and in want. God your fucking lips are intoxicating, want them to scar every part of my body." Tyler dropped between Josh's legs and looped his hands in his sweatpants.

You were able to see Josh's excitement at Tyler's words and action. They really affected him for Tyler knew Josh liked the slight pain that came with intimacy. Tyler then pulled down at Josh's pants, allowing him to spring free.

Tyler grabbed at the base, "And how I would practically beg for you to take me." Josh moaned out as he felt Tyler wrap his lips around his member. Tyler took the man all in, gag reflex not bothering for it had been tamed over the few years of being with Josh.

Tyler swirled his tongue around the tip and massaged the slit. Josh bucked his hips up at Tyler's sinful actions. Josh looked down to be met with chocolate eyes, and moaned louder than ever.

Tyler hummed, massaged and rubbed at Josh's member. Josh was close to tipping over the edge at the feeling and near about release into Tyler's mouth. Josh grabbed down at Tyler hair and fisted at it, which caused Tyler to moan.

And that sent to Josh over, releasing into Tyler mouth and bucking his hips to get a little more friction for the rest of his load. Tyler being the good boy he is, swallowed everything. He swiped at the corner of his mouth and stood in front of Josh.


Josh smiled and looked at his boy, "Now baby what was that for?" he asked. Tyler looked into Josh's eyes, and it seemed as if he were embarrassed, which never usually happens nowadays. "I, uhm, had a dream that I uh, did that. And you know, it really does help me calm down when I put it to reality." he said as he pointed to his own area.

"Well, Daddy thanks you." Josh smiled. Tyler reciprocated and replied with a innocent, "You're welcome, Daddy." Tyler then sat in Josh's lap and continued to look at recordings. Their session was long gone and now they were left with watching as their own cleaning company was cleaning up the Frank Mess. And it seemed that Tyler left a big mess.

"What the fuck is that?" Josh asked. Tyler raised an eyebrow and looked at the small televisions to see what Josh was talking about. "Daddy what's wrong?"

"Camera 3." Josh replied. Tyler took a closer look at it and saw the unknown figure in the background moving. Then they watched as the motion sensor came on and see a man they knew all too well.

He had strawberry blond hair and attempted to cover it with a fedora. But he was the only person Josh and Tyler knew that did such thing. Josh's anger boiled and he clutched his fist.

"God dammit, Imma kill that fucker. He just doesn't know how to keep his nose out of other people's business." Josh said through gritted teeth.

"We can't kill him, Josh. You know that right. He hasn't done anything, crazy crazy, like everyone else we have." Tyler replied.

Josh removed Tyler from his lap and left the secondary office to go to the main office to make a phone call. Tyler continued to look at the recording of Patrick snooping. He didn't have anything with him, he was just watching.

"Dammit Patrick, you fucking know better." Tyler sat up and went to go after Josh.


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