Chapter Twenty One

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Tyler woke to the feeling of his ears popping, indicating that they were landing. He shook Josh and covered his ears. And then followed what josh said. He used his feet, ignoring the pain and kicked Josh off the bed. The older popped back up, "Tyler are you okay? What's wrong? What's happening?" Tyler laughed at his silliness, "We're landing, get dressed."

Tyler and Josh started to dress back into their clothes and Josh was able to get a sneak at how his scars are doing, and he could see that he was going to have to change Tyler's bandages when they got home. Once they were done, Josh left the empty duffel on the plane and grabbed Tyler's hand, pulling him out of the bedroom. The plane was all cleared no one was on. They stepped out and Tyler was happy to be back in Ohio.

He smiled up at Josh and they walked off the plane and to Clyde. "Mr. Joseph, great to see you again." Tyler smiled, "Great to see you too, Clyde." The man nodded and tyler entered after Josh kissed his knuckles. He turned to Clyde, "Clyde, I like to take the three musketeers to their rightful homes and then we could go home. You all can have the rest of the day off." Clyde smiled, and nodded his head, "Yes sir, Mr. Dun."

Josh got in the car beside Tyler and they cuddled together as Brendon, Dallon and Jenna all had their own conversation. "Daddy, I missed you." Tyler whispered. Josh chuckled, "I missed you too Babyboy." Tyler scowled and grabbed Josh's hand and controlling it to rub down his body, "I missed you a lot."Josh stopped his hand, and patted at his belly then retreated it back to Tyler's shoulder.

"Now baby, we just got back home, and also we have company. I would at least think you would wait til they are gone. Now another thing is that I said we have to wait until you've healed. Physically and mentally. I promise baby, I will have you moaning in no time. But these things," he said gesturing to his bandage that showed under his crop top and his lip, "they take time to heal." He kissed his forehead, "And so it does up here. It takes time, but I promise it'll be worth it."

The car stopped and Jenna was the first to leave as she exited the car and waved back at the two couples. Then jumping back in and giving Tyler a kiss on his cheek. "Bye, everyone." they all mumbled a bye back and both couples had muffled and whispered conversations with one another.

Josh watched as the younger played with his large fingers. Watched as he showed in great in accomplishing of making a gun figure with his hand. But every time he accomplished, Josh would always change it to a fist and Tyler would beat at the hand. Josh grew worried and wrapped his fingers around the smaller hand.

Tyler's body grew slump and Josh realized he fell asleep. "Look who's out like a light." Brendon said from across the seats. Josh kissed his head, "I guess he is." Josh murmured. The car stopped again in front of Brendon's home. It was big, but not as big as Josh's. They both got out the car saying bye and Josh rolled down the window to tell Clyde that they won't be stopping at Dallon's. Instead they'll be going straight home.

Once home, Josh carried Tyler's small broken body to the house and up the stair, covering his body with the comforter. Tyler's body shifted and Josh started to strip the boy, the clothes constricting his body was the cause of his shifting. Once he was left in his lace, he cuddled against Josh's pillow and fell asleep. Josh removed his own clothes then put on a pair of sweatpants and went downstairs.

It was about 3 in the afternoon and Josh was laid on the couch eating a bowl of cereal. They've been home for a couple hours and Josh hasn't heard anything from Tyler since he has fallen asleep. He chose to go up and check on him, he had to change his bandages anyways. He ventured up the stairs and went to their room, Tyler still sound asleep.

Josh wrapped around the room to the bathroom grabbing bandages, peroxide and some cotton balls. He went back to Tyler and sat beside him on the bed laying the things out. He grabbed the end of the bandage and started to unravel it from around his body. When Tyler felt loose around his torso he woke up to seeing Josh.

"Daddy, What are you doing?" Tyler asked tiredly. His voice laced with sleep. "Daddy's gotta clean you up so you don't get infected." Josh stated and Tyler rolled his head back in sleep. Josh chuckled quietly and flipped him over onto his belly so he could see the wound. He seen how the stitches were kind of tight and looked painful.

Josh seen it wasn't infected so he chose to let it breath for a couple of hours. He put peroxide on his eyebrow and lip that still had the cut. Then fanned at the stab wound and let Tyler situate himself so he could sleep comfortably. He cooed when he heard the small boy whimper softly in his sleep, showing true relaxation.

He stood from the bed and went down stairs to get all the baking supplies out. Tyler would be up soon he just waited till he woke up. After all the supplies were laid he heard quick patters of feet. He raised his eyebrows and seen Tyler smiling widely at the frame of the kitchen, he had on one of Josh's dress shirts, the sleeves rolled up and buttoned around his elbows. The light sky blue dress shirt wrapped around his frame brought a smile to the older's lips.

"Didn't expect you to wake for another hour." Josh said. Tyler smiled and walked towards the older, his arms wrapping around his neck. "I heard you open cabinets and I remembered that you promised me baking when we got home. So I woke up as if I were a child on Christmas Day." Tyler said then gave Josh a kiss on his lips. Josh kept his hands laid on Tyler's hips, "Would you like to play music, baby?" Josh asked.

Tyler smiled and nodded his head.


🌻1081 Words🌻
Finishing this story before the new year kicks.

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