Chapter Six

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Tyler sat on Josh's lap as he looked up everything he needed on Ryan. They had to make sure the guy was safe and that they were able to trust the deal they were being given. After about 3 hours of research, Tyler told Josh that he was clean. Josh nodded, kissed the boy on his forehead and went to do his job.

Tyler left the room and went down to the kitchen to grab some ice-cream. He sat on the porcelain marble counter, swinging his knee high sock feet. He thought about this Ryan and what seemed so familiar about him. He has heard the name Ross, but he couldn't think of where. He smiled down at his inevitable cuteness and was pulled out of his reverie by Muso. Muso is a huge gray black and white husky, with two ocean blue eyes. Tyler smiled down at the dog and laid on the ground. That will distract him.

Josh was in the main office, typing up details needed for their next victim. He made sure not to forget anything needed, proof-read it almost 10 times. And he added a little J. Dun in the end just to make in a little more formal.

J. Dun: R. Ross, it is nice to be doing business with you, but before we start there are some rules that will happen before, during, and after we take care of the victim. Before, we need to know their name, which is about it. We can get the rest of the details needed. After this is over, you need to keep your mouth shut.. You have two options. If you click on Folder 1, that is an option wanted immediate death. Something like a bullet to the head. Folder 2, is the option of slow death. This is where we torture the victim up to about an hour, eventually they die. Folder 1 costs at a range of $45,000 to $75,000. And Folder 2 is at most $150,000. You have until tomorrow's sun-down to reply.


He moved the mouse and clicked on the send button. Quickly closed his laptop, removed his blazer and went down stairs. Josh went to the kitchen and was met with Muso playing with Tyler. Tyler saw Josh and told Muso to get back to his room, in which he did. He stood up and walked over to Josh wrapping his hands around his neck and bringing him in for a kiss. "Hungry?" Josh asked. "No, not really."

Josh nodded and they both walked to the TV room so Josh could explain everything about a possible victim tomorrow night. "So baby, we might have another victim, tomorrow night." Tyler nodded at Josh's statement, "Yeah okay." All of a sudden a tear runs down Tyler's face. It worried Josh very much, he wrapped his arms around the boy and brought him in his lap. Tyler continued to cry on josh's shoulder and Josh was utterly confused on what was going on. The last time Tyler cried like this was when he first met the boy.

Josh rubbed circles on his back and spoke sweetly into his ear. The brunette quickly sat up and gave Josh a salty kiss. "I'm sorry." he said. "Why are you sorry, baby?" Tyler shrugged and looked at his fingers trying to find the answer. "Maybe it is just a bunch of pent up emotion that just needed to fall, you know." Josh nodded in understanding and continued to rock the small boy.

After a while, Tyler had finished crying and was asleep in his arms. Josh was soundlessly watching tv when his phone went off. It was an e-mail from Ryan, he chose what is to happen and the details on the victim. There was always a reason for why they did these things. And when Josh read the reason, he frowned much. It was a topic that no person should ever have to go through in life, especially when they are happy with the one they love.


Once again they were waiting for another man to wake up. He was drugged and unconscious and Tyler and Josh were waiting. Instead of them both sitting and staring at the man. Tyler was straddling Josh's lap and looking into his eyes.

It was nothing sexual. Josh's hands were set on the smallers hips rubbing small circles. And Tyler's fingers were swirling Josh's hair. They were smiling and giggling. And just beyond dazzled of each other's presence. Tyler quickly kissed Josh and turned in the man's lap to look at the victim. He was grunting and started to wake up. Tyler smiled and clapped his hands lightly and smiled down at the man.

The man with black hair had restraints at his wrists and ankles. Tyler bent near Josh's ear, "Can I go play?" he whispered. Josh backed away to get a good look at the small boy. He smiled widely, "I sure have created a monster," he chuckled. "Yes baby, go play." Tyler quickly gave Josh a kiss on his stubble and hopped off his lap.

Tyler wanted to change things up so before he had shown himself in the light he went over to the weaponry table. He grabbed his favorite knife and tucked into his red plaid skirt's pocket. He lifted his black short-sleeve crop top up a little so that his belly button showed and fixed his clunky combat boots. He strutted over to the man in the chair who was beginning to still at the sight of Tyler.

He did his usual of walking over to the victim and setting his small body in their lap. The thing that was different was that he set his back side on the man's front. Tyler laid his head on the man's shoulder. He smiled and bit at his ear and giggled when the man shivered. Tyler then turned to straddle the man, his hands wrapped around his neck.

"Did you know, that affairs are just sinful. What made you think you should get in between a marriage?" the man's eyes grew wide, ocean blue eyes filled with fear. "You know, he was beyond happy to give you to us so you could pay for what you've done. My dear," Tyler pulled the knife from his pocket and rose it to the man's neck.

Tyler ripped the tape from his lips, extracting painful scream from his lips. Tyler wickedly smiled, "My dear, Dallon. The next hour will be the worst of your life."


🌻1093 Words🌻

YAY! Okay so now I believe this is a good place to stop for a couple of days. I just want to make sure this plot sounds good. I mean I believe the beginning of this Story in particular starts off so slow.

But yee, I will still be updating this
But in a couple of days. Just sayin.

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