Chapter Fourteen

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Tyler woke up to the same blue walls he remembered from his past. Band poster's were still hung, the small desk still stood, his keyboard in the same corner. "No." he whispered. He looked down at himself, he was in black skinny jeans and a blue button up. "N-No." His eyes started to burn with tears and Tyler could feel the memories flood back. His head started to ache.

"P-please, tell me t-this is a d-dream." Tyler quietly asked. Tyler went to his window that showed the familiar street and driveway. The bitch sat in her chair in the lawn drinking lemonade. He heard heavy footsteps come up the stairs and panicked. He didn't know what to do he just sat there. The door swung open.

"God, I thought you would never wake up." the gruff man said. He set a tray of food on the bedside table with orange juice. "Eat." he commanded. Tyler slowly made his way over to the food until the older man grabbed him by his collar, "If I ever see you in those ridiculous clothes ever again, I swear it will be the end of you. Got it?" tyler quickly nodded.

"Yes dad."

"Good." His father turned and walked out of his room. He was back at his childhood home that he had literally ran away from. He was trapped in the four blue walls he had grown over the years to hate. He was lost without his love, he had nobody to love him. Tyler was known as quite the whore around this town because of his father's words. Only because he rather love a boy than a little girl. Iowa was just not a great place for him.

He wanted to be back in Ohio again with Josh. Hugging Josh, kissing Josh, loving Josh. But he was stuck again in a house with what looks like security cameras in the rooms. This wasn't a house, it was never home either. It was pure prison. He had to find a way to get out, but he had to get in touch with Josh. He thought this over.

Kill everyone and run. No, I can't do that. Well, we could save it as a backup plan. Okay back up plan it is. Find a phone around somewhere and quickly get in touch. Yeah, but I can't bring him by the house, and let them get ahold of Josh and I don't want that. I don't think I will be alone anytime soon, for the last that had happened, I ran away and I think they want me to stay. Dammit Tyler, just fucking kill them. You've done it for 4 years.

Tyler pulled at his hair then at his clothes. He kept pulling at the stitches until he was in nothing at the corner of his room shaking. He hated those clothes. After becoming comfortable with what he wore, he despised those. He wanted his crop tops and skirts back, his heels. He wanted it all back, he didn't feel like himself. Tears fell and he just kept shaking. He started to scream, "I want to go home!" consecutively, never taking a breather unless he choked on his own spit. Pleading for it to choke him to death.

He heard his door open and someone was at his side, "Oh but sweetie you are home." said his mother. "W-where are your clothes?" She looked at the torn clothing on the ground. She turned the boy over to look at his face, and her hand ran across it twice on both sides. "You will be thankful for the clothing you have, you inconsiderate bitch." Tyler nodded and his mother went to his closet and pulled out more clothing and a pair of boxers. "Get dressed. We will call you when dinner's ready."

Tyler stood and walked over to the clothing, only sliding on the boxers and black skinny jeans. When he picked up the red button up shirt, he started to cry. The red now symbolizing Josh. Wherever he looked around the room, he saw something that reminded him of Josh. He laid the shirt back on the bed and went over to the tray. He ate the raisin oatmeal, and sipped at the orange juice.

After eating he put the tray by the entrance and slouched back to his bed. Though it had been up to 5 years since he has been home, he still remembered every routine that was created when he reached age 13. 'You're in the process of learning how to take care of yourself,' they always told him. And he believed them, yet when he came out to his parents at 16, they took a 2 week getaway, leaving with the words, 'abomination', as if it were written on his forehead.

When they came back, his father was the first to hit him, he was set with more chores and wasn't allowed to have friends. He hated that because he was a very outgoing person. But then one day, he evidently said 'fuck it all' and went out for a few hours with a couple of friends. After that his father had hit him and it was the first time his mother had hit him and then his father embarrassed him in church.

Three days later, he left home taking as much money as he could to help him on his venture and his trusty car, that eventually got totaled. Everything started to come, all those memories he had spent years getting rid of. After running to find a new start, those old habits seem to come back. The scratching at his arms, the figure that hides in the corner of his mind and room, and the silver shiny object that he is now desperate to find.

He starts to claw at his arms, sweat rolls down and his body goes into a shaking spree. He no longer has control of his body, he was numb and Josh isn't there to save him. He grabs his pillow and wraps his limbs around it, sweat, tears, soaking into the cotton. His body still shaking, yet he has the energy to plead, "Josh please help me."

His eyelids fall and movements are still. 


🌻1045 Words🌻
Ever get a panic attack in a classroom and embarass yourself in front of ur mates, and
The reason you had it was because you didn't know an answer to a trigonometry question.
I did.
Today was great

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