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"I can't believe I just did that!" I think. Tears flowing down, I sit down on the floor. I clench my fist and hit my arm.

It feels real

"I'm strong." I say to myself. "I can do this."

I get up and take a look over at where Crooked Man and Mary were standing. They are gone. Hopefully, forever.

I walk back to where we came from. The dark hallway.

I feel so relieved after I get out of that bloody red room. (Literally)

When I get to the edge of the cave, I jump into the water and swim up to the only light I can see.

The Sun.

When I get out of the water, I walk straight into the woods to never hear that soft and calling voice of the lake.

Not looking back once.

"Now to find my dad." I say.

The sun is up. I don't know how long I had been in that place, but it sure was long.

I decide I must first find the way out of the forest.
Should I go around it? No, it'll take too long. Then I must stay inside the forest but move quickly. And I shall not answer any other voices. Not again.

Walking towards the shed, I pick up a rock. Playing with it in my hand while walking, I don't pay attention to what I step on.

I stumble and almost fall. I bend down and look at what I tripped over.

It's a door.

Old, rusty door.

And it has a letter on it:
Don't Open

And then there's this voice.
A female voice.
Coming from inside the door.
"Is anyone there?"

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