:Chapter 1:

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"Looks like we are sharing a dorm." I told Angel as I put down the box of art supplies of mine. Angel nodded. "You don't worry about me being loud or anything." I told her as Maryse trotted in with her red service dog vest on. She had a dull look on.

Explaining her red eyes was fun to a bunch of dull college kids. I said she had no pigmentation in her eyes causing them to be red. The awe struck look on their faces. I also said she was a German Shepherd.

One guy asked if she was fixed. 'Maryse looked ready to tear his face off. I actually thought she was going to rip his face off.' Some guy thought his German Shepherd could breed with Maryse. Unfortunately Maryse is a hellhound and can only breed with hounds of hell.

Angel rolled her things in and moved her hair. "So who will be cooking?" I asked. "Did you bring Flimur?" Angel asked. "Flimur is gonna send us care packages and things like that. He also said he'd visit for a week to feed us." I told her.

"Good thing Danielle thought it was important I know how to cook." Angel said. 'It is a good thing or it'd be ramen and mac and cheese for you two.' "We can always have fast food too." I told her looking out the window and into the parking lot where my mustang was parked. Behind it was my motorcycle.

Yeah I brought that here. Ryne would pick it up when it began to snow then put it away in the garage until spring. But I had to bring it here. "So when do your classes start?" Angel asked before sitting down in the leather chair I brought with us.

We dumped the things in here. We had a nice place as we weren't in a regular dorm which in my opinion was great. We didn't have to share a bathroom with anyone.

That would be disastrous. 'I see you lighting someone on fire because they wanted to shower when you wanted to shower too.'  'That's not true. I am not that bad when angry. I'd simply ask for them to wait their turn.' 'While threatening to set them on fire of course. Don't forget that.'

I rolled my eyes at Satan. He was so over dramatic sometimes. Angel looked around the dorm which had light purple walls. "Do you know who Nico is rooming with?" I asked. "I believe he is rooming with Andrew and Dalton. Or one of them." Angel answered before offering a small smile. I nodded at that.

"There is a forest around here that we can run in." Angel said with a smile. "Did you bring any weapons?" Angel asked. "Never leave without any. I brought pistols and ammo along with some daggers and my sword." I told her motioning to one of the black cases.

It was a large black case but was full of all my weapons. The Knight's blade, my pistols and the ammo, along with knives and dagger put away. 'You also brought your hunter's journal.' 'I do like to look over it when I am bored.' Satan nodded.

'I also plan to add the demon servant to the demon section.' A month ago this demon servant attacked me in my home. I killed it with the help of Maryse and Ryne but it still broke in. My goal was to gain information on the species to prepare encase something else attacked me.

"What are you taking for college classes?" Angel asked as I brought my art bag over. In total I had four bags. One for clothes, one for my art, one for things to put up and then the hunting case which I could put around my back if desired.

I also brought my blue guitar to put in the closet. Of course their was a wardrobe in the bedroom Angel and I were to share. 'Wardrobes are beautiful and in my opinion much better than dressers.' 'Well we have two wardrobes and a closet.' Satan smiled at the thought of a wardrobe.

'Ever think of investing in one?' 'Not until now.' Then Satan was gone. Probably off to go make some weird wardrobe. Satan was weird like that. "I'm gonna go unpack." I told Angel before getting my things and heading to the bedroom carrying my things. I opened the door and smiled just a little.

We had chose Greenwich Residence Hall, it was an apartment like building but that's where all of us were staying. Down the hallway was Derik's room, I didn't know who he was rooming with though. Rory didn't live here but he lived in a frat house though.

But this place was beautiful. It had a bath, kitchen and dining area. The bedroom was nice sized not as big as mine back in Greenburg but not tiny. There was two beds with nothing but pillows on them. Good thing I bought myself a comforter set off of Amazon with my last paycheck. Thinking of paychecks NYC has some nice jobs around here.

Hunting jobs of course and regular jobs. Not to mention I was close to one of the hunting centers. 'The place where The Gathering was.' 'Yeah but nothing has attacked me at all so I think I'll be good for a bit.' 'We are enforcing fear in the demons that think doing a rebellion is smart.' 'What about the succubus execution.' 'Was pushed because of that big attack. I know you wanted to do it but we had to push it.' I nodded. I had been waiting for Satan to tell me about it but I guess I could wait.

'Least the bitch gets more torture.' I nodded. Shaking my head of those thoughts I went up to the wardrobe and began putting my clothes in it then the closet making a dividing section between Angel and I and putting my guitar away. "I have to go grab my easel from my car." I told Angel coming out.

"Need help?" Angel asked. "I'm good. Don't forget to unpack your things." I reminded her before out I was. Derik was getting some cases in and he offered a small smile to me as I went down the elevator then outside. Nico was near his car.

"How's Angel doing?" Nico asked. "Pretty good." I told him as I went up to my car which happened to be next to his. "That's good. It's a nice place here." Nico said. "Who are you rooming with?" I asked. "Derik." Nico said. "Not Dalton?" I asked.

Nico shook his head. "Is Dalton rooming with Andrew?" I asked. "Yeah, Orchid decided to sneak in along with him." Nico said. 'Mates so loyal to each other sometimes.' 'Yes they are.' "Where's Orchid staying then?" I asked interested. "In Andrew's bed. There is also a big coven that agreed to let her use their things." Nico said.

"Did she bring a cat with her?" I asked. "That fluffy siamese one. She said her panthers are guarding her house." Nico answered as I got my easel out. "That's nice." I said. "Ryne is also supposed to help take care of it."
 Nico said.

'Looks like your brothers get time alone with their loved ones without having to worry about you barging in. Or Derik.' I ignored Satan after that. "Nice talking to you." I told him with a smile. "You bring canvases?" Nico asked. "Bought some on the way too." I said before going back to my apartment.

1247. Welcome back marshmallows! I was thinking the entire time and editing parts of this to make it right. The place where they are staying is a real place in the NYU college. It's a First Student and Upperclass place also a apartment style. But that's all for now. Until next time apartment shaped marshmallows.

 Until next time apartment shaped marshmallows

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