:Chapter 22:

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"So how many people are gonna be here?" I asked Rory as he got a chair over to put up some decorations. A week had passed since I ordered Isabella's costume and it was scheduled to come today. The day before Halloween.

"A nice amount. But there is two frat parties. A rival frat threw a party but everyone knows this party is gonna be way better. One we have a house off campus. A huge house with a basement. Two we always throw better parties and three booze." Rory said turning to me.

'Well then.' "Every frat party has booze." I told him. "Yes but I cracked open the bank and got some expensive wine even hired a bartender for the bar here. This place is way better than that frat house." Rory said with a smirk on his face. Of course he'd do that.

"This is an elite party no less. Not just some frat party. No date rape is gonna happen here either like it probably will at the other place. If I even smell a drug here I might break wrists!" Rory said raising his voice at the last part for all the frat boys to here.

'Well that is the good part of the party. Rory is serious about things around here.' Rory then continued putting up the streamers. They looked like gold and orange and they draped down into the kitchen. I had to admit this house was pretty impressive.

Way bigger than the dorms at Greenwich Hall. Rory moved his hair from his face before getting off the metal foldable chair then folded it and pushed it into a corner. Rory walked over to the coffee table where an empty box of pizza sat making Rory growl lowly that only I heard.

"How many times have I told you throw away your shit when your done with it. Last time I checked I didn't order a combo pizza so I shouldn't be cleaning up your shit!" Rory yelled before throwing the box. A frat boy grabbed it before leaving to go throw it.

"You run things around here?" I asked. "Our frat leader Nick graduated last year." Rory said brushing some hair from his face. I nodded. A younger blonde came down. He was wearing a pair of khakis and a polo shirt. "Where are you going Payton?" Rory asked.

"Lunch. No worries I'm eating out not bringing stuff here for you to throw around." Payton said with a smirk. "Next time I'm hiring a damn maid." Rory said. 'Well they runs things around here strangely.' A frat boy came out. "What food are we having for the party?" The frat boy asked.

"Take-out duh. Get Pizza Hut. Pepperoni and combo. Some bread sticks and a few things of large wings. Also a small baked ziti for a girl I know." Rory said. The frat nodded before walking away. "Baked ziti for Isabella?" I asked. "She threatened me if I didn't get it." Rory said. I nodded.

"She's vicious when she wants something." Rory said as he adjusted his shirt. 'That is true.' 'I know.' I sat down on the couch with Rory who got his iPhone 7 out and began texting someone. "Of course a test would be this Friday." Rory said rolling his eyes.

Tests and Rory didn't get along very well. Rory believed he didn't need to do those things but he got grades on them at least. Better than failing them and then getting kicked out of college. Mom would be pissed about that.

'Well I hope we get good grades.' 'We will as long as we study and work very hard.' Ash nodded in agreement. Rory looked over at me. "So how are you and Isabella doing?" Rory asked as he looked at a glass bowl full of candy before snatching a Snickers.

"I bought her costumes and pre-ordered tickets for Justice League." I told him. "I saw the previews. Might see it when it comes out on DVD." Rory said with a league. "Isabella really wanted to see it so I ordered them. She doesn't know yet though. I'm gonna surprise her." I told him.

Rory nodded. 'So there will be werewolves at this frat boy party. Interesting.' 'Well the frat. . . leader is a werewolf so it is only fit.' Rory glanced over at one of the guys who walked by. "So how are you classes going?" Rory asked as he pushed himself more upright.

"Good. A large variety of students and what they want to do." I said brushing some hair from my face. Rory nodded. My phone buzzed and I looked over to see a ten minute hint for my classes to start. "I got to go my classes start in ten minutes." I told him.

"Yeah see you tomorrow night." Rory said with a grin. I nodded before taking out my keys from my leather jacket and heading over to my sports car. With that I got in my car and started it up before taking off towards the campus.
"Rivalry. It's something in everyday life but most present in business. A bakery against a bakery. Gas station against gas station. Company trying to make better products then other companies. Some rivalry is fruitless in the end but some is worthy for the winner and the prize." The professor as he continued the rivalry lecture.

I sat there silently writing the notes in my own words. Most of it was what I deemed the most important as I fought to keep up with the professor's writing pace. Luckily it was proved worthy as the professor and I wrote at the same pace.

So I was able to keep up before he wiped the board destroying the information for any of the stragglers. 'Rivalry is in the wild and in werewolf nature.' 'Yes animals fight for territory and food werewolves mostly territory or over strong pack members.' Ash nodded.

The professor continued lecturing. The professor erased the board and I glanced at the clock fifteen minutes until class was over. My iPhone vibrated and I looked at it to see a text from Isabella and I slid the iPhone more near me to read Isabella's text thankfully the professor wasn't looking.

Found a hybrid lead. Need your help. I'm at my dorm.

Well it looks like I'd be heading to Isabella's dorm instead of mine. Curiosity spiked at what she could of found. Maybe a real solid lead that could get us somewhere. Biting my lip I flipped the notebook page to the other side and continued writing what the professor wrote.

Now the fifteen minutes seemed so long. I made a short reply to Isabella saying I'd be there in about twenty the minimum. Still in classes. I got an ok just as the professor glanced back. I was quick to make it look as if I did nothing but write.

I didn't meet her gaze or anything as that would be a sign of guiltiness. 'I mean she does let us have our phones out so it's sorta her fault.' The professor then went back to writing away and I followed thinking about the hybrid lead my mind glued to that fact.

After a lifetime; not really, the class was dismissed and I rushed out of class after grabbing my things. On the way I ran into Kadan. "Haven't seen you in awhile." Kadan said turning around with a smile. "Yeah. Classes." I told him.

I'd love to catch up with Kadan but I had to go. "You busy. I got an extra hour before Alana needs me?" Kadan asked. "Actually I am sorry." I told him. "What are you doing?" Kadan asked. "Isabella needs some help with a hybrid that attacked Derik and Maryse." I told him.

"I can help." Kadan said with a smile. 'Two wolves would be better than one.' "Ok follow me out. If you get cut off look for Greenwich Hall. I'll wait for you in the lobby." I told him. Kadan nodded before we parted ways to our car. Maybe Kadan could help us some.

1346. I am slaving away over this laptop getting chapters out. I have to get more. At least three or two more. I will make it happen. Mark my words. Ok but hope you enjoyed! Until next time #Kalana marshmallows.

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