:Chapter 33:

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"This is nice." Angel said as she filled up one of her bags full of clothes. We were packing to head to Greenburg. Greenburg back to my duplex where Ryne would reside. Possibly with his little girlfriend. Enyr had decided to go with Lucas to his duplex part.

Lucas was keeping up Derik's duplex while he was in college. 'Such a nice person Lucas can be.' 'When he decides to be.' Satan nodded in agreement as I packed away a few undergarments then some outfits. One was a hunting outfit for a job in Greenburg.

Lucas texted me saying they had a nice executer job for me when I got there so there I was with my hunting outfit. A nice Harley Quinn shirt then went a little low, a pair of leather pants, combat boots and my signature denim jacket which I wore daily when the weather was nice.

My denim jacket was covered in pins and patches. I didn't wear leather jackets they just weren't my style. After I got my clothes bag packed I got my weapons bag out. I slid in a few blades one coated in wolfs bane in case some rogue got some balls. 'They tend to.' I nodded in agreement before checking ammo for my pistols and the revolver I brought with. About eight clips and 36 bullets for the revolver. Ammo was something I tried to stock up on since I had a habit of running out in battle.


'You are getting better at it finally so give yourself a little slack.' 'I am. Guess we'll see my improvement on the job.' I smiled at that before zipping up my bags and turning to Maryse who was laying down in her dog bed. "Come on Maryse." I told her as Angel continued packing.

Angel was excited no doubt to be back in her pack's territory. Angel was an official pack member of Black Crescent Moon and I am sure she enjoyed being one instead of a rogue. Her rogue life was tough and decided to bite her in the ass once but she made it through.

Now she lived peacefully with Nico as his mate. 'Peace. Such a fragile thing that is taken away so quickly.' 'Angel earned her peace.' Satan nodded not responding. "Ok I am done." Angel said with a grin on her face. I nodded before picking up my bags and calling Maryse over.

"Lets go get our bags in the respective cars." I said. Angel and I walked out while I held Maryse's leather leash in my hand. We got in the elevator which happened to decide to stop at Dalton's floor. The door opened revealing the guys with bags.

This was gonna be a crowded elevator ride. Dalton of course ended up next to me and Maryse glared at everyone as she was pushed to the side. Dalton offered a smile to me as he pressed a button then the elevator began to go which was a relief.

I couldn't wait to get off of this death trap. It would be a relief. 'You think?' 'Oh I am happy I haven't put an elevator in my building  in hell.' I shook my head at Satan. He could be so. . . hard to describe sometimes.

But Satan was Satan and I was used to Satan. Biting my lip I waited for the elevator to ding open and then it did and I was quick to leave and scurry off to my mustang. Derik was helping Lyric put a bag into his mustang.  Andrew and Orchid were in the back seat of his mustang.

"Mind if I ride with you?"

I turned around to see Dalton behind me holding two bags. "Yeah if you want." I told him. I popped open the trunk. Dalton put his things in with mine and Maryse got into the backseat while I got in the drivers and Dalton in the passenger seat.

"I'll drop you off first." I said. "Or you can bring me to Kadan's whatever works better." Dalton said offering a small smile and glancing at his Lamborghini. I guess he wasn't taking it. 'He does have another car at home.' I nodded.

Then with that I started up my mustang and glanced at the garage of the building where my Harley laid. Victor was happy Derik and I chose to go to college so he paid for the parking and garage. He thought it was neat that we had things in life besides hunting to fall on.

Yeah I could sell my artwork if desired. I'm sure people would pay some money for my artwork. I mean you have those hardcore art buyers. 'Oh I am sure they'll buy from you. You are very unique with your paintings.' I made sure to pack some art supplies.

Nothing big just a canvas book that I got for Christmas then some paints. Just some small paintings and I had a ton of sketchbooks in my room. I wonder how my room looks if it was still the same or if Flimur decided to clean it and fix it up.

Make it right. Flimur insists my room needs to be cleaned better and blah, blah, blah. Yeah. But Flimur was very useful so I let it go in one ear and out the other. 'Did you know Ashiya created the house demons? He is a huge neat freak you know.'

I nodded. 'So that is why they are neat freaks?' 'Yes Ashiya made his demons carefully.' All the generals made their own race of demons. It's how hell was created since hell had hundreds maybe thousands of races. Some were minor but a demon book was rarely written with every species.

There were subspecies and bleh. It was complicated. Hounds of hell had a few different species not just hellhounds and hellions. But I explained that in my hunting journal. I personally liked hounds of hell they were pretty cool in my opinion. I had four of my own hounds of hell.

One hellhound and three hellions. All different yet unique. Satan smiled. "This should be a good vacation." Dalton said awakening me from my thoughts. "Yeah being back." I said as I pulled out of the parking lot. "My mom is gonna do a Thanksgiving run." Dalton said with a smile.

I nodded. "Also introduce Isaac and Isadora to some werewolves in wolf forms and get them used to it." Dalton said. "Werewolves do that?" I asked. 'Werewolf tradition. Oh you are now making them give  us a lesson.' Dalton smiled before moving his bangs from his face his eyes sparkling in happiness.

"It's to get them used to werewolves. Growing up knowing what a werewolf is. Like how humans grow up knowing they are human. It's quite common. In the older days some werewolves birthed in wolf form and birthed wolf pups but it's not a common practice as it can be dangerous sometimes." Dalton said.

"Explain." I said. "They are born in wolf form so they can't take on a human form some never do and live as wolves but with a longer life span which has to be monitored so no humans discover them. But some can take on human form but it takes longer than transforming into a wolf. They may not shift into they are older so it doesn't happen much. Most she-wolves are kept on drugs to keep the wolf down. A shift can be made usually early pregnancy." Dalton said pretty much giving me a werewolf biology lesson.

But hey it might be useful. Focusing on the road I picked up the speed. Soon I would be. . . home.

1265. Trying to get some chapters out for the Thanksgiving update. Also waiting on a cover for this. But unfortunately Snowball passed away. Until next time RIP Snowball marshmallows.

 Until next time RIP Snowball marshmallows

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