:Chapter 6:

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Isabella had followed me out of the parking lot and to the cookie dough place. 'It was a lot easier than expected to have Isabella got out with us.' 'I told you she'd never pass up cookie dough.' Now we were outside of the cookie dough shop.

I had my wallet out and was counting the money I had gotten from working at my mom's boutique. That was the money I didn't put into my savings account. I had lots of money in my savings account since I had that since birth. We all had one.

Most money I put away except for an exception ten dollars which increased. But now I no longer worked at my mom's boutique. Maybe a nice part-time job at the college? I don't know I had a nice amount of money for now and my mom did say she'd be sending care packages.

Isabella came over fixing her denim jacket. The days were now getting chilly as September began to fade into October. The leaves were a mixture of red, orange and brown and were beginning to fall down on the pavement. Not as much as back in Greenburg though.

NYC was a busy city place. 'But the college here is pretty good.' That it was. "Ok come on." I told her with a small smile. Isabella followed after me as we entered the cookie dough shop where there was a bundle of people. We got into the long line and Isabella shook her head. 

"This cookie dough better be good." Isabella said glaring at the person at the cash register. "If it isn't, I'll have my mom send cookie dough down with her or ingredients to make it. I promise." I promised Isabella with a small smile. "I'm holding you to that." Isabella said.

The line slowly began to move forward. 'People are so obsessed with cookie dough.' 'Should of seen this place the first day it opened. It was packed.' Ash nodded. Soon we were at the front where a smiling lady at the cash register was standing. 

"What can I get you two?" She asked with a smile. "I'll have the sugar cookie dough." Isabella said. "Anything in it?" She asked. "Sprinkles." Isabella said. "In a cone or bowl?" The lady asked. "Bowl." "And you sir?" She asked. "White chocolate chip in a waffle cone." I told her.

"It'll be right up." She said and we went over in the waiting line as the cookie dough was served. "You didn't strike me as a sprinkle type of girl." I told her. "I don't mind sprinkles and the sprinkles now are Halloween ones." Isabella said with a smile.

I nodded just as our cookie dough was handed to us and we took a seat near the back in some bean bags. The waffle cone made it easy to eat the cookie dough like ice cream. "You don't have to get cookie dough. Unless you want to which I am totally ok with." Isabella said.

'Look she isn't as tense as she usually is meaning she is finally calming down some.' 'You did make-out with her at The Gathering.' 'That's not all that happened. A bunch of things attacked the place too.' Ash had a point there but he still did make-out with Isabella.

But Isabella was much more eat ease right now making me happy. I didn't like it when Isabella was tense. "So how was your first day of college?" I asked. "I'm gonna kill my professor. The original professor retired and the professor now said bringing the canvas was worthless. I swear he picks out people to taunt. It took all my self control not to set that bastard on fire. But we did some sketching today." Isabella said. Isabella then glanced up. "What about you?" Isabella asked in interest as she took a bite out of her sugar cookie dough with Halloween sprinkles.

"Well we learned basic things about business so far. But most of the college kids there had no experience. I have basic experience from my dad." I said. 'We will take over the family business one day and Rory is even gonna be in the family business.'

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