:Chapter 13:

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My innocent mine was destroyed. 'Innocent are you kidding me? Yeah your mind ain't innocent.' I rolled my eyes. But I had no desire to know that Derik was having sex with some girl. Especially one that had a things for Asians knowing that since Derik was Asian it turned her on.

Just. Ew. Sex. Just no. 'Sex isn't that bad. It actually feels real go-' 'Go to hell.' With that I cut Satan's connection. I did not need to hear about Satan's sex life. Or Derik's. Or Orchid's. I didn't need to know about anyone's sex life!

'It's obviously because you don't have a sex life. Just tell Dalton you want it and I'm sure he'll give it.' 'Go to hell you typical manwhore.' 'Already in hell.' Satan smirked as I opened my car door and had Maryse get in before crossing my arms across my chest.

I wasn't asking Dalton to take my virginity. Nope. Not. Happening. I have no desire to be underneath Dalton. 'You can be on top.' 'Go!' Satan snickered at me. With that I turned around to see Dalton behind me. "What do you want?" I asked. "Just seeing if you are ok." Dalton said.

'Ask him. Tell him to do you in the car.' 'Get help. Like seriously get help.' Satan snickered. "I'm fine. I totally wanted to know about Derik's sex life." I told him. Dalton smiled just a little. "So how's your classes going?" Dalton asked and I sighed.

He wanted to talk no doubt. Maybe if Satan hadn't talked about sex I'd be fine. But I just wanted to go back to the dorm and wash out the images from my mind with a. . . cold shower. Freezing cold, ok maybe a little warm so I don't get hyperthermia.

But it won't be my typical hot shower like I usually have. 'That's what guys to get rid of-' Yet again I blocked Satan out. Damn, he was persistent on annoying me today. To believe this all started from innocence. Time to really enforce keeping Satan out.

Dalton looked at me with a small smile. "What are you doing today?" Dalton asked. "Books. Maybe look for a job or two to buy my costume." I told him. Dalton nodded. "Did you get an invitation?" I asked. Dalton nodded. "What are you going to be?" I asked. "Don't know yet." Dalton said simply.

I nodded. "So are you going to be Harley Quinn?" Dakota asked. "Duh. She has so many outfits to pick from." I told him. Dalton smiled. "Who are Harley Quinn's love interests?" Dalton asked tilting his head to the side his crystal blue eyes twinkling with curiosity.

"She got quite a few. Joker everyone knows that but they are done. He's dead too. Then there is Batman, one of the Robin's, and Deadshot. . . oh don't forget Poison Ivy." I told him with a smile. 'Well someone is smart in Harley Quinn's love interests.' 'I know everything about her.'

Satan shook his head. Least he wasn't talking about sex anymore. "Ok. Does Robin wear a cape?" Dalton asked. "Yes." I told him. Dakota nodded. "Ok. See you at the dorm." Dalton said before deciding to hug me which I went stiff in then he walked off to his car and then drove off.

I got in my car and turned it on as Maryse got in the passenger seat and laid down. "Now off we are to get some jobs." I told her before speeding off into the NYC streets hoping not to kill anyone out of anger.
"Stupid damn witches." I muttered walking through the sewers angrily. Maryse looked over at me her red eyes glowing and her service dog vest ditched. 'I know. You could of just rejected the job.' 'Are you kidding me. That witch is willing to pay tons for this damn artifact jewel thing.'

"But it just had to be in the sewers." I said looking at the rain boots I had been given. Maryse wasn't bothered by the sewers system but it reeked down here. I also stuck to the dry parts. I cursed as the sewer got dark. Maryse's eyes began to glow a bright red for her to see.

I took out a flashlight and one of my pistols in case something thought it was proper to jump me. "Don't crocodiles roam here?" I asked Maryse who simply ignored me. 'Werewolves live in NYC.' 'In NYC sewers?' Satan shrugged as I continued through before glancing at my iPhone directions.

There was a glowing red dot where the witch said the artifact was. "I'm gonna kill this witch if this gets me hurt." I said clenching my fists. 'If it makes you happy the day after Halloween is the succubus's execution.' I smirked who that would be the highlight of November no doubt.

After I got my paycheck and the succubus dealt with I only had this damn hybrid to deal with. So yeah fun. With a flip on my hair I continued through the sewers determined to find this artifact and end this sewer searching and get to the dorms.

Take a nice now hot shower as I was gonna be showering for a nice amount of time to forget this sewer experience. The GPs on my iPhone went off and I grinned as I reached a little dead end with a room. "Ok Maryse sniff out a magical artifact." I told her.

Maryse and I split ways as she began sniffing around and I went to the room. It was a pretty old room. Nothing special really but a few cabinets. I opened them all. Well except for one. They were full of papers. "Maryse." I called and Maryse came running.

"Take the lock off." I told her. Maryse licked her lips before tearing it off and I opened it. Nothing but black space in it. I kicked the cabinet. "Damn witches." I said. Maryse pawed at the cabinet. I sighed before moving it and when it was moved I completely froze.

There was a huge black singed part with the bricks smashed but in the center sat a red pulsing jewel. 'Guess it's your lucky day.' I nodded. Maryse watched as I took it out and grinned. "Now to deliever this then get back to the dorms." I said before turning around.

When I turned around suddenly a fist met with my face and I went stumbling. Maryse began to snarl and attack the person who kicked Maryse right in the center making her yelp and let go. "No one kicks my hellhound you bitch!" I yelled before jumping on their back after getting out my dagger.

I stabbed said person repeatedly making them groan before slamming me into the wall. I kicked them and slashed their chest yet again. Maryse began mauling their arm and I took out my gun and shot near them. "You messed with the wrong girl." I told them before slamming my head into theirs.

Then I stabbed them again as Maryse went for the legs. The person then took off and I went out and fired a shot but they disappeared. "I am not playing hide and seek with a psycho or possibly hybrid. Let's go Maryse." I said after picking up the gem.

Maryse and I then took off. 'Well that was something.' Sewers never go in them alone in case of a psycho.

1221. So I'm probably gonna break the even chapter of Omega's Little Witch and Satan's Duplicity. I need to get this going before Halloween comes. But my Halloween costume came today! It's Harley Quinn. I might post a picture of me in it around Halloween.

 I might post a picture of me in it around Halloween

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