:Chapter 28:

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I was out in the lobby with my brothers skyping my parents. "So you guys will be coming home for Thanksgiving." My mom stated not asked. "Yes mom." Rory said. "The family isn't coming here so it will be just us well sorta." My mom said.

"What do you mean?" I asked. "Enyr, Lucas, Ryne, and his girlfriend possibly are gonna becoming. Flimur is gonna help me with cooking." My mom said with a smile. 'So Isabella and them will be having Thanksgiving with us but without our family.' I nodded. 

It was nice that she'd be having Thanksgiving with us. Her second Thanksgiving with us. It would be perfect. Isabella and her family seemed to fit in perfectly despite being hunters. Derik was a werewolf hunter, Enyr and Ryne Lycan hunters, Lucas and Isabella vessel and hunters then Orchid a very powerful witch.

An odd bunch in a room full of werewolves but to me it was perfect a nice diversity. What makes us different is what makes us special. "What are you making for dessert?" Nico asked. "The usual pies and Flimur is gonna make some cheesecake." My mom said with a smile.

"Is the pack gonna be there?" Andrew asked.  "No just us. The pack is dealing with Trace's crimes and officially kicking him and his family out. Trace is now a rogue as are his parents somewhat they are looking for a new pack. They have four days to leave or we go after them." My dad said.

'Bastard deserved it for raping some big time girl.' 'I know but justice is being given.' Ash prowled around in anger but calmed down after a bit. "How is Isaac doing?" Rory asked. "Good him and Isadora got to their first daycare at the pack house." My mom said with a smile.

The elevator door opened and Derik stepped out with Lyric was next to him at his arm. He smiled at her before leading her out of the building and to his mustang. With that I focused back on the skyping. "How was the Halloween party?" My mom asked.

"Isabella broke one of the new frat's wrists." Rory said with a sigh. You could see my mom holding in her laughter. "Was the frat ok?" My mom asked. "He stayed far away from Isabella for the rest of the night." Rodney said with a small admiring smile.

Isabella just seemed to be the talk of the day. Always getting the attention. 'Isabella is very attractive.' 'That's not why. Do you even want people thinking she's attractive.' 'There might be some attacks.' 'So she is simply something that people find entertaining at times from her unique personality.' Ash nodded at that explanation.

"Well Isaac needs lunch so we'll talk later boys. Be safe." My mom said with a smile. We all said bye before ending the call. "Orchid awaits me." Andrew said before leaving as did Nico then we all departed. I went over to the elevator just as it opened and Isabella walked out.

"Dalton." Isabella said awkwardly. I smiled at her. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Running to the damn grocery store for pizza." Isabella said. "Don't like grocery stores?" I asked. "Too crowded." Isabella said glancing at Maryse who was at her side in her service dog vest.

"You want me to come with you. I don't mind." I told her hoping to get to spend some time with her. 'Perfect. Show her we are caring and willing to help.' "If you want." Isabella mumbled. I smiled at her. "Your car?" I asked. "Of course." Isabella said before motioning for me to follow her.
"Sicilian pizza?" I asked. "Angel wants pizza and this is the best. Victor's wife makes it." Isabella said with a smile. I nodded. "His wife makes a lot." Isabella said as she set the big pizza in the carriage. I nodded. "Do you like Sicilian food?" I asked.

"It's good." Isabella said as she pushed the carriage along to the bakery section and grabbed some chocolate truffles. 'Oh I love those.' I nodded in agreement. Isabella then grabbed a mix of candies and other things along with some frosted sugar cookies before pushing the carriage along.

"My mom said you were coming over for Thanksgiving." I told her. "Yeah. Flimur threatened me if I didn't. Said he'd make Isabella tacos." Isabella said. 'I'm not sure if I should laugh or be protective.' 'Both.' I laughed inside to not get any dirty looks as we continued along.

"How are classes going?" I asked. "Better. Professor dick finally decided to praise my Satan given art skills." Isabella said. "Satan given?" I asked. "Satan gets all mad if I say god given." Isabella said. I nodded as we continued along throughout the grocery store she didn't seem as tense.

I like to believe it was because my presence calmed her. Maryse looked at me and I offered her a small smile. Maryse looked away. Looks like the hellhound was warming up to me finally meaning Isabella might be warming up to me after two years of fighting for her attention.

Most men might see it futile but I knew the results would be good. As long as I don't give up it'll all be good. It shows that I really want her which I do and eventually she'll see I am here to stay and won't be leaving anytime soon.

I do not plan to ever leave her. 'She is meant for us after all. We won't ever leave her.' I smiled at Isabella's back. She grew from when she first came here. Isabella came at 4'11 and was now either 5' or 5'1.  "Ok I got everything time to leave this horrid place." Isabella said.

I nodded as we made our way to the cash register. Isabella grabbed a chap stick before we went to getting everything out. Before Isabella could pay I put my credit card in and Isabella looked at me in shock. I smiled before entering the pin then buying her things.

Then I got all the things in and left with Isabella. "Why did you pay? I had money." Isabella said. "Just being nice and considerate for you." I told her. 'How much money did you spend?' 'About fifty.' "I can pay for stuff you don't need to pay." Isabella said.

"One day I'll be paying our bills." I told her before going to her car. "Our bills?" Isabella asked in confusion. I smiled she didn't understand which was so cute in my opinion. Maryse rolled her eyes at Isabella being naïve to what I just had said.

I implied we'd live together one day and we would. A cute three or four bedroom house near the woods with about five acres of land. A nice amount to run on in my opinion. Well a place to teach our future children. Yes I wanted children with Isabella they'd be hybrids.

Well sorta. Half human half werewolf but my parents would still love them. I'd love them but it won't happen for years. First I had to get Isabella to be my girlfriend and comfortable before even attempting to have sex much less mate with me which involved marking and I knew she wasn't ready for that.

'Steps Dalton, steps.' 'I know Ash.' I helped Isabella get all the stuff in before we got in the car. Isabella had a piece of paper in the car the one that the hybrid left in the woods. Isabella then peeled out of the parking lot and went to normal driving once out.

"Thanks for coming." "No problem.

1256. Cute isn't it? There relationship is advancing. The relationship was a complicated one. It had to be built not just instant like so many books. Until next time psycho marshmallows.

 Until next time psycho marshmallows

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