:Chapter 9:

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It was late, around nine o'clock. Angel decided to give making cheeseburgers a shot. They were alright better than living on fast food for all of college. But now Angel was in bed going to sleep after Nico came to kiss her good night.

He told me Derik was doing fine. Which loosened the tension. 'It's good that he isn't dead. I hope he put a fight up against that hybrid.' 'He also took most of the blows so Maryse wouldn't have too.' I nodded as I pulled the blanket over me and glanced at the lava lamp of Angel's.

Angel didn't like sleeping in complete dark. Ever since she became a pack wolf and not a rogue natural fears came. I didn't like sleeping in the dark either which was why I always had my T.V. on at night but not during the day.

Back to Derik. Whoever his mate is better treat him right. Derik was sweet and very loyal. He deserved a mate who would treat him right and not steal his heart them smash it. I'd smash them and not turn them over either. Maybe a torture session before killing them. Like what I wanted to do with Kayla.

But I had to turn her over. 'She was also wanted in her pack.' 'Whatever. What about that succubus?' 'The date isn't here yet. Calm yourself.' I rolled my eyes as I looked at the lava lamp. I really need to get some sleep.
I was sitting outside campus grounds on a bench with my charcoal pencil out. Right now I was waiting for Derik's class to end. Also working on some drawing for my studio art class. I was working on a tree. A tree that was in fall like we were in fall.

I'd color the leaves, orange, yellow and red to give it the fall effect. But Derik had refused to drive since he was still in pain. So I drove him here. Our classes were at separate times. So I'd be here for another thirty minutes. His class started thirty minutes after mine.

'But of course you are gonna wait. It's not that bad.' I glanced down at Maryse who was bathing in the autumn sun. Maryse's wounds had been healing so it wasn't noticeable. 'The ointment worked.' Satan made me make an ointment from supplies I had which did work. Maryse hated it though.

At that moment a familiar brown haired werewolf was heading towards me. "Shouldn't you be heading to the dorms?" Rory asked as one of his frat brothers came up. "I'm waiting for Derik." I said just as the dull frat brother decided to sit next to me. "Woah. That's cool." He said.

"Payton she's not friendly." Rory said. Payton, the frat brother shrugged. "It's not like I'm flirting with her. I know she's your brothers mate. I'm not that stupid." Payton said. He glanced at me but didn't say a word. Payton got up and went back to behind Rory.

Payton had blonde hair that as straightened and baby blue eyes. Either a fuckboy or a spoiled momma's boy. I'm going with the spoiled. "What do you want?" I asked setting my charcoal pencil down. Rory handed me a piece of paper which I reluctantly accepted and glanced down at it.

The paper was decorated in Halloween stickers and a few sucky drawings. 'That's not nice.' 'You're the king of hell so shut up.' "What is this?" I asked. "I told you that there was a Halloween party. This is the invitation. It's a costume party too. Don't make it look ugly." Rory said.

"I'm not ugly like you." I told him. Rory rolled his eyes and Payton smirked. "I don't do parties anyway." I said handing the invitation back. Tried. "You went to the dances so your going to this party. If you don't show up I'm going to your dorm and dragging you out." Rory said.

Thank Derik.

At that moment Derik walked out and came next to me. Rory handed him an invitation. Derik nodded. "We have to go now." I told him before closing my things and putting it away in my bag and putting my bag on my back and grabbing Maryse's leash.

Maryse looked at Payton and glared. Payton smiled at her. "Come on." I told Maryse. Derik and I made our way to my mustang. "So we are stopping at the headquarters?" Derik asked. "I need to get some information from their computers. Plus someone is meeting us there." I told him.

Derik raised an eyebrow. 'Oh meetings. So much fun.' I pulled out of the campus and off into the busy streets of NYC. I hated this city sometimes but the college better be worth it. Derik smiled just a little as I cut off a car.

We were at the doors of the headquarters. Derik was digging for his ID. "I don't have time for this." The guard said. "No one is here so shut it." I told him with a glare. "I can send you both packing." He said. "And I'll tell Victor." I said with a glare.

Derik then handed his ID over. Maryse's patches had been changed from service dog to HO dog. With that Derik and I went in. 'Well they got some new grumpy security guards.' 'You think? I wanted to put my fist in that guys face.' Satan nodded in agreement as we weaved our way through.

There were some new hunters going to their training classes. But I was heading for the library in here. I weaved through the crowd with Derik and Maryse at my side. A new secretary lady had been hired yet again. Layla had been a traitor and other was sniped at The Gathering.

Yeah secretary's didn't last very long here I guess. But that will be my little secret. "So who exactly are we meeting up with?" Derik asked. "You'll just have to wait and see once we get in the library." I said as I opened the doors.

"We are in the library now tell me." Derik said. "See for yourself." I said taking us down the mythology section. The Organization library was the best library in the world. Hunter's books, regular books, and all sorts to help in the hunting career. Hunters weren't just let's kill and bathe in blood.

There was a school for young hunters here. You had classes but they taught you things they deemed important. Not random shit like that stupid algebra that you need that is absolutely worthless and should be thrown in the trash. 'Bet you wish you were born in my time.'

'Nope your time women didn't have rights.' 'I'm aware why do you think Lilith was a prostitute.' I shrugged. With one more aisle cleared we arrived at my backup plan. "You really drove all the way here because I got attacked?" Derik asked crossing his arms across my chest.

"Not happy to see me?" Lucas asked with a small smirk. "No one said that." Derik said as he crossed over to him and took a seat at a table. "Enyr is outside if you want to go see him. He insisted. Ryne would of come but he's been over at little miss once bitten's house." Lucas said with a smirk.

Ryne had a girlfriend. He said they weren't dating but they were. "I'll be back."

1214. So Lucas is here! As is Enyr. Until next time Lucas marshmallows.

 Until next time Lucas marshmallows

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