:Chapter 18:

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I was in class with my laptop out putting in some of the notes into Word. We were learning about starting up businesses right now. The professor was doing her typical lecture while writing everything down on the board with a black dry erase marker.

'I prefer blue dry erase markers.' I nodded before typing in some more of the notes. "Most businesses start off small unless you inherit a big business." The professor said before looking around the room. I was inheriting a steel industry company and a werewolf company in some ways as it dealt with that too.

The professor then went on with the type of business that could be inherited. Phone companies, bakeries, restaurants and much more. Soon the board was covered with writing and I finished up that part. Then the professor erased it and went back to filling it up.

'That is the only downfall to college in my opinion minus the not as much running space.' 'I learned how to type fast and abbreviate things for this on purpose.' Ash shrugged before going back to the corner where he typically rested just to rest and watch the world carry on around him.

It was just something Ash enjoyed doing. I continued to write the notes when I got a message on my computer. Thankfully my computer was muted. It was from Andrew saying he was eating out if I wanted to come by. Apparently Angel, Nico and Orchid were already going.

I replied sure before going back to word and rushing to type in the rest of the things. I'd fix the grammar errors later. Now I just had to get everything done. Soon the professor finished lecturing before turning around. "I want an essay on what business you plan to open and run and why." The professor said.

Then she went down to sit. 'Well we inherit.' 'An essay Ash.' With that I corrected all the grammar mistakes before saving the document then opening a new one for an essay. Essays were never my strong suit but I knew how to do them at least.

Running a hand through my hair I changed the font and text size before getting to work on my essay. I had about an hour in a half left of class before I left for my lunch break then went to the dorms. Then I'd be ordering some tickets for Justice League.
"So where are we eating out at?" I asked. "I'm gonna go get Wendy's then come back to campus." Andrew said. 'Oh, Wendy's I like Wendy's. They got some good stuff there to.' I nodded in agreement as Andrew pulled out his car keys before walking off with Orchid.

Nico had left to go pick up Angel and bring her here. Angel was at the dorm like usual waiting for either Isabella or Nico to go see her. Angel discovered things to do on the tablet and exercise methods Nico had given her. Along with learning how to cook food for her and Isabella.

Isabella didn't have Flimur so Angel had taken it up to be the one to feed her. Isabella had no idea how to cook except microwaveable meals. But in her defense she always had Flimur but she hadn't brought him with her and left him home.

But she had at least brought Maryse with her. At that moment Nico's bright red Ferrari pulled up. Inside was Angel and Nico. The two kissed each other before coming out of the car and then holding each other's hands all romantically with smiles on their faces before heading over.

'Maybe yesterday put them in a good mood.' 'Just no. I don't want to think of that.' Ash snickered before quieting down and going back to his spot as the two sat down on the bench next to me. Angel rested her head on his shoulder and Nico squeezed her hand.

Sex didn't bother me at all. One day I'd lose my virginity. 'To Isabella.' But I didn't want to think about my little brother having sex with his mate. That just wasn't something I liked to do in my spare time at all. "So what are we having for lunch?" Nico asked turning towards me.

"Andrew went to go get some Wendy's." I told him as I adjusted my bag back on the bench. I pulled out my iPhone before going to the Justice League site. Eventually I'd be ordering tickets for that movie today to ensure that Isabella and I would be going.

'We should watch the previews for it.' I had seen Batman Vs. Superman only because Nico had it playing in the living room once. It was an alright movie but I'd suck it up to watch anything with Isabella if it helped improved our relationship.

I knew I was making now dents in her icy armor around her heart. No longer just chips. Eventually she'd see I wasn't going to hurt her in the long run. She'd give in and see I was the perfect male for her and always would be. Nothing could destroy how I feel for her, ever.

I'd put my life on the line to protect her. Another reason I wanted to be more close to her at the time. I wanted to make sure that the hybrid didn't attack Derik, Isabella or Maryse again. I had gotten over myself with Derik and no longer considered him a threat.

'More of because he probably has a secret girlfriend.' 'I am interested on who this secret girlfriend is and if it is his mate like he sorta implies.' Ash nodded in agreement. Maybe I could have Rodney on the look-out for a girl that has been around Derik for long periods of time.

'Isabella also wants to know so she'll be happy if we tell her.' That made me smile. I closed the tab on my iPhone 7 before shutting of my iPhone and putting it in my leather jacket. With that I went to waiting for Andrew to show up with the food.

"I'll be right back." Nico said before heading to the car Angel following him. I nodded before looking around. The hair on the back of my neck went on end and I glanced over. A blonde student stood there his eyes focused on me steadily.

When his gaze met mine he looked away before walking away. Something about him was off. Not hybrid off but off. He smelled human but something else was on him. A scent I couldn't even determine. Something I had never smelt before. Might of been from all the people's scents around but Mr. Blonde didn't give me a good feeling.

Nico came back followed by Andrew who held a few bags of Wendy's making me smile. "Here is your five dollar chicken tender combo." Andrew said before handing me a bag which I happily accepted. There two of them for my increased appetite from being a werewolf making me grin.

'Chicken tenders, a coke and fries does sound good.' I took out the coke before taking a sip then going to my fries and chicken tenders. The rest of them sat down with smiles before going to pulling out their food with smiles at the food.

Orchid glanced over where the blonde once was. She went a little stiff and scooted closer to Andrew wrapping an arm around his arm. Andrew looked over at her and offered her a sweet smile before pulling her to him which she happily accepted after one more wary glance where the blonde once stood.

Orchid knew something.

1251. So the mysterious blonde does play a part. But they are not the hybrid. Trust me when you find out who the hybrid is it'll be like a kick to the teeth. But this book is focused on betrayal and trust. In here Dalton is going to save Isabella. It doesn't make her weak simply makes her human. But Dalton saving her has a huge impact on how she is going to be throughout the rest of the last book and then the second series. Isabella is changing to a better person. But hope you enjoyed. Until next time changing marshmallows.

 Until next time changing marshmallows

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