The Accident - Part 2

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I scream and thrash my arms about as I try to get back into the room, but they push us out into the corridor and watch them do things to him from the window. I lean my head on the window and pray that he's fine.

"What's wrong with Shawn, Mom? He was fine a minute ago..."

"He's cold," I manage to whisper. "I felt his skin earlier and it was cold, which is unlike him. It must be from where he's unconscious and lost some blood..."

"Do they know that?" Aaliyah asks.

We all stare at the nurses frantically rushing around each other and trying to fix a mask over his nose and rewiring tubes into his hand. It's too much for me, watching them hurt him even more. I press a hand against the window and an idea comes to mind, but whether it will work or not is the question. I knock on the window and the doctor turns around but takes no notice. I see a nurse he talked to walk over, but she pulls a blind down so that we're blocked from watching them. I sigh.

I feel a hand on my arm and Karen looks at me. "Y/n, we're going to get some drinks, take a bite to eat. Do you want to come?"

I shake my head and she hugs me. "Be strong," she whispers into my ear, "It'll be fine."

I watch them walk off slowly as they keep Aaliyah in the middle and comfort her. I return to the door and knock on the window repeatedly, determined to get their attention. The same nurse who pulled the blind down appears and gives me a stern look.

"Please, I have a small idea that might help-"

She frowns and cuts in. "I'm sorry darling, but we are already doing the best we can to resolve the issue. He is still unconscious however-"

"Please! H-he's cold. I don't know anything about saving people's lives but he's cold. Aren't you supposed to keep the patient warm? Especially after falling unconscious incase-"

"Are you questioning our work young lady? Because the team and I know what we are doing."

I start to feel tears gather in my eyes again. Through the open door I can see the nurses continuing with the monitors whilst the beeping continues. Shawn is still lying on the bed, shaking slightly from time to time. I shrug the hoodie off and give it to the nurse. "Please.... put this on him. He's cold, a-and he needs to stay warm. It might not be the solution to stop all the beeping, but at least he will be warm."

She sighs and to my surprise lets me through to put it on Shawn myself. She tilts the bed slowly and lets me dress Shawn. I've noticed his skin feels a lot cooler than before, but I try not to let it get to me. I roll the sleeve of one arm up so the nurse can attach the wire onto his hand again. I reach for Shawn's hand one last time and kiss the back of it before I am separated away from him again.

   "Mr and Mrs Mendes?" the doctor calls.

All our heads lift up to the words we've been waiting for. It's our second day at the hospital and I haven't left it. Manuel and Aaliyah went home a couple of times yesterday to sleep and bring me some clothes to wear, but I didn't want to leave. Not when Shawn was having his surgery for his broken leg. At 6 in the morning, we're all hoping it's good news and he will wake up.

"Shawn's surgery has been successful, so his leg is now in a more suitable cast, which he will need to keep on for 12 weeks as the injury was quite damaging. However, he has come to his senses now and is ready to see you when you are."

I feel like I'm in a dream. After Shawn put his hoodie on, apparently the beeping on the machine stopped, which must've signalled his drop in body temperature. This meant that he was able to go to surgery early. I just wish the nurses would have known earlier so he could be treated on the day.

We walk into the room and I can already feel the warmth of Shawn being well and conscious. Karen and Aaliyah run up to Shawn's bed and hug him tight and tears spill down my cheeks to see everyone happy again. Shawn's still wearing the grey hoodie, which now seems to me be the only reason he's recovered quickly. His smile spreads widely across his face as I walk over to his bed and hug him tight. 

He kisses the top of my head. "Hey, don't cry Y/n. I'm here now aren't I? I'm sorry I missed our date-"

I look at him shocked but he only laughs at me. "Shawn! What are you talking about? I don't care that you missed it. I just wanted you to be alright. We all did."

"But I still have to make up for the date," he says, then he smirks. "Hey, that means that I stood you up Y/n."

I roll my eyes and push myself off him. "Looks like going into unconsciousness hasn't changed you one bit."

I watch him laugh and talk with Aaliyah, thankful for the smile and life to be back in him.  

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