Ice Skating - Part 5

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For some reason, his bright eyes turn sad. He looks down and runs his hand through his soft looking curls. That move looks familiar, something that I've seen him doing before...

"I'm Shawn. Shawn Mendes?" his eyes bore into mine like he's looking for something, anything.

"Nice to meet you Shawn," I say. "You've got a pretty name."

"You really don't recognise me?" Shawn asks, his voice breaking a little.

I furrow my eyebrows. "Excuse me? I've only just moved to this area..."

He sighs. "You're right, I'm sorry. It's just-"

"Mendes, the bell has gone and you're still talking?"

Shawn turns his head round to the front and mutters to himself as he gets caught by the teacher.

"Much better," she says whilst grinning, looking my way. Oh god, no. "Boys and girls, I would like you all to turn to the back and say hi to our new student, Y/n Y/l/n. She's moved from...?"

"Toronto," I mumble.

"Okay, now, I think we should introduce ourselves to Y/n during this period-"

Everyone groans at that point, including me.

"Otherwise," Mrs Green yells, "Go ahead and talk amongst yourselves."

No one bothers to pull themselves across to my desk, and to be honest, I don't really care.

"I'd introduce myself, but I already have," Shawn says to me. I look up and he's forced a smile on his face. Even though it doesn't quite reach his eyes, it's still beautiful, the skin around his eyes wrinkling up.

"It's okay," I reply. "I'm the new girl, so I have to get used to it all, right?"

"But you're not new," I hear him mumble.

I frown at him but he doesn't turn to me. Instead, he doodles in one of his books. I take a quick peep and see that he's written my name over and over on a page that's filled with writing and lines.

   Lunch bell rings and I pile my books into my bag in no hurry of getting lunch. Everyone's got their friends here already and I feel like an outsider. I look up and see that a guy from my homeroom is waiting for me and smiles when my eyes reach his.

"Hey, do you wanna join me for lunch? I can show you around if you want afterwards?"

I smile gratefully up at him. "It's Shawn right?"

He nods his head.

"Well, uh, thank you. I mean, you don't have to waste your time on me. Everyone here has their own groups and places where they belong, and I've just come in at the wrong time."

"No, no, it's cool. Maybe you just moved schools at the wrong time?" He looks at me weirdly, expecting me to say something detailed and elaborate.

My mind goes blank, except I feel this weird urge like I've seen Shawn somewhere before. My skin starts to get goosebumps as I remember how it was to be in his arms so long ago and the short, sweet kisses from when I was younger. But I don't remember anything from that time...

"Y/n? Are you okay?"

I nod my head and shiver a little. Shawn takes his hoodie off and helps me get into it. I feel the warmth heal my skin and I feel at home for some reason, like I've felt this before.

"Hey, um. This is gonna sound really weird, but I get the feeling like we've..." dated before? I don't want to lose my chance of finding a friend at Pine Ridge, especially for my senior year. "...met before?"

He looks sad and runs his hand through his hair. He glances over at me and smiles weakly. "You don't remember do you? Come on, the guys are waiting."

"Who? And remember what?"

He walks ahead and looks back to check on me. I fix his hoodie onto my shoulders properly and pick my things up. We follow the noise to the food hall which is packed with people.

"Are you buying food?" Shawn asks.

I nod my head and he takes a tray. He selects two muffins and tells the lady behind the counter to remove tomatoes from two sandwiches. He pays over the counter and smiles as I try to pay for it myself.

"Lunch is on me, it's alright."

I follow him to a corner of the food hall where a group of boys are already sat down. They all turn around and swivel their eyes between Shawn and me, exchanging glances between them.

"Hey guys, be nice. This is Y/n."

"We know," one of them says, and Shawn shoots him a look.

"I said be nice," Shawn repeats. "Anyway, this is Brian, Nash and Cam. They're alright if you get to know them."

They smile and wave at me, but they're not really engaged. I pour my eyes over each of their dark features and can't help but feel like I know them too, but I decide to keep quiet about it.

I take a seat opposite Brian and Shawn sits close beside me, his knee gently touching mine.

"So, you two huh?" Brian says whilst winking at me. "Take it easy Shawnie boy." He claps his hands and laugh with the other guys, so I try to avoid eye contact with them and face Shawn.

"Are they always like that?"

Shawn laughs along and looks at me. "Well, yeah. You should know Y/n."

I almost choke on my drink and stare at Shawn. "What do you mean?"

His face turns sad again for like, the third time today? Why does his face keep dropping like that? "It's um, it's nothing. I just forgot how things are now..."

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