The Treehouse - Part 5

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Part 5- Imagine:
Shawn's POV:
I grab myself a drink and then notice some girls whispering beside me.

"Have you seen her? She's only here to fit in-"

"But she still looks nice I guess."

I knew instantly they're talking about Y/n. Since she's slightly boyish and all the guys like her for that, the girls in our class sneer at Y/n. She's different from them and I like her for that. She's smart, and pretty, and even knows how to ride a skateboard. Who wouldn't want to hang out with Y/n?

I turn around and sip my drink slowly and see Y/n walking into the gym hall. I splutter on my drink as I do a double take watching her. Is that even Y/n?

"It can't be," I breathe. And almost everyone else is watching her too.

"What is this? Cinderalla? There's nothing to watch!" Alisha, one of the popular girls, yells yet her eyes are still fixated on Y/n.

Y/n looks so different wearing a dress, and it's a pretty one too. A short, red one that's poofy and layered.

Before I know it, she's standing right infront of me, snapping her fingers frantically, some bangles jingling on her slender wrist.

"Are you here Shawn?"

I nod my head and try to say something but I trip over my words, making Y/n laugh.

Nash comes over and eyes Y/n up and down. "Woah, Y/n, you look so good in a skirt! Do you wanna go dance?"

She looks at me. "Actually, I was gonna-"

And then she's pulled away from me before I could do anything else. I watch her and Nash dance in the middle of the gym and decide to join in too with the others. Since I don't actually know how to dance, I just jump around in time to the music, mostly just watching Y/n having a good time.

   I step out of the house and walk a little to Brian's house, where all four guys are meeting. 

"Afternoon Mrs Craigen," I say as Brian's mom lets me in.

"You should've seen her Cam. Right Shawn?"

I see them all staring at me. I blush. "I guess so-"

Nash laughs. "Yeah right, you practically looked scared when I took her away to dance."

I shove Nash and sit beside him. "Can we cut the talk, Y/n's gonna arrive any minute now for the group project."

"Yo if you liked her so much then why didn't you walk her here-"

He's cut off by the doorbell and we all stand up to get it.

"I'll go," Brian says, "since it's my house."

There's a little small talk and they finally arrive. My mouth drops open, but I quickly shut it and look away so I'm not staring.

"What's up guys," she says casually.

"You're wearing a skirt?" Cam asks without hiding his shock.

"Is it too much? I thought after last night, maybe I do like them after all." She gives a little twirl and sits down on the sofa beside me, our legs touching.

   After about an hour of work, Y/ insists on leaving to go shopping, and we all stare at her.

"Is something wrong with you Y/n? I don't think you're the same person as yesterday, or even the same person we met two years ago."

She rolls her eyes and gets up. "It's called growing up you know? I'm just slowly growing out of the boyish phase."

"But you still skateboard?" Cam asks. "Hey, if you don't want it, I'll take it!"

She sighs and leaves the room so I follow after.

"Hey Y/n? Do you want to come over later? We can do some Math work together?"

"You mean copy my homework?"

"I didn't mean-"

"Sure," she cuts in, tucking a strand of her growing hair behind her ear. "I'd like that a lot."  

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now