J O S H U A//C O N F E S S I O N

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Prompt: reader confesses to Joshua but...


You and Joshua were having frozen yogurt one afternoon. You liked how close you two were because you could tell him anything and he'd be there to listen no matter how long you rambled on.

"Can I confess something to you?" You looked up to Joshua as you guided the spoon of yogurt into your mouth.
Joshua felt his heart begin to race just a bit faster.
"Sure what is it?" He asked trying to make his voice as calm as he could get it to be.
"Well I've been crushing on this one guy for a while now."
"Okay, what about this guy?"
"Well I've been friends with him for some time now but there's just something about him, I can't think straight when I'm around him."
"You must really like him then."
"Yeah he's really sweet, can be a little goof sometimes but he's so nice."
Just ask who it is, how hard can that be? Joshua thought to himself.

"Who's the guy? Maybe I can talk to him."
"Are you insane!" You laughed at the thought of him even mentioning you to him.
He laughed with you, "Really I can hook you two up." He continued joking, secretly hoping you didn't take him seriously.
"I'm good for now." You told him feeling your tummy hurt.
"Ok fine but who is it? I at least should know that much." Joshua smiled.
"It's Mingyu."
"Mingyu?" Joshua's eyes knitted and noticed how your face began to look as confused as his when you saw him.
"Is something wrong?" You asked.
"Oh Mingyu! He's great y/n." Joshua said to you trying to sound casual about how he was feeling. Truth is, after the frozen yogurt and the small walk back home, he was going to confess to you but I guess plans went down hill with your sudden confession.
"He is great isn't he. He's funny and charming. Has it all really."
"He really is the full package." Joshua continued to eat his yogurt quickly wanting to get that day over with.
"I think we should maybe start heading home don't you think?" He suggested.
"Really it's only- 5:42." You said out loud checking the time on your phone.
"Yeah I just remembered I have to do some laundry today."
"Oh." You ate the last bit of your yogurt and threw the cup away.

"So Mingyu huh." Joshua asked as he walked you home.
"Yeah. What can you tell me about him?" You asked your friend wanting to know more about Mingyu.
"There really isn't much to say really. He's a great guy."
"I'm really glad I told you Josh, having you as a friend means a lot." You told him while setting your hand on his arm softly.
That word, friend. Any other day that word would have seemed fine but not today (go ahead make your bts references) today that word seemed overused, seemed ugly and sounded annoying. The fact that you only saw him as a friend made him feel some kind of way. It didn't make him feel good what's so ever.
"Josh?" You asked Joshua.
"Oh I just said thanks for today. Have fun doing the laundry." You teased.
"You have no idea how much fun I'll have." He said trying to forget the fact that you had a crush on Mingyu.
"Bye Josh."
He just has to live with it, knowing you liked Mingyu wasn't that big of a deal, he had kept his crush on you secret for little less than a year now, keeping those thoughts to himself wouldn't hurt if he kept them suppressed for a while longer.

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