J A E B U M//P T 2

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"I think we should break up." You said out loud without even daring to look at Jaebum's eyes.
"What?" He whispered to you, "What do you mean 'we should break up'? You can't actually be serious can you y/n?" Jaebum asked you continuously.
"I think it'd be best. What if-" you began explaining but got caught off by Jaebum asking impatiently.
"It'd be best? How would that be best? What if what? What if we meet other people? I can't possibly think of meeting someone else y/n. I can't think of meeting someone new when I have you."
"Hear me out." You said that rather loudly, "Maybe taking a break would do us both some good. These past few days I've hardly seen you because you've just been so busy. I understand your job can be hard sometimes and the long hours too or now that I won't be here, what if it takes me a year to come back, what if I prevent you from meeting someone better or imagine the freedom you could have if we're not together." You tried explaining letting all emotions go out.
Jaebum sighed loudly, "Y/n sit down, I think you're too stressed right now." Jaebum held you once again and that time it felt right.
"I'm just afraid you'll want to meet someone else when I'm gone and you'll feel like you can't because we're together." You confessed, your voice sounding muffled due to your head buried on Jaebum's side.
"I can assure you that won't happen." He looked down to your teary eyes.
"Promise?" You asked feeling silly now at what just happened.
"Promise." Jaebum reassured you. He stood up from your side to remove the suitcase from the bed wanting to lay down with you. He wanted to keep you in his arms as long as he could before you left. As you and Jaebum laid there,
Jaebum wanted to take in as many details of your face as he could not wanting to forget what you looked like face to face. Of course you two would make time to call, FaceTime and message each other but you both would be deprived of having contact with one another until you saw each other again. For now, he held you as tight as he could without trying to suffocate you feeling the heat of your bodies together as the sound of your quiet breathing filled his ears.

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