Y O O N G I//C O N F E S S I O N 5

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Got the idea and went along with it. Be prepared it may leave you shooked.
Last part of the mini series.


   Yoongi opened his eyes then closed them right after feeling the light in the room hurt his eyes. He tried opening them again, allowing his eyes to slowly get accustomed to the lighting. He stood up and saw you lying there with your eyes closed, your lips chapped and skin paler than before. He felt the room colder and the atmosphere changed.
He wondered why you wouldn't wake up and then realised your IV fluid bag was no longer inserted and all machinery was put away neatly. His eyes stung when tears formed in them, taking in the scene in front of him. You had small cuts on your face and bruises scattered. Was this really happening?

   Yoongi stood there for a while longer no longer feeling anything as he had become numb.
"Sir, are you okay? You've been standing there for quite a while." A nurse interrupted.
"Sorry." He tells the nurse, wiping away the almost dry tears from his face. "I must still be shock."
"Would you like to be seen? A doctor is available right now." She asks making sure he really is okay.
"I'm fine. Can I have two more minutes?"
"That'd be okay." The nurse reassures and  walks away giving him those two minutes he asked for.

   It must have been all the sleepless nights. He probably wasn't thinking straight anymore, he probably wasn't reasoning and was being delusional. All this in his head? He couldn't believe it. How can he create something so elaborate in such small time. It felt real yet all of it was some sort of crazy dream, you waking up was all a dream, you talking to him and looking okay was all a messed up dream. More so like a nightmare; if he'd say so himself.

   The nurse walked back in and told Yoongi his time was up. Your body had to be prepared for burial and examined before doing so.
"Are you sure you wouldn't like to be seen?" She asked one last time.
"I'll manage. Would you mind explaining to me how long I've been here or what has happened?"
She looked as confused as he did but explained as best she could.

"Miss y/l/n was in a car crash last night.
You were her emergency contact; therefor, we phoned you right away. You ran in here, can't forget that. The nurses and I have never seen someone come in as fast as you did. A nurse and I walked you to her room and after you saw how bad she had been you lost consciousness and fainted. We sat you on a chair and here you are now. It's been exactly seven hours since the incident."
Seven hours? He'd been sleeping all this time? Felt longer than that, he can't recall hearing anything around him or else he would have clearly woken up.

"We did the best we could but one of her ribs broke and somehow managed to puncture her spleen, that caused blood to pour to her abdominal area. By the time she got here it was too late. I'm deeply sorry for your loss." The nurse had explained but he only heard bits and pieces.
"Please call me back as soon as she's done with whatever you have to do. I'd like to have a copy of the autopsy report." Yoongi told her.
"Of course. We'll give that to you as soon as we can. Is there anyone we can call who may be related to her?" Yoongi gave here information and walked out of there feeling cold and fragile.

Once he made it to the dorms; all eyes were on him.
"Yoongi?" Seokjin questioned at the sight of his younger friend looking paler than usual.
"What's wrong Hyung?" Jimin asked him as well. Yoongi was attacked by all the questions his mates had and he didn't know how to answer. That caused him to go weak at the knees and kneel down. He cried silently until tears could no longer form.
"Yoongi!" They all yelled in unison. The boys have never seen Yoongi act that way and had everyone worried. He's never felt as bad than how he's feeling right now. He feels like he can't function properly, like he's been ran over and all his body can do is lay there until help comes. He's suddenly surrounded by six others helping him sit up.

"Explain to us what happened." Namjoon asks him and they all wait patiently until he's better. They wait until he's calmed himself down and can make coherent sentences.
"The call I got yesterday-" He begins and informs all of them not leaving out a single detail.

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