B T S // T A E H Y U N G

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   You had walked in to your old high school feeling a bit anxious not knowing who you'll bump into tonight. You've received messages from old school friends asking you if you'd attend and once agreeing to go every other friend agreed to as well.

As you walked into the gym you saw people nicely dressed, women trying extra hard as if it was some sort of competition to look their finest and men with their suits, shined shoes and hair slicked back. After all; it made sense, tonight's theme was 'prom night' and the more you looked around the more you felt underdressed.

You kept walking until you made it to the snack table and got a glass of rose champagne and a cheese cube on some fancy toothpick. People passed by and said hello to you and you did the same to old friends and their spouses. All of a sudden you feel the atmosphere quiet down and everyone seems to be facing the same direction: the front door. Amongst the crowd you see an unfamiliar face, someone you've never seen before nor think you've ever met him.

Half of the people stay silent as he walks by and up to you, you're confused because you don't seem to recognise such a face. With a face like his you bet it'd be hard to forget yet you can't put the puzzle pieces together.

He grabs crackers and a glass of champagne and begins to eat.
"Y/n." The man greets and people seem to go back to their previous conversations. How does he know your name?
"Hi." You said, not wanting to seem rude.
You can feel a few eyes burn to the back of your head from the stares.
"I'm sorry but do I know you?" You ask him moving aside just ever so slightly.
"I'm Taehyung. Kim Taehyung."
No way?! He can't possibly be him. He was the school geeks back then and now well.. just look at him.

People around you two who seemed to be eavesdropping begin to chatter away beginning to sound like buzzing bees. The word spreads and no one can believe that's him.
Something you didn't know was how he had a crush on you back in the 10th grade and now there he stood looking so radiant, very prince like, standing tall and upright right in front of you... and that he was finally; after all those years, he was going to ask you out.

"Welcome class of 201X! We are all so pleased to see you come together again after so long." Your old principal announced.
"Let us all have fun tonight and don't do anything you'll regret by the end of the night." He warned, making it feel like high school prom all over again. He gained a few laughs and then continued, "Why don't we start off by dancing something slow."
Couples moved to the dance floor and the song began to play.

"If it isn't too much of a bother, may I have this dance?" Taehyung extended his hand towards you in hopes you'd agree. You set your drink down and held his hand. You immediately felt his cold rings against your skin as his fingers wrap around your smaller hand; holding it in place. He walked you both to the dance floor and placed one hand delicately on your waist and the other in your hand keeping it close to his chest.
You didn't think you'd be able to feel his heart beat yet there it was; you could feel it over all the layers he had on. Maybe he was just as nervous as you were.

   Taehyung loved the way you looked under the fairy lights over the dance floor, he admired your face taking in small details. He didn't believe that after all the years that had passed, he'd still feel something for you. He prayed to the heavens; to any god if any, that you wouldn't sense how nervous he was. He tried keeping his breathing as even as possible and his hands as still as he could. The song came to an end and to Taehyung it went by fast; too fast. He wanted to keep holding you there, holding you close and make you his.

"Y/n?" He called after you.
"Would you mind, if maybe.." He stopped himself. He wanted to sound confident so he tried again to get it right.
"What do you say if we got together sometime, maybe grab dinner someda-" he got caught off by the sound of your phone going off in your clutch bag.
You answered your phone and he noticed how your facial expression changed instantly.
"Taehyung I'm really sorry but I have to go. Why don't I think about it, okay?" You told him walking away from him.
He shuffled around trying to find his business card and finally got it out of his coat pocket.
"Call me." Taehyung handed you his card.
"I will." You slid the hard in your bag and ran off.


Ooh okay there's that. Where do you think she ran off to?

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