J U N G K O O K//B O S S 4

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Guys I'm excited for this part because it's kinda cute; well at least I thought so. Enjoy!


"I'll go to dinner. But it has to be a quick bite. Nothing to elaborate just something quick and cheap." You almost whispered the last word knowing a man like him probably a quick bite meant a steak or some fancy Italian restaurant but he heard you and smiled.

"Why would that be a problem if I'm buying. Now get your things and let's go. I know the perfect place."


Jungkook parked outside a diner type place with seats outside and it gave you a retro type vibe. You weren't gonna lie and say you didn't like the place because it was really cute and it felt like some kind of movie where the main male lead shares a strawberry shake with the protagonist yet you knew that wasn't the case tonight, he was your boss after all and all that drama talk with your friend must have gotten to your head.

"You wait here I'll go order."
What genuinely surprised you was how different Mr. Jeon acted outside of work. And you wouldn't blame him, keeping his tough persona was key to keep the place in top shape or else it'd be like a zoo.

You waited for him to come back and when he did you saw he had gotten fries and ice cream.

"Ever dipped your fries in ice cream?"

"No." you giggled

"Try it. This has to be thee perfect combo."

Now that it was just you two he really did seem way different. In this lighting he seemed sincere and easy going. No longer wearing the full tux effect but just a button up shirt with rolled up sleeves seemed to suit him. His hair now messy from a long day at work and the gel no longer in effect.

"Mr. Jeon-"

"Jungkook. Call me Jungkook when we're out of work. Mr Jeon just seems too professional when we're at.. well a diner."

"Right," you smiled. "Jungkook-"
It didn't feel right at first; calling him Jungkook all of a sudden but he was right, this wasn't the work place.

"You were saying? You kinda spaced out a bit before you even asked the question."
Jungkook smiled at your shocked form not really believing him about you spacing out.

"Sorry." You smiled back, "I was just going to ask if you come here often."

"I do actually. I would always come when I was younger and I sometimes come after a long day of work. This place sort of relaxes me and if you see that lady over there, her name is Patricia. She's known me ever since I would come as a kid."

As Jungkook explained all that, he thought about the conversation he had with Patty. She really did see him grow up in a sense, she maybe didn't see him all the time but seeing him grown up made her feel sort of proud of him.

"I see you're bringing a girl with you now Jungkook-ah." Patty told him.

"She's an employee."

"And since when do you bring employees over? Must be one heck of an employee then."

"It's her first day but I've ran into her a couple of times before."

"Could she be the one you were talking about a couple of weeks back?"

"Yeah it's her." He smiled down at his shoes.

"Look at how she has you all smiley and she doesn't even know. Here take these, my treat."

"Oh no no let me pay, please."

"You can pay me back by inviting me to whenever the wedding is." She teased.

Jungkook chuckled and thanked her before grabbing the food.

"Jungkook?" You touched his arm to 'bring him back to reality'.

"Sorry. I was just thinking."

"Well look who's spacing out now?" You teased him.

"Yeah yeah." He simpered, "so what did you think of the fries and ice cream?"

"Definitely not a bad combo. And Jungkook thanks for bringing me here but I think I'll have to head back home now. There's a bus stop right there so I'll take that and I'll see you tomorrow-"

"Non sense! I'll take you home."
Jungkook shoved more fries into his mouth before standing up and throwing the trash away.
"Bye Patty!" He waved goodbye at the lady and went to his car.

"Are you coming?" He asked you.

"I just don't want to be trouble."

"None. Now get in I gotta take you home."

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