D A E U N aka V I L L A I N

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Can't believe I took almost a month to finish this but here it is. I added some 'spice'; if you will, hope you don't mind.
This was requested.


"Love the tattoo." You complimented Daeun.
"Thanks, did it myself."
"You're kidding! Really?" you gasped.
"No." he laughed, "I'm just messing with you."

And that's pretty much how it started. Now the both of you are together and have been ever since. The two of you were pretty much inseparable and you appreciated his presence as much as he did yours.

Recently you've been hanging out with Jay Park and have been doing that a couple of times in the past weeks, yet you see nothing wrong with it since it's strictly business. Jay invited you to be in one of his music videos and you agreed straight away.

"I don't like it." Daeun responded when you told him your big news.
"You know how his videos can be."

"Obviously. But you know what, you've always known I wanted to do something like this. I have to start somewhere. Plus, who was the one that said he'd support me no matter what? It was you and now that I'm doing something I like you back out." You expound.

"It's not like that." He tells you calmly not wanting to raise his voice.
"You know I'll always support you but it just had to be with Jay? Out of all people it had to be him?"

"Yeah why not. Do you actually think I'll do something with him is that it?"

"Well-" Daeun started but never finished that sentence.

"You know what, that's okay. If you don't like it; fine, I'll just leave." At the moment you felt frustrated and somehow angry your boyfriend didn't support you in something as big as that.
"Seems you can't understand the difference between work and personal feelings."

"Fine leave. Go mess around with him and we'll see where that takes you."
You turned around so fast it made him jump and it was obvious you were surprised at his words.

"Y/n you know that's not what I meant."

You left his place and the loud echo of the door closing lingered in the air being the last thing he heard from you for a while.


Since the music video came out you've been receiving amazing feedback for your great performance and you loved the praise. You've also been getting calls from other producers to get you to join and feature in their videos and you were more than happy to do so. Unfortunately, the call you've been wanting to get never came in and that bummed you out.

It's been weeks since you and Daeun last spoke to each other and decided you'll go visit him in person to quickly greet him.

You went into his office, where he produced, composed and wrote all his music.
It surprised you the door was open and you let yourself in after two knocks.

"Hey." You greeted a little softer than intended.

"Hey." He said, sounding unamused.

"Just wanted to see how you've been."
You were surprised he didn't even question you being there.

"Not bad."

This was starting to get a lot tougher than you imagined.
"So, did you see the music video?"

"Yup. Completely what I expected." Daeun kept working on his music.
"Need anything else?"

"Well.. I've really missed you Daeun."

He closed his eyes and sighed. He stood up from his leather chair and simply grabbed your shoulders and took you in for a hug.

"I've missed you too. I'm really sorry for what I said the day you left."

"I'm sorry too." you mumbled in his chest.
"Sorry for being so selfish and never taking your feelings in consideration."

"I'm really proud of you."

"So you liked the video?" You looked up at him

"Oh heck's no." He backed away from you,
"Definitely not. How do you think I felt when another guy saw my girl wearing such things? Which was practically nothing if I say so myself."

"Your girl?" You simpered.

"Well.. what do you say? Will you be so kid to give me another chance?"

"Fine." You smiled pleasingly at how Daeun was acting.


Ahh shoot me! Sorry if this is not what you had in mind but I wish you found it sort of amusing. Thanks for requesting!

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