M A R K .T U A N

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Don't you just love Mark's smile? Of course you do, what kid of question is that? 

You were so happy to finally spend time with Mark. Lately he and the boys have been working extra hard to create and learn new dance moves. Since the boys were getting a week off to rest, Mark thought it'd be fun if you two went to California and spend some time there. Obviously you thought it was a great idea to get away for a while.

As soon as you two landed in Cali, you'd both been spending time with Mark's family and that was fine since you loved his family. They were all so welcoming and fun to be around with but now you two needed time for yourselves. You suggested going to the beach and spend your afternoon there, Mark instantly agreed and took with him both of your long boards he kept at his parents' house. Before meeting Mark you didn't know a thing about how to be on a long board but he quickly taught you and now it's both of your guys' favourite pass time.

You both roamed around by the beach until the sun was about to set down. What you didn't realise was that Mark was guiding you to some sort of dock to watch the sun set. He made a smooth stop and stepped off his long board so you did the same and walked to where he was standing. Now the both of you were at the edge of the dock and admired how beautiful the sunset was that evening. Clouds were surrounding it and the breathtaking colours around it made it look surreal. There were orange, red, sky blue, and purples mixed together perfectly. It looked amazing, it was as if they wanted to become all one whole. 

Your eyes were so focused on the sky that you didn't even realise Mark was staring at you. You looked over to him and he smiled. He admired your eyes in this light, your eyes seemed lighter than before and he could see how detailed and profound your eyes were. Mark began to open his mouth and then he said, "You know, the sunset may be beautiful but not as beautiful as you." You chuckled at how cheesy his remark was but you guessed that was why you liked him. Just another reason to add to your list of things you like about Mark.

Just then, the sun finished setting and you both agreed it'd be best if you began to go back to his parents' house. Instead of riding on your boards you both walked together, taking in eachothers presence. The warm summer breeze went trough your hair and it felt nice against your skin. You were glad you and Mark had taken the time to spend some time together. It's not as if you two don't hang out often but it just becomes too hectic at times back home with his lifestyle, being in California was a rest for you both, you didn't have to worry about fans nor cameramen or a film crew, it was just the two of you together and that was what you needed most in that moment.


Do you guys like watching kdramas? If so which ones? Let me know I need new ones to watch.
So far my favourites have been:
* Remember
* Click your heart
* To be Continued

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