N C T//T A E Y O N G

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It's kinda short and slightly rushed 😅


"Hi y/n." Taeyong pet your head softly not wanting to mess your hair up. You found his behaviour unusual but didn't think much of it.
You closed your locker door and faced Taeyong, "What has you in such a good mood today?" You asked wanting to know.
"Nothing, can't I be friendly with a friend." He smiled charmingly.
"Well yeah but it feels weird coming from you." You joked.
"C'mon we have to go to class." He grabbed your hand and walked you to English. "Oh hey Na Eun." Taeyong waved.
She waved back and so you did the same.

"Well here's your class y/n." He let go of your hand and you were grateful because your hand was beginning to feel slightly damp.
"Thanks for walking me even though I'm sure I could have done it on my own you know." You smiled.
"Oh I'm sure you could have." He poked your cheek.
"Quit acting like that." You moved his hand away.
Taeyong just smiled at your embarrassed form and walked away.

Lunch time~
"Oh no." Taeyong imparted.
"What?" You asked feeding yourself another bite of your lunch.
Taeyong pick up his napkin and cleaned your lips. You backed up feeling weird again.
"I got it thanks." You grabbed the napkin and cleaned yourself off.
You checked the time on your phone and realised lunch was almost over. You hurriedly stuffed the rest of the food from your plate in your mouth and said, "I'm gonna get going Tae." You stood up as you told him so.
"I'll take your books." He proposed.

You weren't going to argue on that one because your books were too heavy for you to carry. "You're so small y/n it's adorable." His lips formed a smile and you gently pushed him making him lose his balance just enough to make him lose that quirky smile of his.

After classes~
As you and Taeyong waited for the bus he kept busy on his phone and you noticed how he would occasionally smile here and there.
"What's so funny?" You asked wanting to laugh too.
"Nothing." He tried to hide his happiness.
"Oh please tell me, you've been staring at that phone since class ended."
"Fine fine, she said yes!" He declared.
"Who said yes?" You smiled feeling lost.
"Na Eun."
"Na Eun?" Your eyebrows wrinkle.
"Yeah Na Eun. These past few days I've been wanting to ask her out but she never payed much attention. I know it's dumb and childish but I wanted to make her jealous in a way. Wanted to show her how I could be if I was in a relationship with someone." Taeyong told you.
"That's why I was being like this today. If I would have told you what I wanted to do you would have rejected in helping me out so yeah." He explained his motive
"So all this today was kind of like a little game?" You chuckled.
"Pretty much yes." He nodded.
You looked the other way feeling some kind of way, you weren't sure if it was anger or sadness but something in your chest hurt.
"Oh no, did you- you're so silly y/n. You didn't think I was doing this because I liked you right? No offense but your more of like a sister, by the way your acting was on point I almost believed you were falling for me."
"The bus is here." You told Taeyong and walked away not wanting for him see you.

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