Things Will Get Better

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Eren sulks on the living room while Levi puts Shy to bed for an afternoon nap. Eren admits that he failed his Omega and he wants to fix all of that. Now his own son hates him!

Levi came down the stairs, a smile still plastered on his face. He sat next to the sulking Alpha, taking his hand in his.

"How is he?" Eren absentmindedly rubs his neck on the Omega.

"He's fast asleep now," Levi purrs.

"He hates me."

"He's a child Eren. They will hate you today and love you tomorrow."

"I hope so..."

Levi laughs out of the blue, tears escape the corners of his eyes, he wipes them as he tries to calm himself. Eren look more hurt than before, clearly, this is not a laughing matter but Levi can't help it.

"Sorry, I'm just so happy." Levi nuzzles on the Alphas neck. Eren sighs contently, yes he got a bad start with his son but he is also happy now that his together with his mate again.

"I'm sorry I left you."

"We both made mistakes in the past, I'm just so glad you came back. Took you long enough though."

"Sorry, shit happens."

"They do, the important thing is: You're here with us." Levi settles on Eren's lap now, nuzzling on the Alpha's scent gland.

Eren did the same, wrapping his arms around the Omega and holding him close. No money or frame can compare to this moment, Eren never felt so content but there is one thing missing. His son. Eren holds Levi tighter a silent way for asking for comfort and reassurance. Levi got the messages and pat Eren's chocolate hair.

"Don't worry things will get better soon."

Eren hopes it will.

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