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"Shy?" Eren calls the boy's attention. Shy pause and look at him.

"Did you some times see mommy cry?" Eren ask, he was thankful that his voice didn't crack.

Shy glares at him and Eren can feel his heart breaking. He want to fix everything as much as possible that is why his asking, Levi might be happy now but that's not enough for Eren.

"Mother always cry when he watch movies, the part where... where you died." Shy sadly said.

"It's okay now. I'm alive and together you and mommy now. Mommy won't cry anymore." Eren admit that that was easy, Shy smiles at him. "Is there anything else that made mommy cry? I want to fix it."

"I saw him crying in his room while looking at a picture, I don't know what it is but it made mother really, really sad."

"A picture? Do you know where he puts it? I think I can help."

"It's right here," Shy whispers as he stand up and went up stair to his mother's room, Eren is following right behind him.

Shy opens the small cabinet next to the bed and pull out a black and white photo. He stand tip toes and shows it to Eren.

Eren's heart sunk, he knew that picture every well and it took all his effort to stop from falling from his knees and cry. It was Levi's 'strike one'. Shy look at the photo with a puzzled look. Shy needs to know, Eren took a deep breath before sitting on the floor and explain the picture to Shy.

Shy was silent after Eren's explanation, then the boy starts crying.

"It's sad right?" Eren can't help but hug the boy and was glad he did, Shy clung to him for the first time.

"It's so sad..." Shy sobs.

"Mommy is sad too, what do you think we would do to make him happy?

He let Shy cry for a while before repeating his question. Shy rubs his eyes and think hard for his mother's happiness and also for theirs. Then an idea hits him.

"I think I know what do to."

Shy Ackerman YeagerWhere stories live. Discover now