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Levi and Wish were inseparable, it was normal for Omegas to cling at their mothers after a long separation. While Shy is fussing over at Kuchel and the older Omega is never been happier.

However, Eren trap at doing breakfast and chores even with the maids were present they can't reach Levi's standard in cleaning. Leaving Eren with no choice but to do it himself. He watches Levi interacting with Wish and he can't help but feel jealous of the child. Levi's whole attention is focus on either Shy and Wish in the past few days in the island.

It was stupid to get jealous on his own child, so he took his chores in advantage just to keep away from those childish thoughts.

And that's all he's been doing. Cleaning, cooking, cleaning, cooking. After he found the house in perfectly clean he decided to go for a swim with his friends.

Before he set he's feet out of the house, Levi anger scent rose in the air. "Where are you going?"

"Oh, I'll go for swim with the gang." Eren offers a smile to his mate. But Levi didn't return it and gave him a doubtful look.

"Cheat on me and I'll kill you," he warns, turning his back on Eren, he proceed to the kitchen where Wish is waiting for him.

Eren stands there with his eyes wide and mouth open, he didn't expect that Levi will say that.

"Wow... What was that about?" Armin poke his head on the doorway.

"I.... don't know. I would understand that he is jealous if Christa is here but..."

"Hey!!!! What are you guys taking sooooo long!!!!" Hanji calls out to them.

"Wait up! Were coming!" Armin answered back before looking at Eren. "Eren are you still joining us?"

"Ah.. Yeah, sure."

Even during his swim, he can't brush off the concern he had on Levi. Maybe he should ask later.

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