Good Morning

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Eren never had slept 8 hours straight because of his work and his nightlife but now he experience the most satisfying sleep he ever had! Not mention the good dreams that came along with it. It was just the three of them happily strolling on the park together with no press or other people, just the three of them.

Eren knew that it was a dream but he strongly believe that dreams do come true. Until someone is trying to take you away from it. Eren felt it, something is pulling him away from his family. No matter how much he tried to hold on on anything his hands grasp on the force is pulling him away. He can see Levi still glued on his spot with Shy, his mate is wearing the same expression he worn from the day Eren broke up with him.

"No, this is not happening again! I'm not leaving!" he screams but he saw Levi just shake his head and continues walking away, tugging Shy to follow.

"Shy..." Eren watch as his son glares at him but the boy didn't stop the tears from falling from his eyes. Both of them walks away until Eren can no longer see them. "No... I'll find both of you no matter what! I won't give up-"


Eren snap awake from the slight pain on the his back, before he can do anything he watch Shy ran out of the room like a cat. He wants to go to the boy and ask what's wrong but he stop when he realize that he was currently lying on the floor.

He dreams that something is pulling him.

He actually fell off the bed.

He saw Shy runs out of the room.

He manage to form a conclusion that Shy was the mysterious force that was pulling out of the bed. He sighs as he lay on the floor, that dream almost gave him heart attack.

"Eren?" Levi sat on the edge of the bed and stares down at him. Eren stares at Levi's stormy eyes before giving him his most blinding smile.

"Huh, you're so dumb." Levi giggles and pitch the Alpha's nose.

"Good morning to you too," Eren said when Levi remove his hand from his nose.

They both went down stairs and Levi went straight to the kitchen while Eren took the daily newspaper. Eren reach the kitchen and spotted Shy sitting on the counter, watching Levi prepare breakfast.

Eren sat on one of the stool on the island with a groan while he rubs his back. Shy looks away from his direction but he frequently glance to him then to Levi.

"You don't usually fell on bed," Levi states while cracking some eggs.

Eren eyed Shy, the boy looks guilty and readying himself for some harsh lectures if Eren tells the truth to Levi but why would Eren even do that?

"I slept too good, I didn't notice I fell," Eren winks at Shy, Shy on the other hand jerks up giving Eren a confuse look. Now that Shy is properly looking at him Eren grabs the opportunity. "Good morning, Shy!"

Shy eyes widen at the greeting but he immediately mirrors Eren. "Good morning, Rogue!"

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