The First Step

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Shy sneaks on the stairs, looking down at the archway of the kitchen. He can see his mother preparing sandwiches while the killer is chopping something with a knife.

Shy gasp, his heart is racing. He can't easily take the killer down, he needs a weapon. A sword can do but the sword he currently has is not sharp like the killer's knife. Shy pounders hard on how he can take down the killer, a scissor?

Shy ran back to his room and grab his small plastic scissor. They are plastic but they can cut paper which means they are sharp. He kept it safe and hidden in his pocket. The killer didn't know what hits him.

He slowly walks down the stairs, hiding behind on every cabinet and vases like a ninja but his mother spotted him easily when he pokes his head on the archway.

"Shy, good afternoon. Your father and I made some snacks. Come on, dear." Levi said with all smiles. How can his mother smile so pleasantly?! There is a killer in their house!

"Ok," Shy quietly follows his mother. The killer is no longer in the kitchen and the knife was on the sink. Yes! he can win this fight now that the killer had no weapon.

They both reach the living room and the killer is already there with a plate full of sandwiches on the coffee table. Levi gently push Shy to sit next to the killer, Shy scoots away glaring at the killer but Levi sat next to him, urging him to move closer to the killer.

Why is his mother doing this?!

He glances up to the killer, he was smiling at him, turning to his mother, he was also smiling at him.

His mother must be smiling because he was under the spell of the killer's charm or something. And killer must be smiling because he knows his plan is working. Not on Shy's watch!

"Shy, would you like some sandwiches?" The killer asks with all smiles.

Shy slowly nods, still glaring at the killer. He needs this killer down and fast, where will he aim? The heart! It always works on movies.

Eren beams as he saw his son nods on his offer. He tries not to get overly excited just in case he might scare his son away. Eren carefully picks up a ham and cheese sandwich and hand it over to Shy. The child slowly extends his hand.

This is it! The first step! Levi was right! Eren cheers in his head.

In a split second, Shy launch himself while pulling the scissor on his pocket and stab it on the killer's chest, right at his heart.


Shy's eyes widen when the scissor breaks in two. He failed his first chance.

Levi and Eren was shock and speechless.

So much for 'the first step'. Eren thought.

Shy Ackerman YeagerWhere stories live. Discover now