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"There's mommy!" Shy pointed at the screen.

Chuckling, Eren ruffles the boy's head, then he was distracted by a soft purr coming out on his side, Wish fell asleep, leaning on him with his legs up on the couch.  He can't help the smile on his face. His family is happy, and his career is going well.

But this time it is Levi's turn.

Pulling his eldest, careful not to wake him up. Shy scooted a little to give room for his brother, he also lower down his voice.

"Levi Ackerman! I'm so excited to interview you again!" Petra cheers.

Eren smiled. Another reunion of Levi's friends. The host is not only the raven's friend in camera but also in real life.

"But I would like to say that your beauty never fails, it only improves! Don't tell me you soak yourself in a tub full of milk after all these years!"

Levi let out a genuine laugh. "No!  It think that is stupid and expensive!"

Eren is falling hard. Petra didn't lie though, Levi is beautiful than ever, especially with the bulge on his stomach. A sign that says all that that charming Omega is his. Though, the bulge is not visible enough on TV due to raven's loose clothing, which is Eren's shirt.

An hour before the show starts, Eren got a call from his Omega. Levi was crying on the phone, simply reporting to his Alpha that the crew wants him to change into something worth for television. They offered pretty maternal clothes but the raven HATED it all.

In the end the pregnant Omega had his way.

"So Levi? What actually happened to you? We barely even received any news."

"Well Petra... What actually happened is that I experienced the most magical event in my life. I became a mother." Levi said it proudly with a smile on his face.

The audience went buzzing and Eren sure that this will be the top trending news on this day.

"Congratulations! We'd like to have you here with your babies next time! Oh! I'll bring mine too! That will be a wonderful Mother's Day special!"

Typical Petra, always out of the script.

"I've already brought one today." Levi giggles but Petra didn't dug any further. That is up for the viewers, but the live audience got the hint first when Levi stepped on the stage, his scent screamed pregnant.

Their talk came into an end with Levi stating that he is not going back under the lights but he will surely go back to Perta's show during Mother's Day with his children on tow.

"No fame and fortune can replace the my children's laughter."

Eren felt his heart warms with those words. Shy fell asleep as well in the middle of the interview and now using Eren's thigh as a pillow. It's been a year since they moved to the city in a new and bigger in a neighborhood equipped with fine security. Wish and Shy went to school and had new and more friends without trouble.

Pulling his two children close, he looked back at the TV. Levi is smiling genuinely on the camera, his eyes gleaming with happiness.

Yes, Eren can't agree more.


I think that's a good way to end the story.  Thank you for joining these two dorks in love with their children! If you're interested for more check my profile ♥

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