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"Levi, I've been thinking. Why did you name our son Shy?" Eren asks as he helps prepare the sandwiches. His son will be up soon, maybe a peace offering will make the kid change his mind about his own father.

"Because when I got him you were nowhere to be found, I was able to do what I want. And Shy is a cute name," Levi is completely aware that the name didn't sum up his son. Shy is NOT shy, he's outgoing, friendly, and willingly plays with new kids. Just like his father. But the name sure is cute and Levi proves it from feedback he got from everyone.

"Truth is, I was expecting to have him as an Omega. Turns out he's an Alpha. Now I have two overprotective brats," Levi snorts.

"I agree, he is overprotective." Eren laughs, the kid is really just like him, like a mini version.

"He's really going to give you a hard time, he even hisses at anyone who was just asking directions from me, even talking to the neighbors..... If only he had someone to protect aside from me, like, perhaps a little sibling." Levi mumbles.

"What?! Wait, what are you implying?!" Eren said in shock, he surely didn't expect those words from Levi's mouth.

"Pass me the mayo," Levi ignores but there is a hint playfulness in his eyes.

"Levi!!!" Eren whines.

Shy woke up and found himself tucked in his bed, he got out and turn on his mini TV. He knows that the bad Alpha is still downstairs and he is not in the mood to see him.

He got bored on the cartoons and randomly change the channel, he stops switching the channel when he spots the bad guy on the news. He scoots closer to the TV and gave his full attention on the screen.

"Eren, this is very strange. We all know that Eren Yeager loves his job, he said it himself on one of his exclusive interviews but now he actually declares to have a break! Why is that Eren? Why the sudden break?" the host asks in interest.

"Everyone needs a break from time to time," Eren cheerfully said.

"Does it have to do with your happy aura today?"

"Yeah, it does. I'm going to meet someone very special in my life for the first time in 8 years!"

"Wait! Is this particular person is Levi Ackerman?!"

"Yeah, and someone else of course," Eren said still beaming with happiness.

"This is great! Can you share with us this other special person in your life? Perhaps everyone will be thrilled to see this person!"

"Haha, No. I will not broadcast this person just for everyone's enjoyment and shit. But I know there are some that will risk it all to get a story. So a friendly reminder to everyone, not just the media of course. I will torture you all before killing you if I found you snooping your nose on someone else business, especially to MY business. That will be all thank you!" Eren switches from deadly serious to cheerful almost instantly.

"Hehehe," the host nervously laughs. "Oh, Eren. You never change."

Shy didn't manage to finish the interview, he turns off his TV and stares at the screen.

"He's a killer!" Shy shouts as he runs out of his room. He needs to protect his mother.

Shy Ackerman YeagerWhere stories live. Discover now