The Past I

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"Levi, just think about it," Eren begged. He had been begging for Levi to change his mind form the moment they discovered that he's pregnant. "Please."

"I already did! I'm on the top of my career and I can't risk on going down again! And this can ruin you as well!" Levi practically screamed at him. "You don't need to think of this. I'll handle this, you need to focus on your audition tomorrow. You have to take the main role."

"Levi, I'm a newbie. You know that I can't get it."

"You can if you focus enough! Memorize your lines and sleep early!" Levi finished before taking his bag and puts on his shoes. "I'll be gone in a few weeks but I'll keep in touch. And I'm expecting news that you'll be Rogue."

"But Levi....." Eren looked down at the photo on his hand. His child who he named Bliss is so small on the photo. But Levi snatched it from his fingers.

"I'm doing this for the both of us. You'll thank me one day." Then shut the door behind him.

Then Eren did got the main role and countless opportunities kept knocking on his door until his name was known in the industry.

"Who would have thought that the Eren Yeager that those directors had been rejecting is now claiming his 10th award tonight. Heh, they must be begging for you now," Levi purred on his chest, straddling on his hips.

Eren blinked several times. How long has it been since he audition for the character Rogue? How long has it been since Levi did abortion? Eren can't recall but base on his spacious condo, it's been years. Levi didn't say a word to him since then and it almost made Eren think like Bliss didn't exist in the first place.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Levi brushes his hair up. Eren almost blinded himself from all the gifts he gave to his Omega.

It was the diamond cobweb set that the Omega always wanted. With all the diamonds on his neck, ears, wrist, even his ankles, Levi almost looked like a goddess only with a see-through shirt and a lace underwear.

"Nothing, it's just these walking to the red carpet thing is not magical anymore." Eren said almost like a mumble. "Don't get me wrong, I love to get my award but....."

"Even when I'm with you?" Levi ask suspiciously, eyes narrowing on Eren.

"It's not you, it's just me." Eren just averted his gaze in boredom.

"Fine," Levi sighs, standing up while he took off each jewelry. "You can tell the press about our relationship."

"WHAT?! REALLY?!" Eren jumps out of the sofa.

"Yes, you can brag all you want and-" Levi was cut off when the Alpha lifted him off his feet.

"Thank you! Thank you! I really want the whole world to know that you are mine!" Eren hugs him tightly before biting the raven's neck causing the him to moan.

They both have their bonding marks on their necks but Levi doesn't like everyone to know, so it was always covered with makeup. But now, no more makeup. Eren lay him down on the floor before licking on the bite.

"E-Eren, we need to g-get ready for t-the-"

"Later." Eren commanded and the Omega willingly bend to it.

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