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Eren slowly closed the door, leaving Shy and Levi to sleep in peace. He found the four lined up on the livings room's sofa, they were cleaning the shells that Shy dropped a while ago, clearly they are doing as an apology. Hange's the one who looked up first when Eren came in.

"Seriously Eren! He is soooooo cute!" Hange exclaimed, squeezing her cheeks.

"Of course! He is my son!" Eren proudly puffs.

"What is his name?" Mikasa almost hops on her spot.

"Shy, I know, it's uncommon but it's cute right? Levi's picked it!"

"I do admit, it is cute." Armin chuckles.

They all went in silence after that. Eren knew very well that they want to touch that subject but no one dares to open it up, good thing there is Hange.

"Hehe, Levi looks so different now," Hange tried but soon every dips on the same topic.

"Yeah, it must be hard." Mikasa said quietly.

"They say that the toughest job on earth is being a mother," Armin said.

They all smile at Eren, expect for Erwin who is furrowing his giant brows like he is thinking something important.

Eren took the vacant seat and relaxed himself. All of them knew what Levi had done and they don't took it well like Eren, even Hange and Erwin held a grudge on the raven.

Hange and Erwin did their best to stop Levi from his intension but the Omega is stubborn as fuck and did his 'first strike'. When Levi found out his pregnant again, none of them said a word to him, like everyone on the room knew too well what he'll do. Even Eren, he was not happy to see the positive pregnancy test anymore, he knew very well that Levi never changes his mind. At that time they knew that Levi will disappear for a while but they all didn't expect that he'll be gone in 8 years with no communication on any of them.

"Wait! Wait! Shy?! I thought he was Wish!" Erwin cuts in, confusions painted on his voice.

"No, the other one was Bliss," Armin carefully whispers on Erwin.

"What? Hey! Erwin what do you mean you thought he was Wish! Who is Wish?!" Eren towers over the blonde Alpha.

"Levi didn't tell you?" Erwin bows his head.

Everyone looks at Erwin in both shock and confusion. Is Levi is finding more form them? From Eren?

"Rogue?" Shy peeks through the the living room. Everyone turns their attention to the child, their expression soften at the cute sigh.

Eren stand up and picked the still drowsy child. "Yes, baby is there's something you want?"

"Ice cream," Shy nuzzles on his neck.

They all went to the kitchen and get all their ice cream.

Levi quickly went back to his room and buried himself on the covers. Erwin threw a clue, what will Eren think of him now?

Shy Ackerman YeagerWhere stories live. Discover now