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"How on earth did you get a summer cold?!" Levi scolds.

"Hehe... Sorry," Eren smiles despite the migraine that is hammering his head.

He felt his body shivers at the cold despite the hot weather. Levi noticed it and pulled the blanket up to his chin.

"Are you not aware how tired you are from all the chores you did? Instead of resting, you went for a swim. How stupid can you be?" Levi mumbles under breath. He places the damp cloth on Eren's forehead with too much force.

"Ow..." Eren whined with a pout.

"You're so stupid!" Levi shouted at him before stomping his way out of their bedroom.

Maybe Eren is seeing things because he can saw how Levi's eyes water like he was about to cry. He pushes the blankets to his lap and manages to sit up. Levi's been acting weird lately, as much as his body protested he wants to leave the bed and soothes his distress mate.

"Eren, honey. Are you okay?" Kuchel slowly enters the room and approached him. Eren just gave her a tired smile. "I saw Levi storming out. He seems upset, did something happened?"

"I... I don't know," Eren sighs in defeat. "As for my health, it's just a cold."

"But still you need to take care of yourself. Shy says he wants to play with you after you finish playing with your friends in the sea."

"Really?" Eren beams up at the news. Now he regretted swimming with his friends.

Their pleasant conversation was stopped by a series distant shout, probably it came from the living room.

"I'll check it out. Stay here and rest." Kuchel was out in a swift.

Eren sighs and rests his back against the headboard, the shouts continues and Eren's feet were itching to leave the bed and investigate what was happening in the other room. The shouts subside but Eren's curiosity didn't, he was about to move when Kuchel enters the room.

"What happend?"

"Levi," she sighs. "He blames your friends, actually also his friends for making you sick."


"He demands them out of the island. But Mikasa protested and they shouted at each other, I stopped Levi while Armin did the same to Mikasa." Kuchel sighs again and massages her temples. "But the rest of your friends didn't mind, especially that Hange. She looks happy as well as that tall blonde guy."

"Where is Levi now?" Eren asks with full of concern. He is not angry instead, he is worried. His gut is telling him that something is wrong, Levi will never kick his friends out after they haven't seen each other for years. Most of them might not see it but Eren saw it clearly, the omega was happy to see his friends again.

"In Shy's room," Kuchel sighs again. "He is actually much harder to handle compare to his children." She said it as if Levi was a curse. Eren can feel himself shiver not from the cold this time.

"Mommy Kuchel!" Hange's happy aura filled the room.

"Oh, yes dear?" Kuchel quickly switches to her usual self.

"Can I talk with for a sec?" Hange almost squeals.

"Oh, sure but are the kids still asleep?"

"Yep!" After Kuchel nodded Hange practically drag the poor woman out of the room.

Eren sat there like a lost puppy. Shaking his head he decided to go to Levi.

But Levi enters the room in a second, locking the door shut. His back is facing Eren. Concern flooded the Alpha when Levi's distress scent filled the room.


Levi slowly faces him, tears streaming on his face. Eren heart's stopped, who did this to his Omega? Was it Mikasa? Kuchel? If Levi is crying like this it must be serious. Levi ran to him and flop on the bed, he curled himself on Eren's side and continued to cry. Eren holds him tight, crooning and massaging his scalp until Levi fell asleep.

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