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After the drama on the kitchen, Levi manage to recover and proceed to work. He brings his laptop on the porch and encourage Eren to have some quality time with Shy alone.

Shy lined up his new toys on the on the living room, from the smallest to the largest. It was a set of different kinds of dinosaurs. Shy tries his best to read each dinosaur's profile, avoiding the hard words such as the names. Shy almost finish reading when Rogue came and sat across him.

"Wow, look at all this." Rogue eyed his work with his toys. "So, are you having fun with these? Do you like it? I can buy you more."

"They have hard names," Shy said in distaste.

"You can name them whatever you want, like this one." Rogue pointed the T-rex. "This one can be Rex."

They end up naming every toy. Shy often stare at Rogue, he got questions but he doesn't know how to ask. He averts his gaze every time Rogue caught him staring.

"Shy why don't we play another game?" Rogue offers, he sense that the boy have some questions in mind.

"What game?"

"It's called interview, you will ask question and I'll answer them."

"Oh, like the guy that ask question on TV?"

"Yeah, you will play as the guy that ask questions."

"Ok," Shy thought for a moment. Now that Rogue allows him to ask questions the boy forgot all the questions he listed on his mind. He let his gaze wonder around the room until he saw the collections of DVDs. "Who is the girl with yellow hair that is always with you on the movies?"

"Oh, that was Historia. She is my leading lady."

"Do you... like her?"

"As a friend, I do, but not "like" like how I "like" your mommy. We both know that we only do it for work. She also had her own mate."

"Mother said that too but I don't believe him." Shy looks around, when he was sure that his mother is out of sigh he whispers to Rogue. "Mother will throw popcorn at her, every time she shows in the TV, sometimes I saw him get angry when you hug her or hold hands."

Eren tried to hold back a grin. Typical Levi, he always get jealous since the day his pairing with Historia became a huge hit. Long ago, Levi threw a knife on the TV when Historia's face will pop up. Ymir, Historia's mate did the same to him.

"Mommy just did that because he loves me. Like how he loves you, he doesn't like other people touching you too much." Rogue smiles down at him.

"Oh......" Shy think again, he frowns as he remember the question his been wanting to ask. "Why did you come here?"

Rogue cheerful aura turns to gray, he pause for a moment before speaking. "Shy, your mother and used to live together but we both made mistakes and we need time to think about it. But now your mommy and I already forgive each other."

"Why so long? Why don't you just forgive each other faster? Did mommy made a very bad mistake?" Shy whines with teary eyes.

"Oh Shy, it was not easy but we made it through. We learn from our mistakes and our past and that helps us prepare for the future. You'll understand more when you grow up." Rogue pat the boy's head.

Shy hardly understands it and he hopes he will when he grows up.

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