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"Shy, what happened?" Levi kneels down on Shy's level and offers a towel for Shy to blow his nose. The boy's eyes were red and he was sniffing from crying. Levi looks up with a glare at Eren.

"I'm sorry, I made him angry because my T-rex killed his dodo, I'll take him for an ice cream out side as an apology, right Shy?" Eren said as he puts on his sunglasses. Shy nods on Levi.

"Are sure you're okay?" Levi asked Shy again. Shy just gave him a toothy smile.

"If I'll have chocolate ice cream, I will!" Shy jumps looking up to Eren, when Eren nods his head, Shy tug him to the front door.

"Okay, have fun!" Levi waves at them.

"Don't worry will be back soon!" Eren waves at him before blowing him a flying kiss.

"Ba-Bye, mommy!" Shy waves before Eren close the door.

Mommy... Shy doesn't usually call him that, the boy always called him 'Mother' and nothing else. He must have pick up that word from Eren. Levi just let it be and proceed to his work with a smile. It's nice to see his boys getting along.


Levi heard the front door open and close, followed by Shy's heavy running steps. Levi closed his laptop. From the moment he turns from his office chair, Shy is already in front of him. A white box with a pale pink ribbon on was held by his small hands. He gave it to Levi.

"Happy birthday!" Shy greets.

"Oh, it's not my birthday dear, but thank you." Levi accepts and gave the boy a hug. Eren came afterwards. "What is this about?" Levi asked the Alpha.

"It's actually 'Make Your Mommy Happy Day!" Eren greets at the same scale as Shy did it. God, watching both of his boys make Levi want to squeeze them in his embrace.

"Open it!" Shy cheers excitedly.

Levi unties the bow, opening the cover, he was surprise to see a plush inside. He took it out of the box and examined the plush. It was an angel plush with halo and wings, it wore a t-shirt printed with words: "Bliss", then under it said: "I will always love you too! Mommy!"

And that was it, Levi broke down. Hugging the plush on his chest as he cry hard. Shy was shock at the sudden out burst of his mother and was about to cry as well, he came to Eren and punched his father on the stomach.

"You said that it will make mommy happy! It made him sad! And-and it was m-my idea," Shy cries.

Eren panics, he kneels down and croons at the crying boy.

"Shy," Levi calls out while putting the plush on top of his laptop, Shy turn towards him and ran to his open arms. "I'm not sad, I'm just too happy."

"People tend to cry when they are super happy like mommy," Eren said, patting the boys head.

Shy looks up to Levi, his mother just smiles down at him. "Thank you, Shy. I love it very much."

Shy's eyes widen, he hugs Levi, a happy smile was painted on his face. Levi turns to Eren and whispers "Thank you."

Eren joins the group hug, squeezing his beloved family on his arms.

On the second drawer, on the right cabinet near the bed. There a black and white photo of fetus, float on the walls of comfort. At the back words were written in cursive.


"I'm sorry, dear. Mommy will always love you."

Shy Ackerman YeagerWhere stories live. Discover now