The Past II

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"I'm pregnant."

"Again?" Erwin casually replied. "Okay."

Levi glared at his best friend who currently not paying much attention to him because of what he'd done years ago. To Levi, it was his damn body and he can do whatever he wants.

"I'm not ready Erwin."

"Of course," Erwin flips through the pages.

"Is that all you've got to say?!"

"No matter what I- we say, it will not change your mind."

"I'm saying this so that I'm not the bad guy here! I'm not mentally ready and I had alot of work ahead of me and so as Eren!"

"Does Eren know?"

"No, he doesn't need to know. He's in another country for a movie, he'll be there in a year and a half."

"More time for you then." Erwin continued looking at his papers and never dare to look up to him.

"Is that all you've got to say?" anger roused on his voice when Erwin didn't say a word, he shouted. "FINE!" before stomping out of the blonde's office.

Months paased, Eren came back and never knew about the second pregnacy but Levi is still carefull. He cuts his connecting with his mother to prevent Eren from knowing his suppose be 'second strike'. But that didn't stop Erwin from questioning him.

Levi was alone on his dressing room when Erwin came in. "Kuchel called me."

"Of course she does." Levi annoyingly bites back.

"Levi, you can't just abandon your own child. Your's and Eren's."

"I didn't abandon him! My money feeds him as well as mom, that is not abandoning!" Levi raised his vioce.

"Did something happened between you and Kuchel?" Erwin continued totally not faze by Levi's anger.

"Oh, shut it Eyebrows!" Levi slammed his palms on the table and walk pass Erwin.

Why would Erwin dips himself on his problem with his mother? He doesn't need to know that he stopped the abortion because of his mom. He doesn't need to know that he got in a very bad fight with her. He doesn't need to know that Wish is born mute and deaf because of Levi's doing. He doesn't need to know any of it. And Eren doesn't need to know any of it.

But faith must have hate him so much, he got pregnant for the third time and Eren was the first to know.

"No." Levi firmly said.

Eren just sighs in defeat and went to the door, closing it behind him.

"What the fuck?! Where are you going?!" But his voice never make to the Alpha.

Silence greets him alone on Eren's condo. Erwin ignores him, Hange barely talks to him, Mikasa wants to kill him, and his mom is disgusted of him. Now his mate hates him! Everyone hates him now.

"Fuck!" Levi crused himself for crying over his situation. But the tears just won't stop.

He packed his things and drove out of town. They won't notice he was gone anyway.

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